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六月 2007
七月 2007 八月 2007 九月 2007 十月 2007 十一月 2007 十二月 2007 一月 2008 二月 2008 三月 2008 四月 2008 五月 2008 六月 2008 七月 2008 八月 2008 九月 2008 十月 2008 十一月 2008 十二月 2008 一月 2009 二月 2009 三月 2009 四月 2009 五月 2009 六月 2009 七月 2009 八月 2009 九月 2009 十月 2009 十一月 2009 十二月 2009 一月 2010 二月 2010 三月 2010 四月 2010 五月 2010 六月 2010 七月 2010 八月 2010 九月 2010 十月 2010 十一月 2010 十二月 2010 一月 2011 二月 2011 三月 2011 四月 2011 五月 2011 六月 2011 七月 2011 八月 2011 九月 2011 十月 2011 十一月 2011 十二月 2011 一月 2012 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
听着张雨生的《大海》 星期日(27/7/2008),参加了一个活动。 为了方便,芊和嫣来我家过夜。 就是参加人间慈悲所举办的“义心一意,跑出彩虹”。 它是一个义跑活动。 除了捐钱之外,还可以编一个借口来运动运动一下。 这次的义跑就在南洋商报报馆起跑。 * 大概早上5.30就起床了。 那两个懒睡猪闹钟响了几十次都还没起身。 倒是把我给弄醒了。(嘻嘻~也谢谢她们啦~不然我真的起不身来。) 刷牙洗脸洗澡。 那两个还是还没起身。 最后我妈要我把灯给开了,她们才起身。 大约6.30,就坐上我表姐,筱微姐姐的车出发! 大概7点,我们到达了目的地。 现场已经开始有人潮了。 ![]() 早上的颜色原来是蓝色的。 虽然有点困,还是提起了精神参加这次的活动。 在那边,很毫无醒觉地与我们学校老师碰面。 原来Pn.Too和Miss Ng都是工作委员。 看到她们都在忙着报道,也帮了一点。(不懂老师会不会在考试时加分叻?哈哈~) 7.30我们开始做了简单的早操,就开始了我们义跑。 沿途上的那些屋子真的很美。 甚至还有保安人员、超大的鸟笼、名牌跑车、高高的国旗。。。等有钱人的象征。 ![]() 那些屋子美到无法形容。 而且每个都很有风格。 超喜欢。 渐渐地,我远离了她们两个。 自己一个人慢慢走。 在路上,想了很多问题。 也听到了很多那些安娣的对谈。 甚至是她们的苦衷。 差不多要到终点时,遇到了她们两个。 原来她们两个在和小朋友们打成一片。 最后我们在一个小时之内完成了整个路程。 什么?! 没有看到我流汗?! 当然啦~ 因为我的汗全部都积聚在我的背部。 所以你是很难在我的脸上看汗水的。 脱下来了号码,就到报道处再次地报道。 拿了证书,开始到处逛逛。 买了一间衣服,也得到了慧海法师的签名。 在回家之前,和老师们拍了照片。 ![]() ![]() 现在脚已经好了。 没有在痛了。 心灵仿佛又被洗礼了一次。 虽然没得到什么奖品,至少我做了一间善事。 也把我那懒散的身体给拿去运动了。 感谢每个人的付出。
A visit to Pn Chan's house...
Listening to Travis's "Closer" Went to Pn Chan's house to get the pictures from camp. I gotta admit, she owns this beautiful house. So beautiful that i couldnt help myself but praising of her sense of art. Too bad that she's teacher. I mean all these stuff must be paid by her husband. (Sorry teacher, didnt mean to say anything.) ![]() There was this little pond too. Of course there's fish inside the water. ![]() One of her masterpiece that hung up on her wall. She loves drawing. So does her two daughter. Which the eldest of her daughter is studying "Film and Animation" at MMU. Both of her daughter owns a room that painted according to colour theme. Apple green and Baby blue. Oh ya! One thing i admire the most is this: ![]() A whole shelf collection of comic!!! And it was not only this one shelf. There was THREE SHELVES full with comic books!!! Gosh~ And there's even my favourite manga: SAIYUKI (envy-ing) A small corner that she set up just to relax herself. ![]() It was so pretty and neat. (Dude, she hired a maid.) ![]() Look carefully. She even draw on the shelf to make sure everything is in a correct order.
