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六月 2007
七月 2007 八月 2007 九月 2007 十月 2007 十一月 2007 十二月 2007 一月 2008 二月 2008 三月 2008 四月 2008 五月 2008 六月 2008 七月 2008 八月 2008 九月 2008 十月 2008 十一月 2008 十二月 2008 一月 2009 二月 2009 三月 2009 四月 2009 五月 2009 六月 2009 七月 2009 八月 2009 九月 2009 十月 2009 十一月 2009 十二月 2009 一月 2010 二月 2010 三月 2010 四月 2010 五月 2010 六月 2010 七月 2010 八月 2010 九月 2010 十月 2010 十一月 2010 十二月 2010 一月 2011 二月 2011 三月 2011 四月 2011 五月 2011 六月 2011 七月 2011 八月 2011 九月 2011 十月 2011 十一月 2011 十二月 2011 一月 2012 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
恭喜恭喜 =)
今天已是4月的最后一天了。 真的太快了。 算算,我中学毕业已经有两年了。 踏入学院生活有一年多了。 投入在感情世界也快要两年了。 拿了2年的驾照。换句话说,那个p牌快要拆下来了。 严格来说,我的生活好像是中学毕业后才开始。 我开始作主了。 我开始有自己的想法了。 我开始会担心家里的状况,想出份力量来帮忙。 我开始成熟了,不再拿小小的事情来杀死我体内的细胞。 我开始会规划我的人生,虽然还是有点模糊,可是我一点都不怕了。 我开始学会爱,爱或被爱,还真的是门学问。 很多很多事情,都开始慢慢象征着我不再是那个可以人性地耍脾气小孩子。 我要长大了。 要学会人与人之间的相处。 要学会戴面具和面罩来打拚。 要学会偶尔的撒娇是有加分的。 要学会压力可以是朋友,也可以是你的天敌。 要学会如何跟危机打交道,不让危机成为你计划的绊脚石。 还有要学会收敛脾气,不是每件事都可以靠脾气和傻劲来完成的。 我还小,年轻是我的本钱。 这段时间应该给人骗,给人敲诈,给人玩弄,给人设计。 我这段时间也要醒目,偶尔扮愚蠢,偶尔要站出来顶自己。 就是因为要年轻,所以更加要经历这些。 我快要20岁了。 就在19岁的这一年,我会继续疯癫,一直到一个极限为止。。。 * 昨天看了威廉王子的婚礼。 这个相隔30年后,英国终于都有个喜事可以大家一起共享盛举。 ![]() 昨天一路这么看,心里还真的很惦念戴安娜王妃。 看着威廉王子,虽然样子比较像爸爸,可是很多报导都说妈妈还是占据他心中很大的位置。 是啊~ 单看这场婚礼的地点和歌曲曲目,还有贵宾们,都可以非常清楚看到。 有朋友在Twitter说,戴安娜王妃一定在某处衷心地祝福他们这对新人。 ![]() 当中有几个部分还真的很闷,可是我和老妈一直在讲东讲西。 贵宾们的服装,教堂的装潢,贵宾们的头饰,女王的历史,戴安娜王妃的历史,查尔斯王子的历史,贵宾名单,等等。 而且还看到很多超帅的帅哥。 单单哈里王子就一直让我尖叫了。 还有,詹姆士,凯特的弟弟。哈哈~ 该说的,我昨天已在微博和Twitter说了。 最后就祝福这对新人。 希望他们能打破咒语,一直白头偕老,双双对对。 也希望下一个喜事能快点宣布。 ![]() ![]() ![]() 昨天都差点忘了我们之间的沉默。 看完整段婚礼时,还想快点把那心情与他分享。 刚开始打字时,才记得。 我们这样已经有9天了。 可是我就是不懂要如何打破这沉默。 而且很衰样,这段时间一直听到很多人都在闹分手,害得我的心差点担心过头而昏倒。 可是还是朋友的一句话,把我从悲伤中救回来。 亲爱的,我真的不知道如何是好。 只是希望你在那边一定要开开心心哦~ 而且身体的健康一定要顾好。 你所有负面的情绪就让我承担好了。 你就带着所有正面的力量,继续为未来打拼。 我在这里都很好。
I hate April!
Went to McD to fulfill a promise.
