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六月 2007
七月 2007 八月 2007 九月 2007 十月 2007 十一月 2007 十二月 2007 一月 2008 二月 2008 三月 2008 四月 2008 五月 2008 六月 2008 七月 2008 八月 2008 九月 2008 十月 2008 十一月 2008 十二月 2008 一月 2009 二月 2009 三月 2009 四月 2009 五月 2009 六月 2009 七月 2009 八月 2009 九月 2009 十月 2009 十一月 2009 十二月 2009 一月 2010 二月 2010 三月 2010 四月 2010 五月 2010 六月 2010 七月 2010 八月 2010 九月 2010 十月 2010 十一月 2010 十二月 2010 一月 2011 二月 2011 三月 2011 四月 2011 五月 2011 六月 2011 七月 2011 八月 2011 九月 2011 十月 2011 十一月 2011 十二月 2011 一月 2012 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
So i've mention earlier that my house was under renovation.
Well, it's not a big construction. Just only changed the colour and doors. But for us, which been living here for 10 years, it's still consider as big. Because everything will be bright and shine and brand new fresh. Ok. So it wasnt still quite well complete. Due to the workers were assigned to do other places first. But we dont mind. I mean the boss is our neighbour, and neighbour should trust each other. So, ya, it's still on the hold. But everything look quite well. Just need some touch up and voila~ So far the one that is ready to be show is upstairs. That's our room. Mine, master room and aunt's. Took some picture. I choose the colour too. It's purple. ^.^
See, the door had changed too. Everything looks perfect for me. Sometimes i feel like a failure. Well, supposed to study for finals yesterday. In the end, i spent my time watching mv after mv. And of course fetching around the monsters. So, yeah, i didnt study a single bit of it. Need to change my attitude. I shant be that lazy anymore. Daddy and mummy had spent so much money on me. And i couldnt let them down anymore. I should use this as motivation. Yea, i really should. Stop giving lame excuses anymore. Come on! * Received a surprise from him. Haha~ Will post it later. Cause i wanna keep that feeling, like forever keep it. I couldnt stop saying thank you to him. Once again, he almost makes me burst to tears. Still, cant hate him for doing that. Oh, you'll know why later. Haha~ Dear, i miss you...
最近都希望自己的耳朵能堵着。。。 一直到事情解决为止。。。 是啊~ 我这是逃避的心态。 可是除了逃避我还能做什么。 站在旁观只会让我的心更伤。 看着你们这样的态度,我还真的开始怀疑是不是自己太无知了。 是不是自己把“友谊”这词看得太肤浅? 是不是自己就是那么地无能? 我当然希望一切都和好如初。 不要再这样勾心斗角了。 难道你们不会累吗? 不会觉得辛苦吗? 我们现在只是在sem1,难道要把事情搞得这么复杂且难堪? 我们还有两年的相处时间。 我们就要这样吗? 看着你们这样相处,有时我真的很想摧心肝问自己到底能做些什么。。。 佛陀啊~希望这一切都能快点解决,而且有个圆满的结局。。。 ![]() * 最近除了上面的事情外,都很平凡地度过。 可是奇怪的是,我到现在还没埋怨过一句。 可能这还是新东西。 新生活。 所以还是觉得蛮新鲜。 没什么感想啦~ 因为心思已经被占据了。 就好好地过。 我会照顾我自己的啦~ ^^ * 在那边还好吗? 有乖乖喝多点水吗? 有按时吃东西吗? 要乖乖哦~ 不要生病了。 有时间就多睡觉哦~ 我今天很想你哦~
Heartache to the max...
