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六月 2007
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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
听着王力宏的《爱错》 还有4天。 学校就要开课了。 原本说要假期弄好的东西,都没什么弄到。唉~ 希望开学有时间可以完成。* 好的。 那,就答应完成上篇所说的。写关于我表姐结婚。 其实,我们也没什么拍到照片。 不是没有理会。而是每次都被男方的家人都包围着。 很难抓到美美的镜头。前一晚在阿姨的家开了一个派对。 食物蛮好吃的。而且还有唱k,跳舞。 哈哈~ 当然,我也有喝酒哦~ 也和我老爸喝。哈哈~ 差不多玩到半夜12点。隔天,我们大概6点就起床了。 因为新郎8点多就要到达家了。也没有拍到照片,因为房间都被新娘的姐妹团挤满了。(我表姐之前是在一个地方唱歌的。所以的姐妹团每个都很厉害唱歌。) 哦~对! 也看到一位很可爱的妹妹。一点点就皱眉头要哭了。 哈哈~ 整个相机都拍不到进去。 没办法啦~ 真的超大辆的。 (不好意思,后来看到第一辆接新娘的车是Rider。比后面的更大辆。) 后来就晚上去新郎的家办的自由餐。 这点我要强烈地说,新郎他们之前三天都在办了。 而且看到烟花一天比一天多。 唉~ 该说是他们浪费呢,还是没有智慧管理自己的钱财。 怎样都好,都要恭喜我的表姐,慈。 祝福他们两个要永永远远恩恩爱爱~
My Christmas Eve
Listening to Moby's "Extreme Ways" 1 more week. And i'm going back to school. Ready for battle. Haha~ * Anyway, a short update about me recently. Well, I'm cool and fine and happy. Haha~ That's me. I celebrated my christmas eve at Bintang Walk. Crazy and a bit disappointing night. But i do enjoy myself all the time. You see, my cousin is staying here at my house. So to let her feel she's staying here. My dad decided to bring her downtown and have a merry christmas. ![]() We went to Pavilion. This big tree just... big. Haha~ People are snapping photos with it. And there are this golden strip papers. We played for a while. Almost knock on people. Haha~ ![]() (Photo with angels) Was going to take a picture with this "couple angel". But that male angel just looks like someone force him to smile. I mean, i dont like his expression. So, i just say no with it. Of course, going to Pavilion, how can i not step in to Baskin Robin!!! We had DIP again. But this time, we had hazelnut instead of dark chocolate. Woa~ I'm so in love with it right now!!! *Waiting till 31st for 31% of discount* Then, we walk out from Pavilion to enjoy the street. Kinda disappointing as there were no decoration compared to the last time i went. Which was like years ago. ![]() ![]() ![]() (Saw this car when we were crossing road.) My dad wanted to eat dessert. But the shop disappear! No lah~ Just dont know when the shop had moved away. So we head to Station One. Met a bunch of gang whose drunking. In a nutshell, my christmas eve celebration was FUN! * Stay tune for the next post. My cousin wedding. Hehe~ *I'm not bridesmaid*
听着中岛美嘉的《Life》 匆匆忙忙,从全中华回来,在家休息一天后,又赶去“大会师”。 什么是大会师? 还记得我之前说的“爱我青年”吗? 那,我们这个爱我是以全国分团来跑站的。 到最后,我们全部站点的,都会聚集在东禅寺。 来个全国一起交流。 当然我们也会邀请来自国外的分团,一起来参与和见证我们的成长。 今年特别请到了来自台湾台南的青年。 今年的我,身份是一名营员。 因为我是临时报名,所以不能当义工。 刚知道时,心情难免会有点不爽。 不过,也开始慢慢说服我自己。 说:“营员也有营员的好处!” 就酱,我当了那3天2夜的营员。 今年的流程和往常不一样。 可能是因为每个住持都有各自的风格和办事方法。 今年少了“爱我之夜”。 今年的我们睡在帐篷里面。 今年的我们没有营衣和小册子。 今年的人数好像少了很多。 总之就是不一样了。 可是还是很开心。 因为当营员有更多的机会和时间来和全国各地的分团来个交流。 而且我不用牺牲睡眠和精神来享受。 可能我累了,每次一进到帐篷里面,就立刻倒头呼呼睡觉了。 哈哈~ 不过唯一一点让我很顺其自然地开心的是,今年我们有机会帮东禅寺布置新年花灯。 内心的工作狂又发作了。 也许全身都酸痛,所以一直在做做做。 人家在旁边休息,我还在做。 没办法啦~ 我就是不能工作的,不然会很投入其中,然后忘我了。 ![]() ![]() 认识了全国各地的青年。 虽然身上那件营衣的签名只是一个象征。 另一方面,我回大学园的心又再次被他们拉紧了。 “回家感觉,真好!”