And there's 5 more weeks to go. Gambateh! Many funny things happened during the lunch. Lots of epic and useless conversation were held. Me, Ruling, Crystal and Nikki. Yup. That's the result of 4 of us gather together. For the first time in my life too, i ate a large McD meal. Plus one sundae too. Still, i couldnt finish it. Ate finished the burger and sundae. Took back home the fries and coke. Oh, and that first collection of coke's cup. The color was much nicer compare that the pictures. But mum commented it look just like the Carlberg's cup. Well, i dont care. Because first of, this is a promise i made with him. And second, sometimes i just like to do silly stuff. Either way, 5 more weeks to go. I'll see if i want to post a picture of the 5 cups later. Haha~ * If Eunice didnt mention, i hadnt realize that April is coming to the end. And yes, April aint my month at all. Too many things happened like i mention at the last few posts. May is coming in just a few days. I dont hope to wish anything in May. But i just wish my tears will stop falling. And please be deaf when my heart breaks again. I dislike that sound. I wont want to say much about it again. But this time, it hurts more than last few time. I just dont want each one of us to feel hurt and useless. This isnt what we want the others to feel. This is so wrong. But what can i do? I've tried to break the silence, but in the end, all i get is the echo of my heart break. Maybe i should listen to Eunice. This is only a temporarily. Everything will be alright in a snap of fingers. I just need to believe in him, me and this relationship. Haiz~ No matter what issue it is, i just wish May will be a calm month. No more war or any conflict. Just let it be a calm and smooth May...
每天早上6点半起床,接下来就不需要很详细地讲啦~ 只是今天很,我也不知道该用什么形容词。 就是我出门了,刚好停在家门口的红绿灯。 突然接到Crystal的电话,说今天的课取消了。还有同学也写在Facebook上面。 我就只好说谢谢后,看到Eunice的简讯,也拨电给Nikki。 我就只好找个地方U转。 一回到家,爸妈看到我回来,还以为我发生什么事了。 我告诉他们一切后,就坐下来陪他们吃早餐。 也聊了很多。 才发现,我已经有一段时间没与家人吃早餐了。 每天都为了避免塞车,而被迫早早就出门。 也很感谢这次的课被取消,我才有机会坐下来。 过后我就躺在床上面,任由思绪到处飘。 也不知是否太累了,还是我的床的怀抱太温暖了,眼皮也随着盖上,进入梦乡去了。 厚~ 那感觉真的很爽。 仿佛把一切疲惫给一次过清理。 睁开眼睛时,整个人的精神好爽快,好有活力。 甚至还偷偷许下心愿,偶尔来点这样也不错嘛~ 很奇怪,这次的事件发生,我的火只是燃烧了那几秒钟。 剩下的时间我一直在感谢这件事的发生。 因为你看,那短短的早上,我可以弥补了这两件事。 你说,到底棒不棒? =) * 那天真的很抱歉,我不知道到底有没有让任何担心。 我在公路上猛踩油门。 把窗口拉下,耳边除了风声,电台正在播什么歌曲,也听不进。 我很清楚我在干嘛,可是当下的我并没有把自己的安危放在眼前。 只是一味地踩油门到底。 然后听着耳边的风生带来的快感。 当时我飙到120时速。 心里意外地没有感到害怕或紧张,仿佛有点放松了有点慢慢接受事实的感觉。 当然,为了不让你更加担心,我还是不要写得那么仔细。 可能这就是为什么有些人心情不好时,都会去飙车。 我也体验到了。 没有害怕,没有紧张,判断力都沉入自动状态,耳边的风声把我暂时封锁,眼睛虽然看着前方可是就是没办法移动。 就这样一直飙到家为止,才慢慢恢复意识。 当时还是早上,所以公路上并没有很多车。 也蛮庆幸的一点。 我不敢保证下次会不会还这样做。 可是我知道,那次之后心情的确是冷静很多。 打开了心胸,告诉自己,与其流泪过一天,不如带着笑容过。 至少心不会觉得闷闷的,也不必这么难受。 * 自从那天说好要学会正面思考,心里的确没有这么难受了。 开始学会抱着感谢感恩的心态。 当然很感谢这件事的发生,我才有机会更深一层的了解他。 有机会重新听到自己用的词语和语气。 有机会听到他的心声。 亲爱的,你放心好了。 我真的不会怪你。 你也不要在继续怪你自己了。 对身心都不是很好噢~ 我们这段时间没有联络,也许是件好事。 因为我开始学会找另外一个出口来发泄,也学会如何暂时不理会事情。 以前的我,要是这样子还继续下去,我还真的每天红着眼睛面对大家。 可是这次的我不会那样。 反而我会想办法放下先,疯狂地与朋友玩一顿。 再来才慢慢想办法要如何与你和好。 亲爱的,你真的是最棒了。 至少往好的方面想,你还敢表达你的情绪。 而且我们也会为了这种事而争议。 这不是每对情侣都会面对的叻~ 因为可能他们选择不要去面对,反而时间久了,也许某天当他们踏入婚姻时,才发现这种事真的不能躲避的。 我们却在这个阶段就面对了。 也很敢做决定。 虽然不容易,但这见证了我们对这段感情的责任和热情。 我还真的要感谢你。 亲爱的,不要联络也好,要联络也好。 我还是要告诉全世界,你是我的男人叻~ 我当然很欣赏你,很爱慕你,很崇拜你。 而且对你的爱也不会输给你对我的爱。 亲爱的,我真的很爱你哦~
It's only April...
