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六月 2007
七月 2007 八月 2007 九月 2007 十月 2007 十一月 2007 十二月 2007 一月 2008 二月 2008 三月 2008 四月 2008 五月 2008 六月 2008 七月 2008 八月 2008 九月 2008 十月 2008 十一月 2008 十二月 2008 一月 2009 二月 2009 三月 2009 四月 2009 五月 2009 六月 2009 七月 2009 八月 2009 九月 2009 十月 2009 十一月 2009 十二月 2009 一月 2010 二月 2010 三月 2010 四月 2010 五月 2010 六月 2010 七月 2010 八月 2010 九月 2010 十月 2010 十一月 2010 十二月 2010 一月 2011 二月 2011 三月 2011 四月 2011 五月 2011 六月 2011 七月 2011 八月 2011 九月 2011 十月 2011 十一月 2011 十二月 2011 一月 2012 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
十年? 二十年? 三十年? 还是一百年? 不对。 正确答案:都是在呼跟吸的一瞬间。 那天听到了一位学妹往生的消息。 她,才16岁。 正处于青春潇洒的年龄。 可是,偏偏时间不让她继续享受下去。 就在一个晚上,她已经往西了。 从此再也不能微笑,不能玩乐,不能打拼,不能见到自己成长的那一刻。 真的很残酷。。。 除了哀悼,我也只能悲哀。 真的很可惜,这世界就从此失去了一个青春少女。 也少了一个清纯的笑声。 安息吧~ 你现在终于可以放下一切痛苦了。。。 ![]() 最近都好矛盾哦~ 想好好的读书,可是那些戏剧好像有个魔咒,一直缠着我不放。 人家是在假期还是无聊时看。 我却要在这个时候看。 没办法啊~ 本娘假期在打工,每天都做到很累,都没心情看了。 偏偏我又在这个时候借了dvd。 哎哟~ 不可以这样啦~ 话说来,最近在重看《蔷薇之恋》。 真的超经典的。 说起来,S.H.E.,黄志玮,陆明君和郑元畅都因为这部剧而爆红。 当时只是喜欢了S.H.E.和黄志玮。 后来看了《求婚事务所》就喜欢了陆明君。 也因为《恶作剧之吻2》喜欢了郑元畅。 ![]() 现在看回他们三人当初涩涩的演戏技巧,还真的有点感叹时间的流逝。 他们都已经成长了,也成熟了很多。 真的不辜我喜欢的一篇心。 哈哈~ 怎样都好,都祝福他们一切顺利。 * 终于都上课了。 哈哈~ 是说他啦~ 真的超羡慕他的。 能每天都混。 而且都没人理。 我在这边反而每天都要绞尽脑汁想创意,想要如何把一个组员团结一起。 唉~ 真的超大的差别。 不过他那边的线路也不好了。 时不时都断线。 应该是当时的火灾造成的。 导致我们不能好好的聊天。 >.<||| 怎样都好,亲爱的,我真的很想你。。。
Crazy Wedding
So, went back to Sabak Bernam.