Quan Zhong Hua
Listening to Natasha Bedingfield's "Angel" Oh my buddha!!! I've break my own record. 1 week plus!!! That's the time i didnt update my baby blog. Sorry~~~ * Ok. After watching that concert, sleepover at yan's house, the next day, off to UM. Boy~ This is my second year of participate. Well, cant hardly describe my mood but i was thrilled to get going. Reaching there, almost lost =.= I know, UM is too big for us. Haha~ Anyway, luckily we managed to find the location. Me and yan register ourselves at the counter after walking in the corridor with the passion song. Then we get in our dorm. Hmm~ Guess i was kinda excited. I was half excited half anxious. It feel like coming back home. And making myself comfort in it. 4 days 3 night. Our time in that camp. Too much memories and experience needed to be shared out. But word are too limited. Expression are too wide. Making lots of friends there. For the first time, i cried during the end of the camp. I dont know it is because i'm too tired. Or i'm too touched. Or i'm too happy. I dont know. Like i said, words are too limited. But i only know, that the memories and lesson are still haunting me.
But i still precious those treasure.
听着罗志祥的《当我们宅一起》 痛死我了~ 刚从全中华回来。 全身都痛。 不过也很值得。 * 去全中华的前一天,我跟stef和殷去了ntv7所举办的“十分红”演唱会。 当天还下了一场大雨。 我到殷的家去过夜,还祈祷希望不会影响到演唱会的流程。 果然,到了傍晚,雨停了。 我们坐着stef的车(当然是她的爸爸载啦~)去到Kelana Jaya搭 Rapid KL到Taman Jaya。 到了那边,我们到A&W去享受我们的晚餐。 跟你讲,里面那边挤到爆! 全部都是要去看演唱会的。 我们还遇到有一个穿到很formal的。 领带,穿西装,皮鞋。 天啊~ 我们是去看演唱会,不是什么舞台剧。 而且我们是在草场上,不是什么红人馆里面。 真的怪怪的。 哈哈~ 后来,我们就到现场。 真的还给我草场湿到~ 超过瘾的! 而且很新鲜感。 毕竟这是第一次以酱的方式来享受整个演唱会。 当天的月亮也很圆很美。 当晚遇到两对非常惹人厌的情侣。 竟然给我在人潮队中抽烟。 而且还很一副“你不爽就滚开”的样子。 天啊~ 难道你不知道我们就酱无端端做了二手烟的伤害者! 我不是要故意伤害他们的,只是老娘我真的很不甘愿啦~ 有太多相片了。 不过,还整个晚上很投入。 虽然来不及看哈林的表演,有点遗憾,可是很开心!!! * 也请各位耐心等我在全中华报导。 等我拿完全部照片。 期待期待~
Tag by Stef
Listening to Linkin' Park's "What I've Done" A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs.B) Tag 7 people to do this quiz ; those who are tagged cannot refuse.These people must state who they were tagged by ; cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. C) Continue this game by sending it to other people. 7 people i tag: I always hate this tagging stuff. Well, if you feel like doing it, just leave a message in my chatbox. Thanks. 1. What have you been doing recently? Just came back from "aiwo". Making new friends. Sms till kinda late. 2. Do you ever turn your cell phone off? Ya. Every night. Hey~ I dont want to have any brain cancer. 5. Believe in fate/destiny? Anytime. 6. What do you want in your life right now? Me loving everything i had in life now. 8. What's your favourite thing to have on your bed? My triangel!!! (Always makes me feel good whenever i make a wish.) 9. What bottom are you wearing now? Red. 10. What's the nicest text in your inbox say? "Thank you you guys for supporting each other in the camp. We are family now. And we mustnt leave anyone behind. Gambateh!" 11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated? For what?! It's not like i'll be rich forever!!! 12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone? Does old clothes from other people count? 