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六月 2007
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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Handsome-est bridesmaid
Listening to Eminem's "My Name Is" 31/5 A big day for my cousin. Cause she's getting MARRIED!!! And guess what? I'm the bridesmaid for her. (Shall i self-pity or happy?) Bridesmaid brings out an image in head. ![]() Dress, high heels, make-up, a lovely smile, holding the bride's skirt to make sure she wont fall. Ok. Lovely smile, i got it. Holding the bride's skirt, i'm there already. High heels, i got 2 pairs. But dress and make-up??? *shaking head furiously* NO WAY!!! I mean, come on~~~ You know me. I dont like either one of it. (Besides mini skirt) So, a sacrificement i shall make. If i wear dress, NO MAKE-UP!!! If i wear make-up, NO DRESS!!! ![]() Gosh~ How do i love myself~~~ (Haha~ sorry for self-praising) Planning, 1/5 i'm going to Times Square to hunt for a white pants. I'm going to be a handsome-est bridesmaid you ever seen in your life. And believe me. I'm going to do so. ![]() (Handsome-est bridesmaid, here i come!!!!)
听着卜学亮的《子曰》 哈哈哈哈~ 我活了16年,和两位本地歌手握手!!! 第一位是,黎胜铭(之前是黎胜平)。我还和他同台演出呢~ 第二位,就是Danny温力铭!!! 就在昨天而已。 事故是酱的。 昨天我们吃饱晚餐后,就说要去1u走走。 在车上,我妈就问可以去power center吗?因为有举办环保展览会。是为了配合世界日而办的。去那边的时候,你还必须自备环保带,才可以购买东西。 那我是如何跟温力铭握手的呢? 呵呵~ 那时就就有dj在台上搞交流活动。搞完了以后,就请出Danny了。 ![]() 那时,Danny因为音响的问题而暂时延后歌唱,就开始玩起回答问题。 他具备了5道问题。需要我们上台去回答,才有奖品拿。 怎知,那个奖品是我妈一直以来要买的米糠筷子。 我妈就一直催我上台。可是当时的我不想上。因为不知他会问什么问题。嘿嘿~ 我妈就一直敲我的头。(我妈站我的后面,而danny还在找五个人上台。)就被danny发现了。 还嘲笑着说:“你看,你的姐姐都出卖你了。还有谁要上来的,也可以出卖你的朋友啊~还是什么亲戚的。”(心里在ost:我被出卖,可是我妈被赞。><) 不理啦~就上台去了。 后来danny就开始问我。 danny 我 “你好。请问你是什么名字?” “依琳。” “依琳是吗?你好你好。我是danny温力铭”(就在这边,他和我握手!!!台下有些粉丝在尖叫) “我是想问说,一个plastic bag入轨被埋在地下,几百年后,它还在吗?” “会~” (因为他说了点废话,我就省略啦~) ![]() ![]() ![]() 就酱,轻易而举的,就得到了奖品。而且还和他握手呢!!! 后来他也唱了几首歌。 还是要感谢我妈临时改变行程。 我就有机会上台和danny握手!!! 可是我人生最后目标:就是和王力宏握手!!!
Not studying...
Listening to Blu Cartell "Hit 'Em Up Style" I still dont think that i'm going to pass my mid term exam.Cause i'm not really focusing. (Not going that detail. Please visit our http://sista13579.blogspot.com) Anyway, i know that it's annoying that i dont study when exam is near. I just cant help it. Dont ask me why. I just dont want. Well, guess i'm going to pray. Pray that i wont sleep during exam!!! Haha~
听着李圣杰和林隆旋的《你那么爱他》 告诉你一个秘密。 我。。。 还。。。 没。。。 开。。。 始。。。 温。。。 习。。。 功。。。 课。。。 的。。。 哈哈~ 好啦~ 我知道这不是什么秘密。因为,我就是酱的咯~ 唉~ 发觉每次靠近考试时,我都会特别的逍遥自在。 仿佛就算下一秒发生什么事,我都是死定了!!! 哈哈~好怪的形容。 是真的嘛~ 连小君都温习功课了。(小君,不好意思啦~我已经很好了。没有在这里爆你的料。) 那我呢? 还不是酱。。。 算了。 等到哪天我突然想读的时候,再打算吧~ (可是最近我都都蛮勤劳的做着add math。。。)
2 weeks to mid-year exam
Listening to Elton John's "Circle Of Life" Gosh~ That dream again. It start to haunt me again. I'm really scared now. Can someone help me? Or not? Gosh~ * Anyway, back to normal life. (Big change? I thought that's what life means. :P) 2 weeks countdown. 2 weeks to our mid-year exam. Nervous? Do i ever look nervous? Start your revision? Do i ever revise? Stop playing computer? Dude, you know me, right? Ok. I admit. I'm just lazy. So what? There's n0 harm. I want to do whatever i want. Ok, i will study. But not now!!! Haha~
听着棒棒堂的《爱情玛琦朵》 各位华语学会的工委们,我们一定能完成这次的生活营。虽然我们第一次办,可是我对各位有信心。 我们一定能成功。就算没有成功,也要让各位留下回忆。 这是办生活营最大的欣慰。 我们一定行!!! 各位,加油噢~ * 最近不知怎么搞。 总觉得每次回大学园,都提不起劲来。 感觉好像冷淡了许多。 这种心情的转变,自己也无法适应。 看来,我妈说的对。 因为在学校有一帮要好的朋友。而且我也开始依靠她们了。所以我总是提不起劲来。 想想。也是的。 最近和[]的时间多过和大学园在一起还要多n倍。 [],看来,就算我们毕业了以后,都没有再联络,我还是要很感谢你们给我的回忆。我会很珍惜的。 至于大学园,你们要给我一点时间来调回我的心情。
First proposal!!!