My cousin bro was getting married. Damn, only one word can describe the whole event: CRAZY! Yes, indeed. It was crazy day and night event. First of, start with the night before. Everyone were definitely in a high mood. (Without drugs lah~ >.<) Were drinking beers, bottles to bottles. We drank so much till the floor and table was wet. I remember i was a bit tipsy. But i manage to enjoy myself till the very end of the night. There were so many interesting things had happened. We were dancing like no one cares. We were gossiping in loud voice. (Haha~ You can imagine how drunk, wasted, tipsy we were.) We did enjoy ourselves. The things is, why arent the groom drunk, but us? Yea, till now i still cant figure out. Then the next day, same traditional routine. I didnt get to the bride's house due to too tired to wake up. So i stayed at groom's house to wait. Nothing much really happened. Or maybe i was a bit hangover from yesterday. xP After that, here comes the night. We went to a restaurant to celebrate this big event. Damn, i need to say this out loud: YOUR SOUNDS SYSTEM SUCK! ITS TOO LOUD AND I BECAME DEAF! Still, it didnt bring very much effect to us. We drink and sing and dance and had fun again. Went back home after the dinner. Daddy got to work, and we need to attend school. Overall, we all hope that the lovely birdie will get to enjoy their life. Life somehow will be tough, but you guys will stay together till the end. All the best and faster get a baby to celebrate another new life. ![]() Today photography class was quite fun. Luckily i did play with it over the weekend. Lectures had made a surprise exam for the class. It was a test for shutter speed, aperture and metering. I did quite well, i guess. I mean lecturer was satisfied with my works. And he did compliment that i did better than him, if i practice more. Haha~ But i'd like to rewind a bit. Before class start, the admin office came and told our result. They made a briefing for us. For me, i was quite relief at least i dont have to reseat or even retake the subject. But i wasnt quite happy with my result. I didnt get any A for it. Just only B and C. But the thing that makes me worry and stress was all about the GCPA. Gosh~ I did know, roughly, how the system work. But knowing after result makes me stress for a while. I didnt feel like talking at that moment. I mean it did strike me that should i stop having fun and work hard instead? Damn~ Stress really arent my thing. And i aint planning to be it's friend. I know i know. I'm thinking too much now. I shall stop right now and focus on whatever is in my hand now. Stop thinking now! * ![]()
祝福祝福 ^^
错了,是要去沙白。 去参加表哥的婚礼。 可是我还在这里写部落格。 呵呵~ 没办法啊~ 没人告诉我,到底是几点开车。 所以也很懒散地不想这么快收拾行李。 也好。 这样就有时间可以慢慢考虑要带什么服装回去。 怎样都好,都祝福表哥和表嫂要永远恩恩爱爱哦~ 吵架都是日常生活都该发生的。 只是记得,床头吵,床尾合。 我们都会用最真诚地心态来祝福你们的。 还有还有,红包要包最大份的给我。 哈哈~ 新婚愉快! ![]() 这世上还真的有无数种类的人。 有的乖乖,有的怪里怪气,有的脾气倔强,有的很容易相处,有的难以打开心房。。。 种种的类型,我们每天都要面对和相处。 问题来了,到底我们该如何相处。 然而对我而言,是该如何避开那些无谓的烦恼和面具。 又要如何才能在舒服地状态下一起合作,建立默契。 我是很爱外跑的。 理所当然,遇见了很多性格的人。 刚开始,我都轻微关上我的心房。 通过时间的相处,和印象给于的好感,我会慢慢地打开心房。 如果遇到一些令人反感的,我都会尽量说服自己,也许他真的不是这样的。 如果遇到容易相处的,我会打开心房,然后接纳他给于的热情和信任。 可是往往事情并不如意。 我除了在后面埋怨哀叹,我什么都不敢。 我怕我会失去一个认识他的机会。 但,有时就是不能。 摩擦真的很辛苦。 要顾及心情,还要顾及面子。 更要懂得一个人的脾气。 我会敏感吗? 我不知道。 我是因为在一天之内,听到了无数故事,心里才会积满这么多的话。 所以,有时,我还是选择躲在角落。 让黑暗成为我的朋友。。。 * 他已经开学了。 可是还真的令人担心。 开学前夕就发生了那么多事情。 可是我却不能在身边。 实话实说,我好真的有点心痛,有点自责。 但,我还是每天都祈祷这是好事的来临。 这是佛陀安排的挑战,和磨练。 他没事了。 真令人安慰。 亲爱的,我很想你。。。
Happy Belated Mooncake Festival
Firstly, i would like to say "Happy Belated Mooncake Festival".