I always really do believe people can change a relationship in just a snap. And they can make up together in another snap. That's why i dont understand why is there ever a word "divorce" ever came up. The point is, i've been listening to many stories about relationship in the whole week. Friendship, love, family. You name it. It's somehow like listening to a story, but you know it's happening. I always feel weak when one is telling the story. I will always try to find a word to either comfort or consult the one, but ending up fail max. I cant do anything but just sit beside and try not to tear. Evermore, it's sick to know that the one is so close to you. He/she is the one you loved the most. You had the most cherish memories with he/she, and now it's flashing back like movies. Sometime i wish i can do something in favour to stop this drama. Or to sacrifice myself in this drama to end things with a happy ending. Life is never a fairy tale. And i understand that deeply like the blood flowing in my body. There will be a scar in between now. I just hope that no one will touch the scar until it fade away... * Oh dear~ Thanks to Eunice, i just realize that my study break and sem break aint a BREAK at all. During study break, gotta prepare myself for the final presentation and final essay. There's also a class during study break. During sem break, there's two Computer Graphic class. Just to finish up our last two assignment. Boy~ Gotta squeeze revision in between the study break. The day before final, final presentation is on. I cant predict whether i got the mood to study or not. And yes, gotta find time to get a job too. Since there's two classes and meetings, i really dont know whether i should take the offer or not. I mean i've been begging around for job, and i got one. Promise them that i will work during sem break. But now, plans had to change 180! Gotta admit i got a bad time management. And i'm easily get fed up with myself of getting so much things in one time. Buddha, please guide me to solve my time management... * He's doing fine there. Nothing much to be said. Just wanna tell him that, i'm really glad that he came to my life. He's the first guy that made me cry and knowing that tears are not always equivalent to weakness. He's always there whenever i need a shoulder or shadow. He never fail to make me smile and forget about the tears. He's just him. Dear, i miss you again...
好快哦~ 七月就要交班了。 手上是还有三样功课等待完成。 一份是Presentation Skills的。 两份是Computer Graphic的。 这次是Final presentation了。 也就是说,这次的分数占据很多,要放很多心计来完成了。 不过一present完,就是说我们的组员要解散了。 唉~ 真的很不舍。 跟他们合作是我最愉快的时间。 有时都会忘了我们是因为功课而聚在一起。 (放心啦~还是有完成功课的。) 选我大当组长,虽然他们说我很不错了,而且都有尽到组长的责任。 可是有时我还是觉得自己有很大的进步空间。 而且我会慢慢依赖组员来完成任务,而自己可能只是站在旁边加油打气。 也好啦~ 通过他们,看到了自己。 知道了自己有什么缺点和该弥补的地方。 组员们,我们要加油了咯! 我相信你们是最棒的!!! * 我很喜欢驾车。 更喜欢一个人驾车。 一个人驾车时,我都习惯把音乐开大声。 似乎是想把整个空间给填满。 也想把自己沉浸在音乐世界里面。 在那个只有我跟电台dj的私人空间。 一个人驾车时,我可以任由自己的思想放轻松。 有时当一个人坐在我旁边,我会开始想如何开一个话题来聊。 或者我的驾车技巧有没有危机到我们的生命。 而独自一个人时,我知道我可以相信我自己。 也无需去想任何东西。 一个人驾车时,也是我最自在的一面。 我可以在那个空间里,旅程的时间里,到达目的地之前,任由自己发挥想象空间。 想象自己在云端上,自己是孙悟空,在茫茫的公路上驾驶。 在那个时间里,我爱怎样就怎样,只要不要危机到任何生命,就可以了。 一个人驾车,尤其在堵车里,更是我的最爱的时光。 我可以暂时不去追赶。 我可以拖时间来构思更多东西。 一个人在车里面,我要唱歌就唱歌,我要点头就点头,我要偷窥别人都是我的自由。 而且,在堵车里面,我甚至可以找更多灵感来完成某件事情。 是啊~ 也许我是天生爱驾车。 也许我只是贪婪终于找到了一个可以任由我自己的空间。 偶尔会有点纳闷为什么我的最爱不在身边。 偶尔会发点小牢骚。 到最后,我还是回到驾驶盘前,呈现自己最自在的一面。。。 * 呵呵~ 他都很好。 我也很好。 就是风平浪静。 也好。 大海还是有冷静的一面。 而我们坐在船上也可以放松。 亲爱的,你今天很好吗? 记得要喝多点水哦~ 有时间就多睡会儿。 你的健康是最重要的。 我好想你哦~