Couldnt really much describe what's my mood now. I mean there's so many mixture of it. Just like drinking a glass of cocktail. Different kind of taste appears on your tongue when you took a sip. I dont know whether i should feel heartache or happy or sad or tears or fake my smile or fake my hope or... Argh~ I really dont know. It's only the fourth month of 2011 and there's too many things happened. I cant list out the details but it making me wonder how should i live on with all this? Especially my relationship. We've been going through a lot of fights and conflicts since the beginning of year. I'm not doubting us but i just tired of this. I really dont want to go through what WongFu had said in his video. I do understand that we are going through stages right now. It just sometimes i'm tired of it. I need some fresh air to breath. Not the aroma of my tears. I dont mind get hurt. I really dont. It just i dont want us to look so fragile. I dont want us to start doubting each other whether what is the next step he/she is taking. I need us to stay strong and trust each other with full heart. Yes, there are many obstacles in front of us now. And the biggest factor is about our surroundings. I guess he's right. We need to calm down and give some time and space to think about it. But i need to speak out now, i wont let go no matter what happened. Unless it's reasonable and convincing, or else i wont let go. I've lost him once and i dont want to do it the second time. Maybe it was me that need all these meditation. But the last thing i wanna say, i dont need WongFu to guide me which stages we are now and predict what is our next move. No offense but somehow it makes my stupid mind wander to negative thinking and making me feel insecure. Still, thanks to WongFu for teaching me a lesson.
Fireworks Exile
It's SUMMERTIME! EXILE's main job is to rock this world Wish it's forever 消えないで燒け付き身を焦がす Fireworks, just like fireworks 君が火を點けた導火線 胸の中走り拔け打ち上がる Your love is like fireworks A E I O U 不意をつかれて 聞かれたくない溜息 You blow my mind スパイシ一で甘い 唇で覆い盡くすから 視線を奪い離さないネオンの花 闇を照らし 魂を搖さぶる光 思わず手を伸ばす Diamonds in the sky That makes me want to fly 風が吹いてもself-ignitionが作動 火花は今にも燃え出しそう 情熱がはじけ飛ぶ音 Bang! Bang! Bang! 真夏の夜に Wish it's forever 消えないで燒け付き身を焦がす Fireworks, just like fireworks 君が火を點けた導火線 胸の中走り拔け打ち上がる Your love is like fireworks 宵の頃コントラストはまだ 暮夜けて滲んでいるけど You took my breath away So high雲の上へ 誘い夢見心地にしてしまう 體中に浴びせるillusion shower 細胞に滲み迂んで愛を伝える 思わず握りしめる Diamonds in the sky That makes me want to fly 風が吹いてもself-ignitionが作動 火花は今にも燃え出しそう 情熱がはじけ飛ぶ音 Bang! Bang! Bang! 真夏の夜に 轉載來自 ※Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網 Wish it's forever 消えないで燒け付き身を焦がす Fireworks, just like fireworks 君が火を點けた導火線 胸の中走り拔け打ち上がる Your love is like fireworks Hu 眩し過ぎるBaby 陽の日差しで身も心もBlazin' 夏の夜風でも冷ますことは無理 もう既に癖になりそうでCrazy アッアッ二人の距離はまだ アッアッ近くて遠いから アッアッ朝日がのぼる前に 確實に縮めようぜこのまま Bang F.I.R.E.wowowoworks Yes カウントダウン 今本物の愛手につかんだ もし離れていても無い不安は ほら見上げろ空に壁はないぜ 二人のWorld 心を繫いでる その瞬間瞬間に誓う Love Forever いつまでもSpark Everytime I see you... My heart burns, breaks and shakes, oh crazy... またポ一ズを替えて迫り來る Niagara, Star-mine, Roman-candle It's SUMMERTIME! EXILE's main job is to rock this world It's SUMMERTIME! EXILE's main job is to rock this world Wish it's forever 消えないで燒け付き身を焦がす Fireworks, just like fireworks 君が火を點けた導火線 胸の中走り拔け打ち上がる Your love is like fireworks 觸れるな火遊びはDanger これはガキのお遊びじゃね一んだ すぐ消える火遊びはDanger もしやんなら後始末忘れんな Wish it's forever 消えないで燒け付き身を焦がす Fireworks, just like fireworks 君が火を點けた導火線 胸の中走り拔け打ち上がる Your love is like fireworks * 音乐力量大! 无论是在什么情形下听,音乐都不会背叛你的。 我很喜欢一个人时,开着播放器,进入随机状态,看看今天的歌曲能不能与我的心情对到。 哈哈~ 这种玩法,就好像等着开奖的那样等待。 如果你今天的心情是欢乐,可是播放器却一直在播着忧伤的歌曲,你也还是得继续听下去。 就一直让它一直播放到你想要听的歌为止。 我就是这样一直地玩。 看看是播放器会影响我,还是我影响播放器。 听到自己想要的歌曲时,就尽情地开最大声。 不理会身边正在发生什么事,就是让那音乐侵袭自己的耳膜,然后慢慢感染体内的每一个细胞。 你可能的心情是忧伤,可是在无知中,你还是觉得很不错的忧伤。 哈哈~ 人跟音乐不一样。 人必须靠时间和行动来获取信任。 可是音乐,也许一开始你不是很喜欢,但慢慢的,只要你用心打开你的耳膜,让它进入你体内,无形中,你也开始喜欢了它。 前者需要实际行动,后者只需你坐下来静静聆听。 所以,你说,如果这些理由真的存在,真的有那么说服力,我还能不喜欢音乐吗? ^3^ * 就算是门当户对,冲突争议吵架骂架伤害都是无法避免的。 最大的理由都是因为我们来自不同的家庭环境。 有些人就是无法承受这个理由,而选择放手。 也有些人更厉害,甚至不想踏入感情陷阱,就是深怕自己会不能适应彼此。 当我们决定在一起的那一刻时,我就已经做好心理准备了。 也告诉自己,如果真的合不来,那就不要浪费彼此的时间和青春。 可是你知道我为什么还继续要与你在一起吗? 那是因为我告诉自己,如果我离开了你,就算我遇到了下一位,我还是不可能找到一位生长环境与我一样的人。 既然如此,我为何不成熟点? 当我们在拼凑一幅拼图时,我们也会碰到不能完整融入空位的那一块。 我们会想办法,找对的角度或另找图案来填补它。 感情就是如此。 我们都正在玩拼图。 而那些空位就是我们的一些些障碍。 性格,生长环境,个人看法,外人的言语,自己的心理障碍等等。 我们就负责找个角度来和解。 也许会花时间,可是我相信我们还是有办法完成的。 就当作是我们还很年轻。 还有很多事情等着我们去经历。 好吧?