Haha~ Ok. I went to YY's house to celebrate. To be precise, we were walking around the area. Holding lantern and candles. And DSLR. =) It was a quiet night full with our noise and laughter. There were me, YY, Stef, Chenz, Gab, Wee Li and Sherman (It spelled like this, right?) Then Nia Jian came. We were fooling around. But still it was a memorable night. At least i didnt care how i look, or how should i talk, how should i act in front of them. I am who i am. The best thing is, you can always make jokes around and talk nonsense to each other. It's great having a bunch of friends where you can treat them as family. And you dont have to worry to find someone whenever you need them. Anyway, Happy Belated Mooncake Festival. =) * It's been quite some times i tilt my head and look at the sky. Just right now, i was stuck outside. No keys to get in my house. So, i parked at a side and wait for mummy to come back and rescue me. I was boring and i did some camwhore. During the half way, i suddenly tilted my head and i was looking at the sky. It was raining but i love the sky so much. It was so beautiful that i almost forgot to breath. I dont know how to describe how it looks, cause it might just look normal like any other day. But that moment that strikes me was, i havent look up the sky for a long time. And i dont know why, images of my childhood just appeared. I remembered i was smiling in my car then. I really cant recall when was the last time i had my moment alone, in a space. I was enjoying the moment. With the voice of radio DJ talking. With the raindrops outside. With an empty minded that nothing will occur me. I was alone. Yet i was happy. Deeply and sincerely. * And so he started to pack his bag to class now. It's been a three month sem break. (Damn, we all should be envy! >.<) He's working at a restaurant with a beautiful night view. Now, he's back to class and start picking up books. But still, in order to get back all the money he spent and will spend, he'll continue work as part time. I dont know what reaction i should give. Angry? Disappoint? Worried? Or maybe, silence? I just wish he will be ok. Try to catch up with the studies. Get enough sleep. And most of all, stay healthy. Dear, i miss you so much...
都过了raya break,今天回到班上上课。
真的好久没有见到大家了。 也好久班上都来齐人。 今天上摄影课。 整堂课都只听到“咔嚓,咔嚓”声。 每个人都在玩手上的相机。 讲师一教完一个功能,大家就接着玩了。 顿时觉得大家都好像小孩,有新鲜事物,就拿来玩。 呵呵~ 那儿拍拍,这儿拍拍。 还要讲师站在旁边给我们当模特儿。 不过,今天也早结束。 5点半就下课了。 也好,不想呆在赛车龙里,就第一时间收拾书包,走人! 哈哈~ 走出电梯时,还发现我们是第一个出来的。 呼~ 开学了。 有预感那些功课又会想雪那样飘落。 慢慢地堆积起来。 然后每个的期限都差不多在同一时间。 要加油咯~ 不能让任何失望了。 ^.^ * 现在就让老娘发泄一下。 他妈的! 最近到底是怎样?! 找不到工作吗? 还是不肯打拼? 难道就要用犯法行为来换取钱财吗? 真的不要让我遇到你们! 无聊没事到来抢劫我们地区。 难道你以为全部人都像你们这样无聊,要去抢劫吗? 有没有脑啊?! 这样搞到大家要出门又不是,不要出门又不是。 你妈妈给你们生脑袋吗?! 要做到这样绝吗? 还跟踪我们到家了,就乘机下手。 你们是太无聊了吧。 如果找不到工作就跟我讲啊~ 反正我公司真的要请人。 难道就一点要做到这样吗? 你奶奶的! 还有我们的保安人员! 你们现在到底是怎样做工的? 我们每个月都有支付,为什么还是没有进步? 甚至要赖在我们身上。 你们的大脑也是被他们抢劫了吗? 这么不会赶快想个政策来解决? 我们每天都到你们那儿投书,换来只是一场又一场无谓的会议。 厚~ 你妈妈的! 不要让老娘遇到你们全部人。 不然我真的会吊你们到生不如死! 操你的! * 唉~ 连续两天都在担心他。 昨天就因为台风,可是他还得要去上班。 再来今天,他那边的宿舍突然着火。 还好不是那儿,而是另一个地方。 真是的。 还真的另我担心。 不过还好都没事。 都平安。 佛陀啊~ 请你一定要保佑他在那边一切平安。。。 很想你哦~
Your Love Is My Drug by Kei$ha
Maybe I need some rehab Or maybe just need some sleep I got a sick obsession I’m seeing it in my dreams I’m looking down every alley I’m making us desperate ’cause I’m staying up all night hoping Hitting my head against the wall What you got boy is hard to find I think about it all the time I’m all strung out, my heart is fried I just can’t get you off my mind Because your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love I said your love your love your love is my drug Won’t listen to any advice Momma’s telling me I should think twice But love to my own devices I’m addicted, it’s a crisis My friends think I’ve gone crazy My judgements getting kinda hazy My esteem is gonna be affected If I keep it up like a lovesick crack-head I don’t care what people say The rush is worth the price I pay I get so high when you’re with me But crash and crave you when you leave Hey, so I gotta question Do you wanna have a slumber party in my basement? Do I make your heart beat like an 808 drum? Is my love, uh your drug? Your drug, uh your drug Uh your drug is my love, your drug Hey...Hey... So? Your love your love your love, is my drug (spoken) "I like your beard" * Just came back from Waiyeen's birthday party. It's damn long since i ever seen her. It was a surprised when she first approached to me and told me her plan. What can i do? Of course i said yes. I mean it's really been a while since we ever met. And i really do miss everyone. So, took it as a chance to gather with the others too. Too bad, Stef went to Taiwan; Chen had a wedding dinner; no news from JY. So, all left was me, YY, SK and CL. Of course Weiyang and Kiwi came along. We had such a great time being together. Chit chatted a lot. Keep asking what's been happening. Making fun and joke out of anything. I wish time had stop at that moment. Still, Happy Birthday to you, Waiyeen. ^.^ * Oh gosh, chatted with him till 1am. Had lots of fun and laughter. And some ridiculous conversation too. But it was warm to being "with" him again. I mean i can always be natural in front of him. Without any slightest idea of faking myself. I'm just me. Dear, thanks for everything that you brought to my life. I really do miss you...