Standing tall and high. Yes. It's all art! (Didint really see who it was.) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The last picture: she posed with us. * Stay tune for the lastest update. I'm running. Leg muscle aching now. :P
可是我还是任由它自己来操控我的心 我承认我是个感情丰富的人 每次办完活动就有无数的感觉在心里徘徊 我无法想像 假如我的父母从来不支持我办活动 现在的我 会是什么样子 会不会是个样子很丑的一个小女生 ![]() ![]() “傻婆家族” 这个是一个 对我来说 很感动也证明我成长 的家族 无间接地 我们的友谊再次地升温 到另一个程度 而且我们还是很相爱的 (别误会哦~我们都是很正常的。)
就像照片中的绳子一样 都是在我们手中 中间的那个结 就是我们相遇的时候 谁都无法抗拒 谁都无法完美地承认是自己打那个结 我们能相遇 都是刚好我们的结都在一起 友谊就酱开始了 你不能把它磨灭 当然也不能毁灭它 但你有权力不理会它 也有权力放弃它 我还是坚持相信 缘分到时 我们都是好友 一帮很要好的朋友 祝福你们。。。
Thank you to you...
Listening to Katy Perry's "I Kissed A Girl" Finally!!!
Everything is over!!! My sick is getting better. I feel a bit comfortable. My heart doesnt feel overweight. Our friendship is at another level. I feel i've grown up. Too much stuff that i found out. Yet there's also some negative. But i'll not spill it out. I'm in a good mood now. * 3 days 2 night. From 18/7/2007~20/7/2007 Our chinese society camp was a succes!!! And i'm proud to say,"You guys did a great job! Love ya~" Loads of fun, joke, gossip, lesson, tiredness, happiness... We were a big family. Everyone was enjoyed. Even though i was sick, i still managed to bring up the camp to a live stage. Emcee's role was to live up the whole atmosphere. I guess i did a great job. Not to mention, it was a dedicated and hardwork of camp. Build by us. Create by us. Donate by us. And fully in charge by us. Never thought i'll left so much memories. Proud. And honesty. I really love it. * Promise to update when i get more pictures. In the meantime, you guys can surf to yc's blog to see. Yun Chen's blog REALLY THANK YOU TO EVERYONE OF YOU THAT JOIN AND DEDICATE TO THIS CAMP. PROMISE THE NEXT CAMP WILL BE MORE FUN AND SUCCESS TOO!!!
听着陈小春的《我爱的人》 hurray!!!我回来了!!! 喉咙好痛哦~ 为什么? 因为我这两天都在喊+尖叫。 能不痛吗? 为什么要喊+尖叫? 我去cheer 2008! 当然是去支持我校队啦~ 也顺便去感受那边的气氛。 果然我去是值得的。 因为我找到了一种力量来爱我的学校。 * 我校有两队都参加了。 cyclonez和sparkz。 都不能说哪队好,哪队差。 各有各的特色和优点。 而上面那张照片,是代表了我校队的颜色。 ok。是很国旗的feel。 哈哈~ 在巴士无聊和君自拍了起来。 一进到去,就看到了很多队伍开始暖身。 心情也开始有点high起来了。 去找位置时,发生一点点小插曲。 坐在我们隔壁的学校,smkdx,想把整个位置都霸掉。 真的很过份! 过后还说是我们自私。 waliao~ 要不是老娘我心情好,不然现场的保安人员都要把我拉出去了。 最衰样的是,第二天他们一大早就来霸好位置。 不是我们迟到,而是他们早到。 我们要回我们的位置。 他们却顶我们说:“你们已经迟到了,还在这里跟我们吵什么?” 妈x你! 难道要我们在这里过夜霸位置咩? 真的有够气死人!!!威圧すること 不要理他们。 继续我的故事。 在stadium bukit jalil举办的。 * 虽然我们的学校没有赢到什么名次。 但至少我们的老师赢了“Best Teacher Awards” 看不出来我们的老师,pn judy,是多么的厉害扭身体。 老师,我敬你! * 好啦~ 我就拍了一个video。 不过先声明,我不是pro的。 所以如果你觉得看不下去,就麻烦你把它stop。 所以你可以知道为什么我会喉咙痛了。 嘻~
Only You by Flying Pickets
Listening to Coldplay's "Viva La Vida" ba la la la...Looking from a window above It's like a story of love Can you hear me Came back only yesterday Moving further away Want you near me All I needed was the love you gave All I needed for another day And all I ever knew Only you Sometimes when I think of your name And it's only a game And I need you Listening to the words that you say It's getting harder to stay When I see you All I needed was the love you gave All I needed for another day And all I ever knew Only you ba la,ba la,ba la la la... This is gonna take a long lime And I wonder what's mine Can't take no more Wonder if you'll understand It's just the touch of your hand Behind a closed door All I needed was the love you gave All I needed for another day And all I ever knew Only you * My july is kinda packed. Going to support my school team cheer at tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. (Saturday and Sunday 11-12/7/2008) Chinese society camp at next Friday. (18-20/7/2008) A charity run at Sunday.(27/7/2008) And there's two deadline for two folios. Moral and Chinese. So damn busy yet i'm not getting sick. * It's been a long time i didnt go back to dxy. Kinda miss everyone now. I hope there's a time and mood to go back and meet them again. It's not like i'm abandoning them. And hell no way i am going to do that. It's just i really want to go back. But inner heart told my mind the other way round. I really miss you guys!
