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六月 2007
七月 2007 八月 2007 九月 2007 十月 2007 十一月 2007 十二月 2007 一月 2008 二月 2008 三月 2008 四月 2008 五月 2008 六月 2008 七月 2008 八月 2008 九月 2008 十月 2008 十一月 2008 十二月 2008 一月 2009 二月 2009 三月 2009 四月 2009 五月 2009 六月 2009 七月 2009 八月 2009 九月 2009 十月 2009 十一月 2009 十二月 2009 一月 2010 二月 2010 三月 2010 四月 2010 五月 2010 六月 2010 七月 2010 八月 2010 九月 2010 十月 2010 十一月 2010 十二月 2010 一月 2011 二月 2011 三月 2011 四月 2011 五月 2011 六月 2011 七月 2011 八月 2011 九月 2011 十月 2011 十一月 2011 十二月 2011 一月 2012 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
听着神木与瞳的《草戒指》 哈哈~我回来了。 从身体至心灵方面,我回来了!!! 好喜欢这种感觉!!! * 更多关于我这个新年的报导,我会迟点再写。 因为我才刚到家,刚吃完快熟面。 所以,各位请耐心地等候。 就,祝大家新年快乐!!!要像牛一样地强壮哦~ (要给红包的,如果你不介意,可以汇进去我的银行户口。哈哈~)
I fucking swear!!!
Listening to The Killer's "On Top" Do not let me know who you are!!!You damn motherfucker asshole!!! Do you think it's so fun to steal people's phone? Who give you the permission to touch my sis's phone? Who the hell are you to steal her phone? Do you know how hurt i was when i saw my sis cries? Do you know how loud my sis need to shout to release her anger and sadness? Do you know how long she locked herself in her room and just cry and shout? Do you know how fake her expression was when she was smiling? Do you know how scared she was when she was facing my dad's questioning? Do you know how loud my parent need to fight over this subject? Do you know how hurt my heart was? Do you know? Do you fucking know?! Of course you dont! Cause you are just one shit asshole!!! You dont know anything but stealing other people's thing. You dont know any fucking thing!!! Why dont you try to steal our principle's handphone? I guess it will be much more fun. And when your name is mention, i guess you are feeling so proud. And when you get kick out of school, i guess you are so happy. Why?! Because you ONE DAMN PIECE OF PRICELESS SHIT!!! Do not let me know who the hell you are!!! I swear, when i know who the hell you are, i'll make you suffer and beg me to lead you to hell!!! I swear!!! I fucking swear i will!!! Try me!!! * Gosh~ I've been so emo lately. What a bad year for me. I dont like it. It's so not me!!! I need my crazy lifestyle back! I need them back. Please~~~
春雨里洗过的太阳 王力宏
听着183 Club的《完美情人》 分开之后另一年的春天记忆也像下雪一样溶解 那些有你在身边的影片 呼的一声飞得老远老远 爱在夏天过完之后锁在秋天 捱过冬天之后的我好了一些 雨后的天上 彩虹出现 衬出一片蓝天 我在淋过一场大雨之后的晴朗 那是春雨里洗过的太阳 每个冬季带来失落 伤得多深 然后忽然看懂云的形状 If you listen to the rhythm of the pouring rain 那是春雨里洗过的太阳 每个冬季带来失落 伤得多深 每个呼吸都是新的芬芳 分开之后另一年的春天 记忆也像下雪一样溶解 那些有你在身边的影片 呼的一声飞得老远老远 爱在夏天过完之后锁在秋天 捱过冬天之后的我好了一些 雨后的天上 彩虹出现 衬出一片蓝天 我在淋过一场大雨之后的晴朗 那是春雨里洗过的太阳 每个冬季带来失落 伤得多深 然后忽然看懂云的形状 If you listen to the rhythm of the pouring rain 那是春雨里洗过的太阳 每个冬季带来失落 伤得多深 每个呼吸都是新的芬芳 流下的眼泪 留下了智慧 爱情会天亮 也一定会黑 世界会等我 它问我冬天过去没 我在淋过一场大雨之后的晴朗 那是春雨里洗过的太阳 每个冬季带来失落 伤得多深 然后忽然看懂云的形状 If you listen to the rhythm of the pouring rain 那是春雨里洗过的太阳(春雨里的太阳) 每个冬季带来失落 伤得多深(伤得多深) 每个呼吸都是你的芬芳 春雨里洗过的太阳 * 他妈的!!! 