本来我们是想看《Step Up 3》的,可惜位置都不美。 我们就只好放弃,选了《Grown Ups》来看。 ![]() 整场戏都只是在欢笑中度过。 也理所当然啦~ 演员全部都是搞笑的,那些梗永远都不会嫌老土。 它整个的故事剧情大概就是说,他们五个在小时候都是篮球校队。 他们也是学校第一支篮球队获胜的。 而三十年后,因为教练的离开人间,他们又再度聚在一起。 随后他们也到了之前一间充满许多回忆的度假屋。 大家都成家立业了,也隐藏了许多秘密,可是还是毁不了彼此的感情。 整个部戏到最后都很感人。 也让人很容易受启蒙。 它所要带出来的信息非常直接,也很明显。 只是看我们如何去诠释而已。 值得看啦~ ^.^ * 好的,终于都把我要的东西给买完了。 钱包可以好好休息了。 买了一双在寻找的平底鞋。 马来西亚的嘉年促销会还真的很恐怖。 每家商店都好像不用本地在卖。 每样东西都比平时还便宜几十倍。 也幸亏这次我刚好遇到这次。 我也鲜少买东西的。 最近常被老妈念,说为什么不买点东西。 要知道,我已经有差不多三四年没买裤子了。 鞋子也差不多有三年了。 人家认为还可以穿嘛~ 都没破,还是缺,没看见那个必要买。 可是最近鞋子好像不行了,就只好买。 刚巧又遇到表哥的婚礼,就买了生平的第一双高跟鞋。 还有一件小礼服。 呵呵~ 说起来,还真的第一次买小礼服就是为了出席婚礼。 唉~ 女人十八变。 可是变之前就是要做点牺牲。 钱啊~~~~~~~ * 真的辛苦他了。 连续都在做工,都没什么休息到。 反而一直在提醒我,要我不要累坏了。 可是他呢? 连续做了15天,都没什么休息到。 还跑去唱k到凌晨。 你说,现在该是谁担心谁? 哎哟~ 害得我最近都没什么敢找他。 怕他又听到我讲废话,会精神不支,倒在地上吐白沫。 >.<||| 亲爱的,要好好休息哦~ 有时间就尽量地补眠。 我在这里都很好。 也没事。 虽然做工遇到一些麻烦,不过都还好,我都没事。 哈哈~ 很想你哦~
It's been raining two days.