Epic day =)
Today's class was quite ok, i guess.
At least we learn how to play with video camera's tripod. High angle, wide angle, and wrap it all up. The tripod was quite heavy and a bit long. But everyone did a great job. But this is not the fun part. Last week, we plan to pay a visit to Taman Connaught's night market. Of course we need to stay one night at Eunice's house. So, after getting permission, off we execute our plan. And right now, i'm blogging at her house. Haha~ Since class ended at 11.30am, there's plenty of time before the night market. So, we decided to eat lunch and went for a karaoke session. After lunch, we parked at Leisure Mall and walk to Neway. 6 of us, plus Crystal coming a bit late, 7 of us sang together from 1.30pm till 7pm. Damn lots of epic things happened in that room. We danced, we rocked, we emo-ed, we done silly stuff, we changed the singing style. Well, obviously, you named it, and we did it. Just that i need to sharpen my rapping skills again. Sucks, my rapping skill had regress. I cant rap PROPERLY a song. Especially Limp Bizkit's "Rollin'"... Argh~ i need to train behind doors now. Then we headed to the night market. And damn, the night market is very very very long... We decided to walk half the market and left the other half for next time. Things went smoothly. Until rain started to fall from sky. And you know what i did, i was holding a piece of fried chicken while walking in fast pace and my mouth was munching it. Ok, shouldnt describe it so detail, but i cant stop laughing whenever that image pop out. So, plan to night market was a bit failure, we change our destination to a steamboat restaurant. And there, we gossip and talk, at the same time, we keep stuffing food into our mouth. And yes, i'm damn full right now. I dont know what time am i heading to bed now. Overall, today is damn epic day. Thanks to Eunice, Crystal, Pee Yee, Ian, Bing, MeiTze and Samantha. Let's do this again! * Watched an episode of variety show yesterday. They were talking about changing every thoughts to positive thinking. So that you are calm down and your mind is clear to solve the problems. Well, it did occurred me for a while. I mean i'm quite well known with my temper. And sometimes i cant make a solution when pressure starts pressing me. Temper and impatience are always my biggest foe. I just never like them. Never once. After the show, i realize maybe i havent find a way to change my thoughts. I mean, look at it. I got angry because i lock myself within my temper. I for mad because i'm not trying to find a way out. Instead i punished myself and other people with my foe. This makes me felt guilty all the time. Maybe i really should starts find a way to change my thoughts. Maybe i really should starts master meditation or at least stop tormenting myself with my stupid thoughts. It aint fair for the others to bear my foe. It aint worth it for the others to solve my problems while i'm stuck in my minds. It aint satisfying to know that others are trying to make me happy while i reject myself. It aint fun for myself neither. Stop thinking about stupid thoughts. Stop locking myself within my temper. Stop punishing myself and others with my foes. Starts think widely and push myself to the limit. Starts think positively and make my day a happy day. Starts to learn how to transfer positive energy to the others as well. I need time and i need space. For sure, i need myself to cooperate. Forgive me if my sudden change scares you, but i'm kinda tired with my foes. I want them to get out from my life forever... * ![]()