那个校长真的越来越过份哦! 老娘我今天的心情士很平静的。 可是不知道他又在发什么神经。 中午12点,太阳在高高地猛照,居然要我们全部人集合在周会地方。 自己却站在阴凉的地方。 但是,今天是好了一点,至少不用像上次那样变态地要我们起立蹲下。 这次只是要老师“抽出”那些吵闹的同学。 他妈的!!! 你就只需叫那些同学出来就好了。 为何还要牵涉到我们这些无辜的同学。 而且一句道歉也没有。 就酱凶巴巴地看着我们会班。 你他妈妈的!!! 难道他不知道酱对我们真的很不公平的吗? 又不是我们在犯错。 是那些吵闹的同学嘛~ 管到我们屁事哦?! 你不爽就罚那些好了。 不要在拉我们了!!! 我受够了!!! 每天因为你的行为和办事方式,弄得我现在有点忧忧。 每天都有关于你的新处理方式。 真的很烦啊!!! 我就是不爽!!! 吼!!! 老娘我就是不喜欢你!!! 你妈的!!!
Leg pain because
Listening to Justin Timberlake's "What Goes Around Comes Around" Woo~~~Leg very pain now... Why? Ok. First, our school had held a road run at Sat(17/1/09). But i didnt run. Just walk and walk with sk. Chatting all the way journey to school. Haha~ I dont know how long the journey is. But still congrats to all the winner. And to Sue-lynn for giving the highest to our Saga!!! We still can outbeat the Wira!!! Go! Saga!!! * Second, today went to Plaza Low Yat to do the promotion of our "Lantern and Flower Gallery". Me, my sis, William, Wei Yun, Hui Ying and Siao Qi went. We were there with Subang and Jenjarom teen to do this promo. Also with Astro and My Fm. (My gosh~ Met all the DJ and host. But didnt get to take picture. Because everyone was so busy. Haiz~ Biggest regret now~~~) Oh ya! There's something i need to say about our trip today. Haha~ Firstly, FXXX Sg Wang lah~ The carpark was so complicated. We cant find our way out. It was round and round and round. Still the stupid signboard keep shine in front of us. Haha~ You cant really imagine us in the car and our face was this =.=||| Finally, there's this one guy came and took off the chain and off we out. Oh ya! We parked inside for 5 minutes only and get our way our for 5 minutes. Total 10 minutes = RM2. FXXX!!! Secondly, after our shift off, it's time to go back. Guess what? We got lost!!! William the driver was like so blur. He has really no sense of direction lah~ But still he's been driving for 2 years! Haha~ We were also going round and round and round. It was like almost 4pm. We called See Yun to my dad then to KC then to his bro. Haha~ FINALLY!!! We managed to our way right. BUT!!! Traffic jam!!! FXXX!!! Haha~ One more! Before we went to carpark where William parked at BB Plaza. We got lost again. Haha~ William forgot his way to carpark and to his car. We were also going round and round and round inside the BB Plaza. Finally he remembered where the carpark was. But he forgot where his car was. Luckily he wrote down the number he parked. So, we went to ask the security guard. The guard even keep smiling when we asked him. Haha~ It was a fun day. Kept lost. But we managed to get back to Zhong Xin at around 5:20pm. (Fxxx the traffic jam) Hey guys~ Let's go out sometime. But please do not get lost again. Haha~ I just love you guys so much!!!