Need You Now by Lady Antebellum
Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor Reaching for the phone ’cause I can’t fight it anymore And I wonder if I ever cross your mind For me it happens all the time It’s a quarter after one, I’m all alone and I need you now Said I wouldn’t call but I lost all control and I need you now And I don’t know how I can do without, I just need you now Another shot of whiskey can’t stop looking at the door Wishing you’d come sweeping in the way you did before And I wonder if I ever cross your mind For me it happens all the time It’s a quarter after one I’m a little drunk and I need you now Said I wouldn’t call but I lost all control and I need you now And I don’t know how I can do without I just need you now Ooh... Guess I’d rather hurt than feel nothing at all It’s a quarter after one I’m all alone and I need you now And I said I wouldn’t call but I’m a little drunk and I need you now And I don’t know how I can do without I just need you now I just need you now Oh baby I need you now * Starting to feel that i wont be able to make it to work during this sem break. I mean started to join college's society clubs, lots of meetings and works are to be done. Haiz~ Was thought of earning money and saving it up and plan it for my future. It's a bit tough now. I wish there was a light now to guide to a road. Buddha, please show me a way to solve my problems... * Ok. So had decided to buy a DSLR. And i'm gonna get Canon 550D! She's going to be my new baby. So please bear with me if you guys been seeing me sleeping with her. Haha~ So why all of the sudden i want to buy her? Well, you see, during Sem2, we are required to learn photography. And yes, a DSLR is a need. After rounds of consideration and self-questioning, i decided to get one. Although sem2 it's a short sem, and we are going to use it for sem2 ONLY, still i can used it for my personal purpose, right? Therefore, I'm gonna get that baby! Haha~ Canon E55OD,come to mama! * Yesterday had a fight with him. I just know it whenever i pissed him off. My chest will fell uncomfortable. My mind went off easily. I wont think straight anymore... It's suck to be in that situation. Addition that i am still recovering from food poison. I just cant breathe easily. Both of us are kinda hot tempered in a sense. We both will crush together and our volcano will just burst. Sometimes it's very hard to humble ourselves as we just dont think we are on the wrong side. But to make him feel better, i will always be the first one to apologize. Well, yes, indeed sometimes this will pissed him even more. But i dont care. I rather be scold or insult, than not be ignore by him... Dear, i know sometimes it's tough. Especially both of us are kinda hot tempered. But i know we will overcome it. I know we will find a way smooth things down. I just want to let you, that you are always the one i loved. I just miss you....
