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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Happy Chinese New Year
For the first time ever, throughout my 20 years, this year Chinese New Year got to be the most FUN AND BUSY ever!!!
*Wont be writing any of it. Plain lazy. Too much to write about. Still, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!! Angpau mari mari!
因为某些因素,我不方便在这边透露我的实习状况。 但我能说的是,目前的我是蛮得空的。要等到新年过后,就可有我忙了。 哦~忘了说,我现在是在华研上班。 就是那个签了S.H.E.,动力火车,Olivia Ong等艺人。 这么说来,就大概知道为什么我说新年过后就有我忙了。呵呵~ 整个星期下来,就想念的还是宝宝。 那天星期五,宝宝早到我家,还陪她玩了一会儿。 上班时,也不会觉得有点迷失错乱。 可能真的太想念宝宝了,难得看到宝宝,整个心情也好很多了。 最近也在帮着老妈做饼干。 只是做来给自己吃,然后送送礼。 每天就做到半夜,我们母女也常常坐下来聊了很多。 至于聊了什么话题,那就留着我们母女俩吧~ 哈哈~ 还有还有,我换了新发色。 今年没做什么大改变。 因为我下定决心要把头发留长。所以就要求发型师只是修剪好了。等头发长了点,再打算看要烫或电发。 就放在照片,看看我的新发色。
First week of January
So far, first week of January had been treating me good.
Nothing bad happened, nothing uncomfortable, nothing unjoyful. Instead, i was happy and satisfied the whole time. Ok, except for the weather, which had been ridiculously HOT! One more day of holiday, and i will start my internship on Monday. Not very nervous, excited, feeling good. Just one thing - what should i wear to work? I mean if they need formal clothing, oh boy, i got only one formal suit, and the rest are jeans and t-shirts.
But, whatever, all i have to do is adapt the environment, act like a sponge, willing to learn more all the time.
Most important, able to accept critics and handle the compliment.
For most of the time, have to act like a sponge and a chameleon.
I know i can do it and i shall do it.
*One more thing. Mum had taken a offer to babysit an 11-month baby. For the past week, it was mostly me taking care the baby. Ok, not for the feeding and bathing part. Most of the time, i was playing with the baby, accompanying her, have fun with her. I even change her diaper. I always teased, there, i gave away my first time. xD Overall, the baby become adore me and starting to dependent on me. To be truth, i never had this feeling before. I dont know whats the right word for this feeling. I mean i look after the baby for the whole day, and now, all of the sudden, i had to leave her due internship. It was leaving my own daughter alone. Haiz~ I must love her too much nor spending too much time with her. Or else, this feeling wont occur to me. Never mind, i will cope this feeling. I will channel it on work. So that i can go back home safely and still able to catch her (which is a small possibility). Anyway, i just wanna say,
Baby, you are always be loved by us.
2011年 =)
2011年,对我来说,太多情绪,太多回忆。 有好的,有不好的。 有让人羡慕的,有让人愤怒的。 我得到很多,同时也失去很多。 2011年。
在半部,我失去了,那个曾经带给我欢乐幸福的。 直到现在,我很佩服当时的我。 虽然一整夜的失眠,我还是能驾车到学校上课,甚至去做工。 我没到处宣扬。都是大家因关心而来问候。 没眼泪,没哀怨。甚至当人们开始在我面前数落我们,我都辟而不谈。有时还拜托他们不要再说别人的坏话。 直到某天,因一场吵架,我把内心埋很久的负面情绪都爆发出来。 虽然在错的对象。但那场吵架让我醒过来。 我原来一直都在逃避,根本没有正视问题。 那天起,我重新开始。学会接受当天的情绪。学会真正的放开自己的心,去接受一切。 也许我真的很认真地努力改变,我也找回了自己的梦想和目标。 后来,我发现这世界有太多事情等着我去探索,等着我去发掘。 开始把之前差点断失的关系也补回来了。 而且只要有人约,我就会想尽办法赴约。 现在也变得更容易满足,更容易开心。 一点点事情,都能立刻转变正面思考,告诉自己,这是为了我自己的好。
就套入阿雅在微博的一段话, 2012年,希望能用微笑看待每件事情,酸、甜、苦、辣,都能用微笑的心情品嚐。許自己擁有一顆優雅大度的心,許自己一個幸福的2012!