今天上Ethnic in PR时,讲师就开了一部电影让我们观赏。
《Easy A》 ![]() 故事的情节是如此。 女主角本来是一个不怎么起眼的女生。 某天,她的好友邀请她一起露营,可是她就是不是很想去。 但又不知怎么开口拒绝。 她就开始撒了谎,说要与一个男人约会。 事实上,根本就没有那个男人。她就只是在家度过了周末。 星期一,朋友就问了她与那男人约会的情景。 还问了到底有没有和男生轧上。 女主角说没有,可是朋友不信。 一直说女主角很害羞,这么一点点都不要说。 女主角最后又跟着撒谎,说有轧上,把第一次献给了那个男生。 就这样,故事圆绕在女主角撒谎后。 讲师要我们以公关的角度去研究。 为什么女主角要撒谎? 为什么女主角不早早出来说真话? 周围的人是怎样扭曲事实? 而那些相信真实的人,为何还要来加害她? 种种的问题,原来都是在我们现实中都常发生的。 这部电影很棒的地方是,女主角后来决定一次过澄清整个谎言,而且身后有个很强的力量在支持她。 是的,有时要承认错误,你必须要拥有很大的勇气。 但你也许要一个很强大的力量来支持你。 因为是他们,你才愿意面对大家的指指点点。 谎言和真实,往往都是一个念头和一个字的差别。 只是你要如何解决这摊难。 而撒了谎,你又如何保持自己的中庸之道,不受影响,不随着你的编的谎言,迷失了自己。 电影的背后,看到了我们的人性。 无论是用什么角度观赏这部电影,它还真的一部非常棒的影片。 =) * 钱钱钱。 那天还了老爸机票的钱,银行户口的数目字一下子变得很可悲。 连我都快要哭了。 我要找工作了。 当然我还是会照顾我的学业的。 也许会影响健康而已。。。 但不管啦~ 我要赚外快,就必须得一点点牺牲吧~ 而且再怎么说,我是心甘情愿的。 怨言多多少少有一点,可是我还是愿意行动的。 为了梦想,为了欢乐,为了假期,兼职,钱币,我来了! * 正式倒数8个月。 还有8个月而已,我就能感受他牵我手的力量。 我就能什么都不想,安静地在他怀里取暖。 我就能想说什么就说什么,不用担心任何字眼会带来的敏感。 我就能自在地在他面前,疯狂地表现我自己。 我也知道,当时的我,是很安全地陪伴在他身边。 就8个月而已。 我就只需持续加油8个月。 到时我爱怎样,就可以好无顾忌地在他面前表现出来。 亲爱的,是不是有点迫不及待了呢? 哈哈~ 今天还在班上小小炫耀了一下。 哈哈~ 我好想你噢~
Sucky day =(
It's raining and i'm suppose to be on the train, on my way to meet my friends.
Woke up and look at the sky. It's dark and i can smell the aroma of rain. Mood went straight downhill and it kill my thoughts of going out. Told mum i'm not going out. Sucks to walk under the rain. I dont feel like getting wet today. Not today. I didnt text my friends, i just let it be. After all, they might be busy with their works and couldnt bother to look at their phones. So i ate my healthy breakfast and had a nice chat with bro. After that, watch a few variety shows and i took a shower. Still, no sign of rain is getting small. I cant lift up my mood again. Therefore i'm here blogging of how life can be miserable when a rain kills your day. Haha~ * Cant believe it's weekend now. Like what Cheesie wrote in her twitter, "Didnt realize it's weekend oredi. Rebecca Black ate the whole week. T_T" Well, i kinda agree with that. Because my college mates had been singing her song for the whole entire week. They even keep finding parody videos on youtube and play it louder like there's no one in the room. Thanks to them, the songs is now currently stuck in my head like elephant glue. It cant be taken off easily. Argh~ Some more the worst part of it, the song aint nice at all. It felt stupid and annoying. Oops~ sorry, got carried away. Anyway, i still have no idea how should i spend my weekend. But i dont feel like going out at all. I'm broke now and i desperately need a job to earn income. I can feel my tears when i went to check my savings in my bank account. How pathetic it was. Haiz~ So, staying at home, at least i'm not spending money. But i also need extra income. Help? * He's suffering from minor Gastroenteritis. And i cant help anything at all. It feel sucks. Man, how can i not be worried all the time? Surf the net to see if i really can help out, but none of it comfort my mood. Sucks! Haiz~ I cant do anything but pray that he'll get well soon. I dont know if i was my fault. All my bad lucks seem to transfer to him. Last year, i really had a bad health year. I never once feel better. But this year, he keep falling sick. I strongly doubt that it was my bad luck. Damn~ I shouldnt stay so close with him, now look what i have done. Dear, please take care and try to consume some foods to build energy for your body. They need at least some energy and heat to kill bacteria in your body. Or at least drink as much as water as you can. I'm sorry that i cant help out. Promise me that you'll get well soon. I miss you...