今天人已经好很多了。 昨天一整天都很虚弱。 尤其气喘病发作时,我还想就此了断了。 还好是我在跟我自己打仗,最后我“说服”了自己不可以有这样的想法。 都不知道自己到底是吃了什么,竟然食物中毒。 昨晚大约十点就感觉不适很舒服了。 整个头晕晕的。 于是就想早点上床休息睡觉。 怎知,半夜十二点时,开始有点喘不过气来。 开着眼睛,按着胸口,告诉自己一切很快就过了。 殊不知,突然喉咙感觉很难过。 立刻冲去厕所,蹲在马桶前一直很辛苦。 想呕,可是呕不出。 最后逼自己想些很恶心的东西,才勉强的呕出来。 本来一切都很好了,就漱漱口,洗洗脸,上床睡觉。 怎知,大约半个小时后,整个过程又重复了。 当时真的好辛苦。 还跑去爸妈房间给他们吵醒了。 我只是要找气喘病的药丸。。。 整件事情一直维持到凌晨三点。 期间喝了水也呕水出来。 真的很难受。。。 后来也没去上课了。 不止整个人很累,也担心历史又重演。 中午,老妈要我去看医生。 看了医生也诊断是食物中毒。 回来被逼吃药,和盐水。 唉~ 也不知道是吃了什么。 不过很讨厌整个过程和感觉。 现在人还是有点喘,胸口闷闷的感觉。 不过现在敢喝了,只是有时会没什么胃口吃。 真的很不喜欢生病的感觉。。。 * 今天mass comm有小小的测验。 感谢昨天的病,害我无力温习,什么都进不到脑。 幸亏老师没有要我们交上去,只是讨论了一点点。 可是我很不满意。 因为十题里面,我只有两题是完全正确回答。 其他的。。。 唉~ 这个也证明了我平时温习没放什么心计下去。 是否该责怪自己? 我只知道,现在开始要温习了。 不然真正上场就完蛋了。 我可不想又让大家失望。 尤其是我自己。 要加油了! 只剩下三个星期而已。 要加油了!!! * 今天终于跟他聊到天了。 虽然只是短短的几分钟,可是已经温暖了我。 尤其不舒服的我。 顿时觉得好安慰。 他跟我说了他可能回来的日期。 呵呵~ 现在心里开始倒数了。 虽然还是不确定,不过真的很希望他能早点回来。 亲爱的,不知你是为什么这么厉害。 每次当我需要你时,你都会及时出现。 也许只是短短的几句话,可是还是会让我感动一整天。 特别是我心情不好或者人不舒服时,你都好像感应到。 谢谢你的爱哦~ 真的很感谢缘分再次让我们相遇,然后相爱。 真的很谢谢你。。。 ![]()
MC class started late today.
AP class ended early today. Woohoo~ But that also mean finals in on the corner. Haiz~ Gotta start picking up textbook and do revision. Just realise that i couldnt memorize the points. Sxxx! I just hate memorizing things. I mean i cant memorizing things. Because in the end, everything will go disoriental. And it just crumble up together. Haiz~ That's why need to start doing revision and REMEMBER the points. Well, wish me luck. =p * Just realize that i had too much fun ever since graduation. Sometimes i'm easily lost focus maybe due to playing too much. Haiz~ It's a bad thing, right? I dont know. I mean i start going out every weekend. Whether it's hanging out with friends and families or simply just chilling out. Well, of course, money is spending much compared to last time. Gosh~ I really need to control myself. I cant just go out everytime i want. Maybe that's why it's so hard to plan a holiday with my family. Been spending too much time on friends. Yikes~ Man, i really should limit myself for a period of time. Shouldnt go out to fooling around now. Should start doing revision for finals now. Well, during sem break, was supposedly plan to visit Ruling's hometown, Penang. But then, i might be working to earning money. $.$ Haha~ Still considering if i should spending money or earning money... * Didnt chat with him for almost a week now. It's either i'm late coming home or he's already go out for work. This is suck. But i been through before. Just this time with a clearer mind. Without self-questioning and doubts. Ya, might be start busy with finals now. Just dont like exam. >< But i hope he done a good job there. At least there's no trouble caused by him. Hehe~ Dear, I just miss you...
今天去看了《Twilight Saga: Eclipse》
I survived!
I survive through this week! *Take a deep breath and relax* Of course, still there's more presentation and assignment will be coming. Finals are in the line too. But sem break is coming real soon. Just i really need to know how long our sem break will be. I need to make up a plan. I just want to know, that's all. * Yesterday was Stef's birthday. Went to suprise by the day before. Her reaction was priceless. Haha~ We success! Babe, you are just my gal. Stay strong and focus. I know you will success in future. You rock my world, gal! Happy Belated Birthday! Love ya~ <3 * Days by days, just cant get him off my mind. You know, even though we are far apart, whenever i need him or i wasnt in a good mood, he just can sense it. Chatting with him always make my day. He just know the magic trick. I really do appreciate it. He just can bright up my day. Dear, i miss you...