And it only rains in the morning. Haiz~ Dont actually like the feeling of raining on the morning. It always makes me feel wet. Haha~ Sounds wrong. But ya, i'm always awake by the rain drop sounds. Then i gotta get up and start preparing for the day. But the thing is, it doesnt drizzling or just rain. It rain like there's no tomorrow. There'll be wind and lightning. Making the day cold. And i always hate cold. For today, i was supposed to drive to work. And the rain makes everything worse. There's flood and everyone is driving slow. Gotta carry an umbrella with many things on hand. Then need to prepare extra shoes. Or just bother wearing a pair of scandal and change when you arrive. Aiks~ Even my house is in a little worse case. Water are dripping in my house. Outsider would even thought we were too poor to fixed the roof. Haiz~ I just dont really like raining in the morning... * Life had been going a bit rough now. I mean communicating with someone, really makes me feel like cursing every time. But well, i dont want to be rude or wasting my energy to scold that someone. I just hope she/he will done well when i'm gone. Oh~ and when someone gone too. Guess the company will be in a little chaotic situation. Especially everyone dont bother to speak up. Work had been great if only she dont do anything dumb. Missed a day and i've start counting if i'm able to earn it back. FML. ^.^ Still, class starting next week. Havent even really read through Sociology textbook. Oh my~ >.< * Alright, but there's something i really need to speak out. Why cant i trust my man that i've chosen? Why should i be afraid of that distance? Why should i break up when we are in the distance? Why cant we just trust each other and give hope to each other? I feel annoying whenever someone ask me lots of question. Regarding he's at Taiwan and i'm here. I mean, i know who should i trust and who should i invest my time to. Why should we need to break up when distance and time are giving us challenge? Sometimes i feel like shouting at them but i cant. I just simply cant. It's like there's something in my heart wants them to look at the future. Stop assuming and make conclusion to my life. I admit, when the first time he told he's leaving, i've been struggling. Till the day he left. I've struggled, whether to make him stay or not. But it was a deep conversation with my parents and some time to think thoroughly, i let him go. It was that day that i understand i shouldnt be afraid. I understand that his future are more important than me. I understand that if he stays, he will feel bad and i'll be guilty for my entire life. I understand that some times, it was the distance and time that will tie a strong bond. I understand that if i trust him more, we will outcome every challenge we will go through. I know clearly what i'm doing. We will prove that we will, somehow, still be together, in the future...
话说,那天星期五本来是假期,我们不用上班的。 可是为了stock check,store department和account department被逼要回公司。 早上一到公司,大家就被分配各自的地点。 我没有stock check啦~ 就只是要filing那个十二天都还没file的文件。 大概5点时,大家都差不多点完了,也可以收拾收拾回家了。 怎知,突然,下了一场大雨。 这还不是重点。 好戏来了。 突然天花板开始漏水。 本来以为没什么,就跑去厕所找桶。 到厕所的路上就发现很不对劲。 因为仓库也开始漏水,而且还有点夸张。 我就想跑去找其他人来帮忙。 怎知我一到楼梯间,那个水好像瀑布似的流。 真的,我真的没有夸大。 那些水真的很像瀑布。 跑进房间里面看。 那些水是从灯流出来的。 而且就像瀑布那样。 也好像水龙头没关到那样的流。 真的超夸张的。 接下来的画面就是大家拿着工具在扫水。 呵呵~ 还是大家的第一次发生这种事。 期间大家还闹了很多笑话。 这样的情形大概维持了一个小时多,大家都累坏了,可是还是得继续点货。 就这样继续到晚上九点才能离开公司。 厚~ 只能说,真的很难忘。 当天也是累垮了。 一回到家,就立刻躺在床上了。 >< * 唉~ 最近的脾气又来了。 也开始在搞自闭了。 什么事都很懒参与。 也没什么想打起精神。 就是想关在房间里慢慢读书,听歌。 自己越大就越想搞自闭。 真的很不可思议吧~ 连我自己也不清楚这样的变化。 是否该喜还是该忧。。。 * 看到他最近的事情还真的很可爱。 不过他也要开学了。 真的很快叻~ 三个月就酱过了。 亲爱的,记得要调整心情哦~ 开学了,也就要加油了。 我很想你哦~ ^.^
I'm so damn tired...