早上起床时,还在倾盆大雨。 本来是没什么想理会,反正Nikki是不可能早到的。 准时7点20分从家里出发,到火车站7点半。 火车也蛮准时到的。 不到40分,就已经看到Nikki了。 上了车,也开始了行程。 不用说,一定是塞车了。 也很严重的。 平时只要5分钟的地方,我就塞在那个地方要将近20分。 更何况是其他地方。 听到交通咨询,说是LDP发生了一场交通意外,正在清理现场,才导致这么严重的塞车。 也就算了。 Nikki睡觉;我则开电台。 听到歌曲就开到大大声。 一方面是解闷,另一方面是打起精神,不要打瞌睡。 后来也开进了高速公路。那时已经8点40分了。 也不用问,高速公路一定是塞车的。 不过情况比较好一点,至少还能动的。 有机会开快点,就拼命地踩油门。 终于9点10分了,到了学校。 原以为迟到了。 所以就匆匆忙忙地跑进班。 进到班,看到Omma坐在讲师位置上网,就知道讲师还没进班。 班上也有好多人还没到。 就在我们猜测讲师是不是也是塞车途中,一位助理讲师进班了,真的被我们说中了。 助理讲师也开始讲课。 等等,不是,是在分享他的一路来当导演的心得。 本来是有兴趣的话题,可是那位助理讲师的说话方式好像没什么自信,小小声,然后一直英语掺国语。 我们就在后面打闹。 讲话的讲话,睡觉的睡觉,假装听课的假装着。 我只是听下,没听一下。 不久,Management的人就进来宣布说有个讲座,要我们下去听。 我们就提早结束课,一大群走向Gallery。 可是就只有我们这一gang。 我们站在外面,怎样都不想进去。 最后我们决定出去吃“早餐+午餐”。 就这样我们很光明正大地出去吃东西了。 吃完了,哈拉一下,就回到家了。 回来跟老妈说,因为课很闷,所以翘课回家了。 接着就已一整天上网了。 就这样。 都不知道要用什么形容词来形容。 =P * 亲爱的,今天考试哦~ 不可以在班上作弊哦~ 也不可以趁机看别的女人哦~ 哈哈~ 我在这边很好。 没什么好埋怨的。 要也只是一直在讲早晨塞车的事件。 其余的都很好。 还有,谢谢你那天的惊喜哦~ 害我不能入眠。 真的很期待那天的到来。 好希望有你的陪伴,有你在我身边,仿佛我拥有了全世界的幸福。 谢谢你常常让我有这样的感觉。 我会小心呵护这感觉,不会轻易让它消失的。 亲爱的,我今天好想你哦~ <3
I've also wonder, how life would be, if i moved out, live alone in a small apartment, without my family's protection?
Really. I'm always curious with it. I dont know where i got this idea, but it had been in mind for years. Sometimes i do mention, how i would like to moved out and survive alone. I might just want to give myself a shot of looking how cruel life can be. Or maybe to train myself how independent and tough i can be. No matter what's the reason, it never was because of what had happened in my family. Yes, conflicts+quarrels+fights do make me blind for a while. It make me want moved out more badly. But at the end of the day, when everything is back to normal, i know it's all because of me. You might say i'm childish or foolish. There are people out there are desperate, searching for this kind of warmth. While, me, wants to moved out and challenge myself. How bravo am i. But, ya, i know this is still a dream and i had a long journey to ride on. I only want to rant it out more specifically. Nothing much to be bothered either. ![]()
最近都一直在找借口,不做事情。 说要收拾衣橱,也一直在“自我安慰”。 怎样都不动手去收拾。 说要洗车,一看到天气不美,就打消念头了。 所以,直到现在还是没洗到。 天啊~ 李依琳,你何时变到这么懒?! 快把身上的懒虫给拔光,然后开始行动啦~ 按着良心讲,我还有点责怪是因为上学期的时间表和两个星期在家无聊。 因为都太懒懒散散,以致认为明天还有时间可以收拾。 怎知,就一拖再拖,到现在都还没行动到。 你现在也不要问我何时才会行动。 我自己现在也不知道该怎么办。 唉~ 李依琳,你真的很够力哦!!! * Writing for Different Media是讲师就是上次教我们的Principle Of Journalism。 没错,就是他。 这次的他,好像改变了。 我不知道,可是打从开课的第一堂课,就可以很明显地感觉到。 他,虽然还是会酸人,可是也会让步听听我们的意见。 这种感觉,我还真的有点不习惯。 我不知道他是为了要和我们和好,还是有人投诉,或者他真的有心要改变。 我还是不习惯。 也不是很想去习惯。 毕竟我对他的疙瘩还没完全恢复。 是的,我对他还是有点偏见。 可是这次的改变,我是否要重新考虑呢? 上一堂课,他说了一句重点话。 “以前我都认为你们什么都知道,你们都知道了很多事情。可是我高估了你们,我放太多期望在你们身上了。但我最后还是发现,你们有些人跟不上我的脚步,也因此自暴自弃。我感到很抱歉,所以这次我会放慢脚步,与你们一起同步努力。” 听得出来,他这些话,都是很诚信的,也很虔诚。 但,很抱歉,我真的很不习惯。 我宁愿我一直这样对他有偏见,也不想做任何改变。 也许我是害怕他这只是前头戏,到了后面就会反咬我们一口。 那我真的很甘愿一直这样偏见下去。 也不要被一个我很尊重的讲师给被背叛。 或者,我想太多了。 或者,他真的很想与我们同步努力。 那,我就知道让时间来决定着一切。。。 * ![]()
Hero by Enrique Iglesias
![]() ![]() Music Playlist at MixPod.com (I can be your hero) Would you dance If I asked you to dance? Would you run And never look back? Would you cry If you saw me crying? And would you save my soul, tonight? Would you tremble If I touched your lips? Would you laugh? Oh please tell me this. Now would you die For the one you loved? Hold me in your arms, tonight. I can be your hero, baby. I can kiss away the pain. I will stand by you forever. You can take my breath away. Would you swear That you’ll always be mine? Or would you lie? would you run and hide? Am I in too deep? Have I lost my mind? I don’t care... You’re here tonight. I can be your hero, baby. I can kiss away the pain. I will stand by