唉~ 真的有点喘不过气来。 而且也要靠近考试。 距离考试只是半个月而已。 可是每天都在忙功课,都没时间温习。 倒是又要抱佛脚了。 哎哟~ * 最近的心情起伏都很大。 可以在这一秒是疯疯癫癫的。 下一秒就想关在自己的角落里面。 整个人是有点累。 再加上姨妈最近来访,真的很累人。 想躺在床上什么都不要做。 想就让自己的脑袋防空。 想就让音乐慢慢侵袭我的脑袋。 想把嘴巴封起来,什么都不要说。 想把耳朵给堵住,什么都不要听。 我这是在逃避吗? 不。 不是。 我只是累了。 只是想让自己看起来很颓废。 不要问我原因。 而且我也不想去寻找答案。。。 * 跟你说,今天在嘛嘛挡看到一位很帅的外国人。 他的鼻子好挺,而且还有点身材。 虽然眼睛不是很有魅力,可是他的声音就足以让人陶醉。 可是奇怪的是,我虽然很疯癫地想要跟他合照,可是心里就不会像以前那样起涟漪。 反而这次我可以很轻松地面对他。 呵呵~ 可能他现在都看着,然后讲我是傻婆。 可是事实就是事实。 也许习惯有你在心里,外来已经侵入不了。 很开心你就成为了我生活的一部分。 很开心你就住在心里,而且还是可以很永恒那种。 心里还是想着你。。。
This is THE DAY!
Went Mid Valley today with cousin, sister and brother. Went there by train. As usual, it was packed and the train wasnt on time and many foreigners and much more normal stuff that maybe only can be found in Malaysia. But this time, it was a little bit different when we came back. You see, the government had started a policy of setting the middle coach will be ONLY for female. So, you see, we came back with no male in that coach. Shall i hurray for that? Oh well, at least i know i can avoid all those eyes looking from the labor. Again, today was a satifying and enriching day. Because i brought books!!! Yay~ Finally! I mean i havent been reading novel like one month again. And i cant help it with the loneliness i always get easily. Well, that feeling will end with all those books i brought. So long, loneliness. You are gone, period. Y(^.^)Y * So tomorrow morning will be the day. The day where the warrior will have to fight to make proud of their country. Furthermore, this is the first time for the two country for fight for their pride ever in history. After that, we all will have to wait another four years for another round of war. This time, it will gonna be SPAIN VS NETHERLAND. I honestly dont know who to support. I mean ever since Brazil was sent back home by the Dutch, i've lost interest in watching all those matches except knowing the score. Still, i cant be such unsportmanship. I still gotta support the final. Like i said, this is only four year once. It's barely a chance to us relief our stress by yelling or looking at the handsome foorball player. Still, i'm anxious anxious to know who will be the winner for this year. Who will take home that trophy that everyone had been fight for this whole month. Guess it will be worth the wait. >.< ![]() Everyday by now, i'm so anxious for the day to come. Somehow, i really do wish time will fly. So that i can be with you again. Guess that day will be my happiest day in my life. Cant wait to be in your arms again. Cant wait to smile and flighty in your eyes again.
I know i will be here waiting for you. And i know you will coming back. I just cant wait. Dear, i just simply miss you...