Oh boy~
Yes, i'm currently working now. Haha~ Got a phone call from my supervisor, asking me if i'm available for the week. And so i say yes and i will be working for the following week too. There. Found a job and start earning money now. Hurray~ Found it very interesting. Supervisor called to me and ask me to work. I felt a little startled at first. Then surprised. Then happy came. Later on, of course i say yes without thinking twice. The last time i was saying i cant get a job and no income for the month. But then the next minute, supervisor called and hope came to me. Haha~ Ignore me. I'm still kinda happy with it. I'm such a good worker that a supervisor would called. Fine. I will perform as good as i can. I wont let anyone down or say anything bad about me. I will earn that money by performing good. Haha~ Watch me. =) * But then, working can be tiring sometimes. Especially when you met someone who cannot work in a team. I wont like to say much, but i just want to express my inner feeling here. Everyone knows that you are a newbies, so they will treat nice at starting. But when you are working almost a month now, you are supposed to familiar with the company's working style. But then if you could not follow the pace, just take things slowly by listen to us and react fast. Dont try to talk back when someone is commenting about you. They are saying just for everyone's sake. Dont try to eavesdropping when you cant even handle your own case. It will make everyone feel annoying. Dont try to talk like you've been working for years in the company. Everyone has worked for years and they already know what to do for the time being. Plus, you can sometimes stop for a while and start do filing. You know, you havent touched that piles of document since i left. And that is almost 12 days! 12 days! My goodness! You know i spent my whole day just filing up that pile of document for your sake! But then you just left early by saying you are tired, wants to get home and rest. Hello~ What about me? I've been doing your job since the first day. I helped you out with so much. And you say you are tired. Ishh~~~ Wont say more or else it will make worse your name. Or rather i'm too tired to say anymore. You can be a legend by making the whole company speechless with your working attitude. That's it... * Even now, there are still people asking when he's coming back. Or some even dramatic, "How can you stand with the distance? Arent you supposed to be afraid?" Sometimes i dont really feel like answering those question. I will just smile and say, "how about we see in the future?" Haiz~ Why cant they see the bright side? Or rather just stay quiet and watch what will happen. But i doubt that anything will happen. Because i have faith in him. I just have. So, dont ever ask those question again. It's not that i dont want to answer or i'm being arrogant. I just want you guys to seat back and relax. No need to panic for me. I know how to handle. I just know...
昨晚就回到了。 学校一下课,就立刻飞车回家。 怎知一进到highway,就看到长龙。 虽然不会说很塞,但就是很多车,大家都是慢速度的行驶。
当时还真的有点心急。 一心想到行李都还没收拾,肚子又有点饿了。 幸亏Nikki在车上一直陪我聊天。 不然我的脾气又来了。
现在要Raya了嘛,大家都赶着回家乡。 所以到处都是车辆。 比平时多了一倍。
这就要怪我们的公共交通系统了。 要到一个地方,还要绕了一个圈才能到。 而且有时它们又不准时的。 一等就可以等上个小时。 唉~ 所以你说,我们是不是愿意自己驾车呢?
都不知何时才能改善? * 昨天下课就等于放假了。 哈哈~ Raya嘛~
我们放了差不多两个星期的假。 也好。 当作弥补我们的sem break。
不过这次的假期,我都呆在家。 也没有出去打工。
也不知道为什么,就是没有把我假期了的事告诉上司。 心里曾经矛盾了一下下。 可是最后还是没告诉。
唉~ 很无聊吧~ 明明想把钱赚回来,却没有去打工。 没打工,哪来的工资呢? 没工资,就哪来的钱呢? 唉~ 真的该打。 这么想钱,却没有做任何行动。 >< * ![]()
Memorable day
Just came back from book fair.
Damn, had an enjoyable time there. Havent been in my life buy that many. Ok, so for the following year, i wont buy any books. Yes. It's a promise. I'll just let the pictures do the talking. Haha~ It's still quite small amount compared to some we saw in the fair. Still, it was satisfying. Been waited for a year and finally we bought it! But then it wasnt this that makes us happy. It was someone bought books! Daddy bought books! Haha~ Should open a champagne and celebrate! Wont reveal how much had we spent. But i just like to say, it was quite enjoyable there. Hope next year i can buy like this again. xD * Raya holiday is coming. And i'll be having almost two weeks holiday. Well, didnt plan to work this time. Instead will be staying at home and basically do nothing. Was planning to find work again. After all had been spending too much this month. Haiz~ Want to earn back all the money that been spent. But where to go? Haiz~ Shouldnt spent so much when i know i cant earn back those money. I should stick to my budget. Haiz~~~ * Chat with him yesterday. Had a great time. I was smiling and laughing all the time. Heard many news from him. We babble many things. We exchange how's our life been. We would suddenly do silly stuff. Too many things happened. Well, this is the consequences when we werent chat for a week. Haha~ Dear, i've missing you so much...