you forever. You can take my breath away. (music) Oh, I just want to hold you. I just want to hold you.Oh..yeah... Am I in too deep? Have I lost my mind? I don’t care... You’re here tonight. I can be your hero, baby. I can kiss away the pain. I will stand by your forever. You can take my breath away. I can be your hero. I can kiss away the pain. And I will stand by you forever. You can take my breath away. You can take my breath away. I can be your hero. * I had been dreaming weird dreams for the past weeks. All of them had weird story plot and sometimes i really couldnt explain it why i had it. Like there is once, i dream there's a bunch of Hong Kong actors and actresses are in a hospital and waiting for a baby to be deliver. And then out of nowhere, someone yelled and said, "Someone please guard the baby room. Who knows an Indonesian will steal the baby away!" So, most of the people started to move to the baby room. Leaving some in the hall waiting in the delivery room. Then, i cant remember what's going later. Then there is another time, i dream i was in an airport. (Dont ask where is it, but i know it's an airport.) I was queuing up in the line for checking in. My flight destination was to Taiwan. Flight time was 9am. After checking in, i wandered in the airport with my family. I can still remember i was in this shop, with green color wall, selling souvenirs. We were happy and keep looking at everything. Then suddenly, i looked at my watch and it says 1pm! I've missed my flight! Still, no one inform me. Then i woke up in panic. The last one i dream was, i was in an empty space. The space was dirty and wet. But there's nothing in there. Only a window, with sunlight showering in the space. I was wearing a fancy floral dress and bare foot. I was wearing make up too. I keep walking and walking and walking in that limited space. But i know i murmuring something. I couldnt recall back what i was saying. I cant feel anything but the sunlight was warm and i loved it. The next thing i knew, my alarm start ringing. And i woke up. See, anyone knows how to read dream. Or at least explain what is the last dream connotes? I seriously dont know what's in my mind, or it's just purely a dream. Either way, i still gotta stay strong. No matter where i'll be in my dream, i must be strong! * He told me a good news and bad news. Good news: He might coming back during summer break. Bad news: The air ticket is way too freaking expensive and he cant afford it. Haha~ Damn, he sure know how to make my day. Haha~ After we ended the conversation, i found out i was faking my laugh. Yes, dear, you gave a me hope and you distinguish it. Though i was hurt at some point, yet i'm glad you told me. I mean it's really tough for us sometimes. We really want to see each other, but sometimes, circumstances and obstacles wont allow us. We had to fight our way and stand strong with our belief. No, i'm blaming you for distinguish it. Instead, i felt relief, as i know what you were thinking, not dumping me into my nasty mind again. That's why i had the courage to reject your idea. Please dont blame me for being selfish but you knew i was doing what is the best for you. It aint worth it, from the price of view. But, do be patience. We'll be seeing each other in another 8months. I can hold your hands again. I can see your smile again. I can hear your voice beside my ears again. I can feel your warmth in your hug again. I can be myself in front of you again. Less than 9months and we'll be together again. Dear, i miss you more than ever...
