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六月 2007
七月 2007 八月 2007 九月 2007 十月 2007 十一月 2007 十二月 2007 一月 2008 二月 2008 三月 2008 四月 2008 五月 2008 六月 2008 七月 2008 八月 2008 九月 2008 十月 2008 十一月 2008 十二月 2008 一月 2009 二月 2009 三月 2009 四月 2009 五月 2009 六月 2009 七月 2009 八月 2009 九月 2009 十月 2009 十一月 2009 十二月 2009 一月 2010 二月 2010 三月 2010 四月 2010 五月 2010 六月 2010 七月 2010 八月 2010 九月 2010 十月 2010 十一月 2010 十二月 2010 一月 2011 二月 2011 三月 2011 四月 2011 五月 2011 六月 2011 七月 2011 八月 2011 九月 2011 十月 2011 十一月 2011 十二月 2011 一月 2012 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Keep the Faith
Forget it.
Remember that, if it is yours, it will be yours. Maybe Buddha just wants you to learn more and discover more, what ability do you have. You shouldnt give up so easily nor complaining anything. Change your mindset and everything following will change. Dont mind how hard it will be. Dont see how fortune your surroundings are. Just look at yourself and keep smiling. You would never know how much luck it will bring at the end of day. Dear, I know it would tiring. But, you are still young and there's so many things to be yet discover. Dont ever say you are useless or less fortunate. As a saying, "God had His own plan for you." And you just had to keep discover it. Dear, You are beautiful and still energetic. Remember that the world is still beautiful. So many people are loving you. All you have to do, is just keep the faith. Alright?
那天15号,我们一家大小和表姐到Victoria's Station去庆祝。因为这是寿星婆要求的。而且在几个月以前就吵着要的。 我们就省吃俭用了几个月,也在15号当天完成了她的心愿。 (在我家呢,如果要到这种地方吃,还真的要省吃俭用。这样才能在当天有借口说,是啊~辛苦存了这么久,应该好好奖赏自己。哈哈哈~特别吧~) 吃饱了以后,由于时间还早,肚子也还很涨,老爸就提议到Solaris Mont Kiara喝一两杯。 我们就来到了这件De Solvang。 里面空荡荡的,也有点冷清清,不过哪能阻挡了我们这家人的情绪。 我们不理旁人,尽情地说笑。仿佛整间店被我们包下了。 本来是时候要回家了,突然店里的公关就来关心一下。 后来得知是老妹的生日,说要特别帮老妹准备一样礼物。 原来是Flaming Lamborghini。大家都high起来了。 间中闹了不少笑话,尤其老妈的那句话:“我叫你喝,你就喝!” 哈哈~就这样老妹被老妈逼着喝了。
Was supposed to update about my sis's birthday celebration.
But my mind was filled with loads of thoughts, and they are blocking my way. This time, it wasnt the pressure. Ok, ya, so maybe it was. But its not about college or whatsoever. Its my future instead. For quite some time, i thought i had made my mind and i've decided to follow it. No matter what obstacles are coming through, no matter how hard and how long will it takes, i'd still follow my decision. But, this few days, after some conversation (or rather it was my parents talking, i'm quiet and listening), they want me to go overseas as soon as possible.
One of the reason, they are afraid that once i enter the working society, i'd lose the interest of going back to study.
I dont know how and when it will happen, but i always thought i will overcome this issue.Until just now, i questioned myself.
Really? Can you overcome then? What if you cant? You know you are not allowed to regret, right?
One after another one, they popped out just like they way you are solving a crime.
Honestly, i cannot make a affirmative answer now.
And i cant forecast my future. I wish i had a power of it now.
I mean, even now, the internship issue is making me losing my confidence.To what i cant be sure, but my heart sure race whenever the word "internship" is heard or said.
Its too complicated to explain, but thats just the way i'm feeling now.
Well, i guess you can let time and fate to unfold the future.
You cant turn the next page, until the day you are ready for the next chapter.