爱的箴言 罗大佑
我将真心付给了你 将悲伤留给我自己 我将青春付给了你 将孤独留给我自己 我将生命付给了你 将岁月留给我自己 我将春天付给了你 将冬天留给我自己 爱是没有人能了解的东西 爱是永恒的旋律 爱是欢笑泪珠飘落的过程 爱曾经是我也是你 我将春天付给了你 将冬天留给我自己 我将你的背影留给我自己 却将自己给了你 爱是没有人能了解的东西 爱是永恒的旋律 爱是欢笑泪珠飘落的过程 爱曾经是我也是你 我将春天付给了你 将冬天留给我自己 我将你的背影留给我自己 却将自己给了你 * 厚~ 最近都不知搞什么东西来? 每天一回到家,就倒在沙发上,然后睡着了。 有这么累吗? 干吗这么累? 有很多活动吗? 功课很多吗? 是不是又熬夜了? 还是晚上偷偷爬起来看A片? 哈哈哈哈~ 才没有叻~ 反而最近都很早就上床了。 十一点多就已经找到了周公。 而且刚开课,哪会有功课呢? 至于活动嘛~ 都只是出席会议而已,什么都还在口头上沟通而已。 哎哟~ 老了啦~ 容易就爱睡。 >.< 算了,当作在补眠。 在过一阵子,又要开始熬夜了。 因为有预感功课会慢慢推起来的。 =p * 该上的课都上了。 也还好,还没开始讨厌什么科目。 本来以为会很讨厌那个Pengajian Malaysia。 因为说好听点,它就是在读回马来西亚历史。 唉~从小学读到中学,现在还要再读回。 不过幸亏我们是用英语上课,所以基本上,比较感兴趣一点。 不一样嘛~ 用英语上历史。 而不再是那个烦闷的国语。 暂时也还没遇到什么很刁难的讲师。 大家都很友善。 而且也爱开玩笑,以至于上课都不会很闷。 不知是习惯了,还是什么的,现在只要讲师开始讲课,我都会开始专注上课。 不会像以前还在中学时,老师在前面教课,我们在后面睡觉。 现在班上虽然还是有同学会睡觉,但我就不会被影响到。 我也不是坐在前面第一排。 本人的小举动啦~我是不会做第一排。 要嘛,就中间;不然就最后一排。 可是我还是能专心上课。 固然朋友在旁边玩闹,我还是有办法听到讲师讲课。 呵呵~ 要是以前的我,知道现在的我是这么样,我想应该笑倒地上了吧~ 是啊~ 连我自己也是今天才发现到的。 很好! 应该维持下去! 加油! * 应该都有一个星期了吧~ 没有和他聊天了。 他真的超爽的。 一个晚上居然能遇到那么多艺人。 哼~看着来,我以后未来也能遇到这么多的。 哈哈哈~ xP 亲爱的,都很好吧~ 你也好像要开课了。 该收拾心情,准备开课了。 要注意天气哦~ 看报道,现在好像是台风季节。 每天都会下雨,搞不好还会垮风。 健康也要时时注意哦~ 不要像我病倒了,真的超逊叻~ 哈哈~ 我想你哦~
Started my Sem2 today.
This sem, we will be learning
Ya, it's all theoretical and it's boring in a way. But i do heard that will be some fun trip along the course. So, still it's not bad at all. Like always, gotta concentrate on class and pay full attention on it. Cant let anyone down in the end. I will prove and enjoy this semester. Wish me luck =) * Haha~Recently my house has install a TM device. Well, it works similarly like Astro. Except that this can received more Taiwan and Hong Kong movies. The best part, it will replay Hong Kong classic movies FOR THE WHOLE DAY without REPITION! My parent were the one who enjoy that channel very much. And our house has been playing classic movies since. From morning till night. It's so funny yet memorable to them. And we the young ones, will always playing guessing game. I mean all the actors were so young and macho and beautiful and fresh and YOUNG! Haha~ No doubt that we learn a lot too. Guess this will go on until i-dont-know when. * He brings another good news to me. And it had been cheering me up since. So he booked the ticket and coming back for Chinese New Year. And he'll be leaving after Valentine's Day. This is somehow sounds crazy to me. I mean i never ever dreamed of him coming back till he's graduated. Cause he's the one who said he wont be back till graduated. So, i took his every word by heart and never give hope of him coming back. But now, he's telling me he already booked the ticket and confirm coming back. Boy~My heart is thumping again. I cant keep my smile away now. It's wide and broad and i just love it. Dear, i just cant wait for your return. I miss you... ![]() |