大致上都还好。 没什么烦心的事情。 除了那位讲师之外。 我也不要多说废话了。 每天的行程都是一样的。 起床。洗澡。早餐。塞车。抵达。上课。休息。上课。溜达。回家。上网。晚餐。电视节目。睡觉。 就是这样而已。 不过还在第一个星期,所以就慢慢期待未来会带来什么。 不过,内心的某个地方,可以感觉到压力慢慢堆积了。 那,到时就随机应变。 希望自己还能存活下来。 * 这两天都接到坏消息。 当接到时,自己还不能反应过来。 甚至还迟钝了几分钟,才让自己的脑袋慢慢消化刚刚的消息。 死亡和毒品。 从来都不是我最喜欢的题目。 也是我最讨厌的话题。 可是偏偏这些事情都不能远离我们身边。 死亡。 对于有些人来说,这是避忌的话题。 能不谈就不谈。 可是这件事,还是正在发生。 不管在任何什么时候,什么地方,什么人,它还是会找上门。 对我而言,这真的是最伤心的话题。 从来我的心会接着痛好几天。 每次都久久不能恢复。 亲爱的朋友,安息吧,你会一直在我心中的。 毒品。 这是我最讨厌,也是最不能原谅的东西。 无论发生什么事,万万不可以去碰它! 一旦你碰了,你就不要找借口来遮掩自己。 这是你的后果,在别热门递交给你时,你就该好好想想了。 不要给自己任何借口和破绽。 我实在很难去原谅一个曾经碰过毒品的。 是的,我会鄙视你。 甚至会不想与你再联络,或者认你是朋友了。 所以,请你三思而后行。 说白了。 *就是要请大家深思熟虑后,才做决定。 这就是佛陀给我们的智慧,那就善于用它。 不然就把你的脑袋,冲进马桶算了。 亲爱的,是你答应我的哦~ 要带我到处去游玩。 我要去游山玩水。 我要去体验各地的文化冲突。 我要去感受各地的人情风味。 我要去享尽各地的美食。 我要去一个忘我美丽的风景。 我要去收集各地的热情。 我要有你的陪伴。 我要有你在我身边陪我聊废话。 我要有你在我身边与我体验各地的风采。 我要有你在我身边,牵着我的手,让我觉得我是最幸福的。 我要有你在我身边,这样大家都可以羡慕我们。 我要有你在我身边,这样我就可以收集有你笑容的照片和回忆。 是的,亲爱的,我要和你到处玩。 不管到哪里都好,我要你在我身边。 好吗? <3
And i survived
First day of Sem4.
And thank Buddha i survived. What do i mean by survived? First of, the damn traffic. I really dont get it. Ever since January 2011, the vehicles on road seems to increased a lot, causing everyday traffic jam. Look at it. Before that, if i leave my house at 8am, i still can make it to college maybe around 8.50am. But now, i have to leave my house at 7.30am, and sometimes i cant reach college at 9am. What the heck?! Haiz... Second, during this whole semester, only Monday, i have a almost 4 hours break. Class starts at 9am and ends at 11am. Then the next class only starts at 3pm. So, what should i do during those break times? I dont know. But today we went to Mid Valley to kill time. At least i bought a pair of slippers and a pair of flat shoes. Dont get mistaken, i really do need those shoes as my shoes had all worn out and mummy cant stand it. Third, after 6pm class, another traffic jam again. This time everyone had get off from work and heading back home. In this hour of time, everyone is using EVERY way they can. Even highways are congested as well. So, there, i'm so glad i survived through it. Now, tell me, what should i do for next week? * Gosh, the weather is getting terrible. Imagine me, tying my hair up and drinking a can of beer. Alright, i dont really drink that much anymore, but i drank a big glass of ice water. I really need a haircut immediately. To get rid of this troublesome. And to cool down myself. And, mosquitoes arent friendly at all. Especially this type of weather. They love it to the max. My legs and hands are full of their kisses. It's damn ugly and itchy. Argh~ how i wish i can be an ice lady or maybe ultraman to solve all these problems. * ![]()
说真的,看到新学期的时间表,只是埋怨了一下子。 因为都差不多预料之中了。 但,当中,我埋怨最多最久的是,我又要被他教课了! 唉~ 也还好。 这学期,他的科目是不用考试的,也不用做什么报告呈现。 不过可能要一直写作。 因为他教的课目是Writing in Different Media。 看了教课内容,还发现真的要开始磨练自己的写作技巧了。 可是,对于他,该说的我都说了,不该说的,我也说到不知道要用什么来形容了。 只是期望,我们还是继续讨厌他,他讨厌我们就可以了。 我可不想我们关系有任何亲近。 >.< * 好快哦~ 四月了。 2011年就这样过了四个月。 感觉好像昨天我才刚到数活动回来而已。 四月了。 就这样我读了一年的课程。 还有一年半就毕业了。 还有一年半的时间给我好好思考我的未来蓝图。 在那之前,我还是得学会享受现在的生活。 虽然缺点一直缠着我,我还是得学会如何去包容它。 虽然我还没发现我的优点,我还是得学会如何放下。 19岁了。 套句话,“幸运的话,你现在可以当妈妈了。” 是啊~ 幸运的话。 可是我还是要玩多几年。 想要继续在我的未来里探险。 看我的极限在那里。 看我是否能成功地掌握自己。 看看外面的世界也好。 待在现在的生活也摆。 就是想要踏入人生的第二个十年之前,自由地享受此刻生活。 答应自己,要疯狂地玩闹,要用力地微笑,要痛快地庆祝,要开心地跳跃,要自由地呼吸。 最重要,要无条件地爱着大家和自己。 * “是甜言蜜语,是不言而喻。 --《爱是个动词》 野象小姐--