听着张宇的《一个人的天荒地老》 啊~真的很想杀人啊~ 那个校长现在是怎样? 老娘我现在超不爽的!!! 关于详细的事情,我不打算说出来。 不过你们可能可以通过我朋友的部落格来知道。 因为我不想讲。 不然粗口一大堆。 看了很难看。 而且我现在开始要慢慢减少讲粗口。 呼~ 我现在要冷静下来。 我现在要超级非常十分冷静下来。 呼呼呼呼~ * 就讲开心的事。 今天是我们莉的生日!!! Yeah~ 送了一只大大只的Patrick给她。 希望她会喜欢。 莉,谢谢你时常在我低落时,时常有意无意地搞笑话出来。 你真的好可爱哦~ 怪不得你是在家里最小的。 因为撒娇惯了。 可是也因为酱,造就了一个这么可爱的你来安慰我们低落的心情。 怎样都好,都很开心我们相遇而成为好姐妹。 莉,永远爱你哦~ (莉啊~你真的要学会拍照。不然像现在,根本没有你的照片来贴上来给我串一下。哈哈~) ![]()
Help me~~~
Listening to The Rza's "Fatal" Gosh~I so hate myself whenever my "relative" is here. I'll be so lees energetic. Easy to get sick. Dont feel like talking. Blue and emo all day time. Haiz~ Just not myself anymore. * 2nd week of school. Well, still dont feel the spm pressure. Haiz~ I kinda start to hate my school life now. It's just so suck and frustrated. The boys are making more noise. Cant really concentrate during class. Fxxx them lah~ Headache is haunting me now. I want to finish every single bits of homework. But the headache keeps me away. I dont really like this feeling. It was as if i'm giving up my stupid life. Haiz~ And sorry for today post for being so emo. I just cant help it. I want my bed now. Me and my bed with some beautiful dreams. Buddha~ Help me through this sufferness. I cant take it anymore. I feel like sleeping forever. Help me~~~
听着庾澄庆的《爱你的只有一个我》 今天和涵去听undang。之能说一句: “很闲啊~” 其实这也不是课程的问题。 而是那个讲师的说话方式很闲。 讲话是一段一段的。 废话也蛮多的。 不过也有幽默的时候。 怎样都好,还是给你一个良心的建议。 如果你要去听的话,一定要拉一个朋友跟你去。 不然你闲到。。。 不懂怎样讲啦~ * 可是,我真的很想要快点搞定全部一切,然后可以自由地驾车了!!! 心里一直有个盘算。 想要自己存钱买车。 管它是多少手了,只要能走就可以了。 所以,如果你现在有什么资料,就跟我讲啦~ 最好是小小辆的。 最大也给它proton saga/wira的size。 我不想驾到那么大辆。 就酱啦~ 要去准备明天上课的书包。
My one and only class:)
Listening to The Big Show's "Big" Time flies away.School had reopen for 1 week. Gosh~ It was just like yesterday i'm preparing. * Anyhow, it's been a wonderful and a little boring school day. Haha~ I dont really know how to describe. But it's just the way i feel. Class was nothing change. Everything just like last year. Gamblers gambling behind the class. Talkactive people keep talking. The good student stay in front and listen. The bad student just do their stuff with/without disturbing the class. But this is my class. MY ONE AND ONLY CLASS! I just love my class. We dont even bother to act like a spm candidate. Haha~ It's just like, have fun everyday. But of course, my class is so genius. We'll always score our exam with flying colours. That's why the teacher love and hate us so much. I guess things will change when the first assessment starts. Haha~
听着罗志祥的《机器娃娃》 好的。就不好意思啦~ 又再次忽略我的宝贝部落格。 可是这次不是我的错! 我的电脑和网路线条的错! 还每次都不能顺顺利利上网。 唉~ 算了。 伤心的事还是不要常常提。 不然体内的细胞会死很多的。 * 终于都开学了。 好啦~ 是第二天了。 可是心情今天才调过来。 所以,对我而言,今天才算开学。 哈哈~ 还真敢狡辩。 怎样都好,都很开心见到[] 每个都还是那么漂漂亮亮。 可是,今年的我们会特别珍惜每一天在一起的日子。 因为。。。 我们都已经form5了。 过了spm,大家就会各走各的路。 要再次相聚,还得看天时地利人和。 所以,我们今年每筹划一个节目,都特别地说:“明年的今天都不能常常在一起了。。。” 开学了。 就酱咯~ 是坐在靠近wxyz的位置了。 每天都有笑话听。 虽然是吵了一点,可是至少不会觉得有那么强烈地spm的压力。 大家还是那样开开心心地闹在一团。 哦! 对! 有两件事要特别地说。 第一。 我们的校长换了。 从去年大约10月就接到消息说校长被调走了。 将会换上一个从军事训练出来的校长。 可以说他凶还是严吗? 这个还得看时间的造化。 哈哈~ 可是,我们都好想念Dr. Chin哦~ 第二。 为什么要把我们的班分隔那么远??? 我们第二班和第一班是很团结的班。 为什么??? 一个在楼上,一个在楼下。 而且还不是在同一座楼。 为什么??? 唉~ 所以,总结。 今年一定会比往年更癫! 怎样都好,都是大家相聚的最后一年! 大家要加油哦~ :P
More Than Words by Extreme