I just need to cool myself down.
Listen to music. Enjoy a couple of movie. Pampered myself with delicious foods and beverages. Feel satisfied after a round of shopping. And, immerse myself with the loved ones.
Maybe after all these, a whole new chapter is ready to be written down.
Let it be adventure or romance, i do need some confidence to write the story out.
钱+未来=生活乐趣 =)
要说精彩,也还蛮真的精彩的。 钱也花得很精彩。 好像开着水龙头似的。一直不停地在钱包里挖啊挖。就像无底洞,可是也会担心破产的一天。 还很“伟大"地安慰自己,钱乃是身外物,何必去操心呢~ 哈哈~ 可是,每次静下来,在回头看看自己的钱是花在何处。 我可没有做犯法的事情。而且都是为了我的爱人而花的。 到最后,自责感和懊恼也比较淡化了些。
不敢说我现在正在赚着大钱,而且我只是个学生而已。 但为了他们,就算要我破产,就算要打十分工,日夜不用睡觉,一天吃一餐,我也心甘情愿。 我可没有夸张哦~ 我是真心真意的。 谁叫他们是我的爱人啊~ =)
还有一点哦~ 时间过得好快啊~ 就快要实习了! 现在最重要就是把履历表给搞定好,还有还有,我到底会到哪件公司呢?
RIP Steve Jobs
Was on my way driving to college. Today was a big day for us.
As usual, i always turn on my radio. As usual too, i was listening to the news. At first, not much shocking news, until i heard "Apple's ex-CEO, Steve Jobs had passed away." I was like, what? Is this another April fool? Reached college and i heard friends talking about it. Thats when i bought the news. To be honest, i wasnt a true fan of Apple product. I was kinda ignore it as i thought Apple product were too selfish. (Excuse me, but that is what i had in my mind since i first introduce to Apple product.) But i always admire Steve Jobs way. Especially when he giving speech. All those inspirational and wisdom words. It can haunt you for, like a lifetime. It was only a simple quote that change his way of living, "Live like it's your last day." and he did it.
Still, as a human, as an admirer, i just like to say, Rest In Peace.
Thank you so much for everything that you had done to this world.
Not only you change the world, but you had given motivation and chance to people like us who are on our journey to our dream.
Though we cant promise how much difference we change for this world, yet your wisdom and spirit will always be us.
Lastly, thank you for living as a legend. Your legacy will pass down from generation to generation.
R.I.P, Steve Jobs.
无与伦比的美丽 苏打绿
![]() ![]() Music Playlist at MixPod.com 天上风筝在天上飞 地上人儿在地上追 你若担心你不能飞 你有我的蝴蝶 天上风筝在天上飞 地上人儿在地上追 我若担心我不能飞 我有你的草原 耶~耶~ 你形容我是这个世界上无与伦比的美丽 耶~耶~ 我知道你才是这世界上无与伦比的美丽 天上风筝在天上飞 地上人儿在地上追 你若担心你不能飞 你有我的蝴蝶 耶~耶~ 你形容我是这个世界上无与伦比的美丽 耶~耶~ 我知道你才是这世界上无与伦比的美丽 耶~耶~ 你知道当你需要的夏天我会拼了命努力 耶~耶~ 我知道你会做我的掩护当我试个逃避 耶~耶~ 天上风筝在天上飞 地上人儿在地上追 你若担心你不能飞 你有我的蝴蝶 我若担心我不能飞 耶~耶~ 我有你的草原 * 原来已经十月了。刚刚和外婆谈天时,我还一直以为还在九月呢~ 十月啊~那就是说,还有距离两个月而已就要新年了。 时间过得真的好快。完全都不等人。 无论如何,生活还是得继续。 开心难过快乐悲伤幸福痛苦。 人生的调味料还在继续发挥它的作用。 我,到目前为止还很喜欢这样的生活。 什么都不用太担心。只要专著眼前最为重要的事物。其他的,到时就会自然有办法解决的。何必这么心急呢?