自由行走的花 萨顶顶
啦....我是自由行走的花 啦....我是自由行走的花 可曾在梦中遇见彼此熟悉的脸 人儿为美丽的缘求佛了太多年 冰山上有一朵雪莲端坐群山之巅 他们说她已生千年 有她就得到了永远 啦....我是自由行走的花 啦....我是自由行走的花 啦....我是自由行走的花 啦....我是自由行走的花 如果你只是等待爱情她不会悄悄的来 就像不上那冰山怎会见到美丽的雪莲 人儿呀祈求花儿让他能得到永远 雪莲说永远并不远就在你的心里面 啦....我是自由行走的花 啦....我是自由行走的花 啦....我是自由行走的花 啦....我是自由行走的花 我是自由行走的花 就在这个冬天雪花片片从天上飘下 雪莲花在这一刻变成了片片的雪花 所有的人儿在雪中找到了永远的家 从此后懂得永远的你找到了熟悉的他 啦....我是自由行走的花 啦....我是自由行走的花 啦....我是自由行走的花 啦....我是自由行走的花 我是自由行走的花 * 哎哟~ 现在是怎么了? 那个网络线这么慢。。。 我要上网看个信息都不能。 要怪谁? 应该是我自己吧~ 这么没耐心。 可是我要快点做完功课啊!!! 哎哟~~~~ * 现在我也是很需要一个很正确的时间表。 现在我连我自己的放假时间是几时都不知道。 要我怎样跟上司说我要做功哦? 唉~ 为什么这一点点事情都不能很明确地告诉我们? 还有现在为了要跟家人出去玩,都不能给个时间。 脾气现在慢慢推挤了。 我现在暂时忍着不爆发。 虽然有点辛苦,不过应该会很快就没事了。 啊~~~ * 最近他都过到很不错哦~ 而我在这边也不错啦~ 只是下个星期就会忙了。 全部的功课和报告呈现都在下个星期。 可是,亲爱的,我没事啦~ 反正都是预料到了。 只是来得我有点手忙脚乱。 你还好吧? 是真的很期待你新年可以回来。 现在差不多每天都在倒数日子。 呵呵~ 只希望你在都很好。 很想你哦~
I need to know the exact time and date for sem break. I mean i've heard many version of it, still none of it were confirm or reliable. Haiz~ Why is it so confusing with our timetable? I mean cant you just type correctly? Saves up lots of question marks and times. Not to mention, our plans too. I'm still considering whether to work or not. I mean if it's really ONLY one week, will there be any work for me? What if it is NOT one week, how should i plan it? Gosh~ I so hate all this unplanned thingy. Makes me wanna just scream and get things done right. Argh~~~ * I hate my sense of security very much. Sometimes i feel i'm being pampered or well taken care. Sometimes i just feel like i'm the left out. Especially this period of time. I cant really set my mind straight to get what i want. I will think too much. Yet in the same time, i'm afraid to speak out loud. I dont know what i really feel. I dont know what should i not fight for or just give up. Is it me? I dont know. I dont know whether i could cry or laugh. All i know is, i need a miracle. Or rather someone to comfort me. I just need a space of myself... * Heard a great news from him. Start to thinking if i can really go meet him. Sometimes it's tough, but i know we will survive through it. Sometimes people will just talk, i know we can prove it and make them shut. Sometimes it's hurt, but i know we will overcome it. ![]()
上了浅蓝色。 整体看起来都很亮。 蛮喜欢这种感觉。 本来想说拍照的。 可是还是等全部一切弄好了,才放上拉。 而且也比较方便。 不用每弄一次就拍一次,然后放上来。 呵呵~ 我要说的是,这些员工还蛮勤劳的,也很有负责任。 今天要搞定的部分就一定要搞定。 管它做到几点。 是有好有坏啦~ 就像今天酱。 他们要搞定好客厅,就一直在油客厅。 油倒晚上8点才走人。 而我就被逼等到晚上8点才能洗澡。 唉~ 有时回来都全身不舒服了,就是要洗澡提精神。 最近就不能了。 要等到他们放工我才能洗澡。 就是每天酱等。。。 哎哟~ >< * 第一个sem的课程差不多要教完了。 现在大家都专心assignment, presentation。 还有final也要靠近了。 如果一切都无意外的话,酱会在8月考。 开始有点感到压力了。 开始觉得睡眠有点不够了。 大家都开始读书了。 而我,好像在懒懒散散。 真惭愧。。。 还好上课时我都有专心听课,所以温习起来都不大会觉得困难。 也或许我读到了我喜欢的科目,所以不会觉得很有压力。 反而有时我觉得很轻松。 希望是这个理由吧~ *自我催眠-ing* 怎么都好,要真的开始加油了。 距离final只是一个月时间而已。 要开始执鞭自己了。 不能再让自己这样堕落下去了。 李依琳,你是可以的! 加油!!! * 昨天他失眠了。 心里有点痛。 还好今天他能睡到。 可能是天气热吧,才导致他失眠。 毕竟台湾现在是夏天,而且还达到41度。 (如果给我的话,可能已经开罐啤酒来解暑了。哈哈~) 当然要他多喝水啦~ 也要多休息。 可以的话,就多洗澡。 毕竟洗澡可以凉凉自己。 或者到海边还是游泳池也不错哦~ 哈哈~ 亲爱的,不是我罗嗦哦~ 只是很担心你而已。 放心啦~ 我在这边都很好。 没什么事值得担心的。 反倒你,夏天了,更加要多照顾自己哦~ 我很想念你噢~
Oh my~~~
Oh my!