Listening to Savage Garden's "I Want You" Yo~Saying I love you Is not the words I want to hear from you It's not that I want you Not to say, but if you only knew How easy it would be to show me how you feel More than words is all you have to do to make it real Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me Cos I'd already know What would you do if my heart was torn in two More than words to show you feel That your love for me is real What would you say if I took those words away Then you couldn't make things new Just by saying I love you More than words Now I've tried to talk to you and make you understand All you have to do is close your eyes And just reach out your hands and touch me Hold me close don't ever let me go More than words is all I ever needed you to show Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me Cos I'd already know What would you do if my heart was torn in two More than words to show you feel That your love for me is real What would you say if I took those words away Then you couldn't make things new Just by saying I love you More than words More than words More than words More than words............ More than words.... * Baby!!! 2009!!! New year, new refreshment!!! Ok. Sorry for the late wish. My computer is kinda playful this few days. Keep restart and restart and restart AUTOMATICALLY. No kidding. It did by it own. So, after "showering" it, finally seems to be ok. Haha~ Anyway, i just wanna thank you to everyone of you guys that accompany through loads of tough time. Especially [] You girls really build up my whole life with enjoyment. I cant imagine how my life will be without you girls. This year might be our last to be together. The journey still long and we'll never know when we'll meet after SPM. But the memory and laughter will always be part of my life now. Thank you, girls. YY, Stef, CK, Waiyi, SK, YC, ZY, SH, CL, JY. Let's keep [] rock forever!!! Next, i want to thank dxy. I know that i've been a bad girl from the start of 2008. I questioned myself of how important you guys. I nearly forget how i get myself so independent by you guys. Even though i cant attend every activity, my heart will be there for you guys. And trust me, after passing my driving license, i'll always have the time to attend. During "Aiwo" and "Da Hui Shi", i've found back my intention that brought me to dxy. Thank you for everything. Then, i want to thank every single friends that i met in camp during this whole holiday. Thank you for accompany me whenever i feel lost. The friendship that we met will always in my heart. From our tears to hug, then to sms, it's a great big achievement i've accomplish. Because i never expect that i'll be such a great listener. Plus, because of you guys, i've been a good girl. Thank you too. Of course, how can i forget my family. Thank you for the everything. I know that i'm the one who always demand for this and that. But you guys will do it just for me. No matter how hard or how much the sacrifice must paid. You guys will always be there for me whenever i feel like. All those goods and bads, you guys just accept it. I feel grateful for it. And i promise that i'll be more mature this year. Thank you x53221168451215485 Lastly, i want to thanks to myself. Thank you for forgiving myself and learn more. Thank you for giving myself a chance to be a better person. Thank you for not repeating those mistake that i've made in the past. Thank you for recording every single touching moment. Thank you for always be there whenever i'm going to fall. Thank you for being such a entertainer to pass on the joy. Thank you for being a great leader to a healthy and joyful lifestyle. Thank you so much. 2008 is a history now. 2009, a brand new page to be written on it. This year not only facing SPM but a big turning point to my future. It will be a great year. If only i promise to be grateful and smile everyday. HAPPY 2009 ^.^ |