Listening to Destiny's Child's "Bills Bills Bills" Woo-hoo~~~Finally. My proposal had finished. And now it stay at my teacher's hand. Waiting for teacher to approve. Very tension now. Hope teacher wants to see me tomorrow. Man, i cant wait. * It's kinda strange. I dont feel like study more than planning activities. I dont know. I just suddenly realised. I mean i want to plan more activity. And just leave the books behind. I dont feel like study and exam. Really. No kidding. I dont know. Maybe i was just happy because my first proposal had done finished. I'll just wait for my heart to settle. Haiz~
听着周杰伦的《外婆》 她来听我的演唱会 在十七岁的初恋第一次约会 男孩为了她彻夜排队 半年的积蓄买了门票一对 我唱得她心醉 我唱得她心碎 三年的感情一封信就要收回 她记得月台汽笛声声在催 播我的歌陪着人们流泪 嘿 陪人们流泪 她来听我的演唱会 在二十五岁恋爱是风光明媚 男朋友背着她送人玫瑰 她不听电话夜夜听歌不睡 我唱得她心醉 我唱得她心碎 成年人分手后都像无所谓 和朋友一起买醉卡拉OK 唱我的歌陪着画面流泪 嘿 陪着流眼泪 我唱得她心醉 我唱得她心碎 在三十三岁真爱那么珍贵 年轻的女孩求她让一让位 让男人决定跟谁远走高飞 嘿 谁在远走高飞 我唱得她心醉 我唱得她心碎 她努力不让自己看来很累 岁月在听我们唱无怨无悔 在掌声里唱到自己流泪 嘿 唱到自己流泪 她来听我的演唱会 在四十岁后听歌的女人很美 小孩在问她为什么流泪 身边的男人早已渐渐入睡 她静静听着我们的演唱会 *今天我跟涵聊天。 我们就聊到为什么不要报考华文。 涵就说,读华语是很浪费时间。 听完,我的内心莫名的生气。 我生气是因为,我们身为华人,为什么会觉得学华语是很浪费时间?! 那,我之前在读华小的时候,岂不是浪费了6年的时间?! 现在的外国人都对华文有兴趣。为什么我们自己本身华人却没有兴趣读?而且还埋怨说浪费时间?! 我觉得我的校长说对的。为什么我们自己华人会对华文没感兴趣?因为它太多古典的因素吗?因为它不过是我们生活的一部分,不需要特别的进修? 是的。我从之前到现在都一直在强调我热爱语文。而且超爱华文。我也不会强迫别人不喜欢华文。 可是,你是华人,却对我说,你对华文没有兴趣?! 这一点我就不能容忍了! 我只希望以后我们华人弟子都能传承祖先留下来的知识。
Cross My Heart
Listening to Jordin Sparks's "Tatoo" Gosh~How long haven't i update my blog??? Never mind. I'm here~~~~~~~~ Kinda busy this few days. With the proposal. I just dont care!!! I want teacher to listen my opinion. And let her to think about it. I just want the camp to success. Not making it failure. It'll be not be part of the plan. The whole entire group work will vanish just like that. I dont want like this!!! NO!!! I promise, i wont let this happen!!! Cross my heart!!!!
听着张信哲的《白月光》 原来我们都已经长大了。 以前我们还小的时候,什么事都敢做。 甚至我们还立下了一个规则:谁弄谁哭,就要安慰那个人。 记得当时候,都是我妹,弟和霖都爱哭。 而我们两个大的,我和锦,都会不知所措。导致最后我们被骂。 我们是从小玩到大的。我们都了解彼此。也明白彼此的心情。 很多人都羡慕我们。很难得堂兄弟姐妹都能玩得癫癫疯疯。 现在的我们都长大了。 我们各有各的理想。也准备要展翅飞了。 小时候的回忆,没有人能保证我们还会怀念。 我们都大了。 也有自己的生活了。 我们现在不能像小时候那样地哭了。也很难用正确的句子来安慰。 心里还是有句话,一直荡漾着:回忆,是最好的医药。 是的。 就算现在,我有低潮的时候,那些回忆会涌出来。 就在那刹那间,心头有些轻松了。
Damn angry!!!!
Listening to In-Grid's "You Promised Me" Argh~ I'M SO DAMN ANGRY TODAY!!! But i'm peace now. (Dude, i learn meditation. :)) Back to topic. I made a plan for my school Chinese Society to had a camp. Everything was not that smooth as most of our community didnt know how to build up a camp. Or even worst, they never join camp before. But i managed to clear up everything. (Also thanks to Stef, Waiyi and Chen) Today, i went to talk with teacher, Pn Chan. And guess what?! She said we need to change our date from 16~18/8 to 11~13/7. Ok. Forget about the changing date. We still can solve the problem. But the biggest factor that made me mad was, TEACHER DONT LET ME TO FIND ANY COMMUNITY PEOPLE!!! I mean, we need some help. It's not that you can ask help from the campers?! If that so, why should we plan a camp?! If that so, what's the purposed of planning this camp?! I just cant believe teacher had said that. I'm terribly mad!!! It's NONSENSE!!! After school, i came back home. My mood is now calm and peace. I set up my mind. I must make a purposal that convince teacher to agree whatever suggestion we gave her. She must thought of our fees, our energy, our dignity. I need to be success!!!
听着王力宏的《不完整的旋律》 唉~ 那些谁想玩的,请跟我讲一声。 1. Stef 2. |