I cant believe this! 2-1 Brazil had been sent home by the Dutch! I was literally crying. I was so disappointed. It was quite a match. And i had to agree, it was tough matching against the Dutch. They were playing rough. There were supposed to be many chances of yellow card to be shown. But the refree was too kind to show. They were pushing and acting all the way to the final time. I just really cant believe. I had so much high hopes on Brazil. Well, this is reality. Brazil had to go back home now. And life still gotta move on. Just a few words to my hero. Brazil, you guys are still my hero. You guys rock my heart tremendously since the first time i watch you guys playing. No matter what, you guys will always shine in my heart. All the best, Brazil! ![]() ![]() * Just came back from secondary school. The juniors are organizing a camp. Of course its from Chinese Society. They were doing great than us. At least from the amount of campers and the whole big idea of it. Kinda miss my old days. Went back, all those images just flash back like cinema. I could see how i was in that place with my friends. I could feel how happy i was when i'm surrounded with my gang. Everyone had grown up now. Everyone had their own life now. Everyone start to race toward their dreams now. And it's a great thing to learn about. I miss everyone. I miss those days when we can chat and gossip without boarderline. I miss hanging out with the gang without thinking anything in my mind. I just happen to miss everyone. Are you guys doing ok?
打算要一起讨论功课。 不过讲师推迟了时间。 下两个星期才呈现报告。 所以现在。。。 有点懒散了 =p 我们这次要呈现的组题是《泰国红杉军》。 所以算很仔细地研究了整个过程。 嗯~ 在这里是没什么方便讲我们的感想。 不过就有一点我不得不讲。 我很佩服他们的精神和勇气。 因为不服,还要爱首相的精神,他们敢敢在街上游行。 虽然后来的暴动时有点不该,可是他们的那个精神和勇气就已经值得我鞠躬了。 ^^ * 怎么办? 最近那个脾气已经越来越坏了。 以前的我是曾经那么坏脾气。 然后就改掉了。 可是现在。。。 现在好像找回上门了。 真的很懊恼。 怎么可以这样呢? 真的很不喜欢我这个坏脾气。 每次都害得我没有心情搞笑还是什么的。 就是一整天都会很不爽。 然后可能朋友都误会了我。 不过还好,每次我都会道歉,然后都会做些搞笑的。 可是有时我都会累。 为什么会酱啦~ 哎哟~ 我真的很不喜欢我自己。。。 * 都忘了他今天休息。 =p 哈哈~ 还在心理骂了他一顿。 哈哈哈哈哈~ 有时觉得很有点对不起他。 功课忙到。。。 没时间和他聊天。 老实说,我有时都在敷衍他,只为了不要让自己分心。 >< 不是故意的。 哎哟~ 亲爱的,你不可以怪我哦~ 不过我还是很想念你的。 |