听着李圣杰的《擦肩而过》 啊~~~我讨厌现在的电脑和上网线!!! 慢到屁样!!!(不好意思,就让我骂个痛快。谢谢。) 都说我要看金曲奖。 然后我就上网下载。 他x的慢到~看都不能看! 跟老爸说,他说可能是公司那边的问题。 waliao~ 一个月rm88都给你了,还不快点做maintenance。 人家政治发生了事,管你什么x事?! 而且还是每个月给了你,也没看到什么进步。 有一次我家的电话线掉了下来(一切都怪我们家附近的猴子!),我们就拨了通电话给你们。 你们派人来到我们家,看了看电话线,不到10分钟,你们就调头走。 然后丢下一句:“这个不是我们的工作范围。” x你娘! 如果不是你的工作,会是谁的?! 我都还没说你迟到呢~ 真是气死人了!!! 最后我们要找代理商来,付了一笔不是很美的价钱。 真的很不明白我们国家的人是怎样办事的! 又慢,又爱迟到,又时常乱给诺言。 太多缺点去挑了。 讲你们,又说我们不尊敬你们 触犯了不懂什么xx的法律。 不讲你们,你们还是那个样子。 而且还变本加厉! 厚~ 等到哪天,老娘我忍不住了,一定会发飙起来!
Piss piss!!!
Listening to Rihanna's "Take A Bow" I know it's a sin to mad at your parents.It's just i need a space to explode. So, please dont give any comment or whatsoever to this post. Thank you. ありがとう * Yesterday (5/7/2008/) was the 19th Golden Music Awards. I've always expect this award since the first time i watch. And i'll do anything just to stay at home and watch. No matter how late it ends, i'll always be in front the tv. So, technically, i'm supposed to have chemistry tuition at 6pm. Well, i changed my time to Friday night. Everything was plan well. UNTIL my parents came to me with five movies tickets. The date and time was Saturday night. Damn it! I cant watch GMA! I admit, my mood was swifty. But i cant help myself. I mean, i've done everything just to stay at home and watch GMA. Plus, my parents knows that i want to watch GMA. Yet, they told me that they forgot till they paid the money. I was so damn piss!!! That i didnt really enjoy the movie much. It's like a waste to change my tuition time. Now, my internet line is so slow. I cant really watch online as it keep lack. Download the video? It's like more than 12 episode. I didnt have that much energy and time to stay in front of computer to download. I swear, the next time, i'm to write a big poster to get their attention that i'm going to watch GMA!
听着古巨基和梁咏琪的《许愿》 很快哦~ 今天就是7月了。 悲观的想,还有一个月就是penilaian。 然后三个月后,就年终考试。 乐观的想,还有4个月就放假了! 唉~ 有觉得自己成长吗? 没有! 好失败哦~ 没办法啊~ 我6月都在玩。 虽然有去帮帮做工。 可是还是感觉自己没变。 怎样都好,我至少没有感到自己在浪费时间。 * 7月7号,莹的生日。 7月11号,家乡朋友的生日。 7月14号,stef和大伯的生日。 还有谁的生日? 厚~ 我对记生日很差的。 除非有人特别提醒,否则不要怪我失忆。 所以,如果你是这个月生日的,就祝你:“生日快乐!” 可以的话,就顺便留下你们的名字和生日日期在留言版。 谢啦~ |