13. What was the last movie you caught? Madagscar 2. (I know, but hey, i am busy till no time to rest and fall to sick now.) 14. What are you proud of? Everything i have in my life. From bad to good. 15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say? "Morning~~~" 16. What was the last song you sang out loud? Gosh~ i sang lots of song today. Haha~ 17.Do you have any nicknames? Erm~ ah bee, sha po, xiao po, 13 points... (Haha~ anything that can related as gila.) 18. What does your last received text message say? "Ok. No big deal at all." 19. What time did you go to bed last night? Around 12am 20. Are you currently happy? Of course. 24/7 21. Who gives you best advice? Everyone in my life. 22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can? I never try before. But thanks for the idea:) 23. Who did you talk on phone last night? No one. I was sms-ing all day. 24. Is anything bugging you right now? Ya. My sleepiness. 25. What/who was the last thing/person to make you laugh? My cousin who seat beside me now. 26. Do you wear toe socks? I hate socks, personally!!! 27. Who was the last person you missed a call from? My daddy. 28. Have you ever had your heartbroken? Too shocked to be heartbroken. (All his fault!!!) 29. What annoys you most in a person? I dont know, honestly. Haha~ Maybe that's why i'm always that happy-go-lucky. 30. Do you have a crush on anyone? Erm~ To my LEE HOM!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~~~~~~ 31. Have you ever done cocaine? Only in my dream. Hehe~ 32. What is the colour of your room? It's going to turn baby green soon:) 33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars? And then send me to jail. Frozen my cash. Hell no~~~ 34. Do you believe in the saying of :"talk is cheap?" Sometimes. But that depends on my mood. 35. Who was the last person to lie in your bed? Me:) 36. Who was the last person to hug you? My teammates in "aiwo" 37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed? You mean my parents? 38. Do you have a life? Cant you see i'm breathing? 39. Have you ever think someone died, when they really didnt die?like a person in a coma? No one flashes in my mind. 40. What is the reason behind your profile song? I love the rhythm and the lyrics. It's so smoothing and relaxing. Plus, it's a song about a dad talking to her daugther. 41. Who was the last person you saw in your dream? No one. I wasnt dreaming last night. 42. Last time you smiled? Right now. 43. Have you changed this year? Hell lots. I cant list it out here. 44. What are you listening right now? Chinese songs. 广岛之恋-- 莫文蔚&张洪量 45. Are you talking to someone when you doing this? My cousin beside me. And my mummy behind me. 46. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed? Like how? 47. Is there a quote you live by? Laugh as loud as you can. Strike as best as you can. Sleep as long as you feel. 48. Do you want someone you cannot have? My LEE HOM!!! I want him!!! 49. Have you ever played an instrument? Piano. My beloved piano. 50. What was the worst idea you've had in this week? Trying not to sleep??? * My parents is having a fight again. Gosh~ Sometimes i really wish i wasnt here. I want to go out there and start my own life. I'm sick of this situation right now. Not talking to both of them with my will. I dont want this!!! But i know i cant runaway. I still have my siblings with my strong support. Please, buddha, give a strength to carry myself up.
摇篮曲 动力火车
听着黄立行的《音浪》 亲爱宝贝乖乖要入睡 我是你最温暖的安慰 爸爸轻轻守在你身边 你别怕黑夜 我的宝贝不要再流泪 你要学着努力不怕黑 未来你要自己去面对 生命中的夜 宝宝睡 好好的入睡 爸爸永远陪在你身边 喜悦和伤悲 不要害怕面对 勇敢我宝贝 守护每一夜 * 不好意思~ 我回来啦~ 刚从“爱我青年”回来。 * 今年的爱我很特别。 也很舒服。 因为我们这次成功向国民服务借用场地。 我们这次是在Selayang区的场地。 所以今年特别有床可以睡。 哈哈~ 因为今年,我们和首邦市USJ一起联办。 所以,我们就用“八打灵区”来承办。 今年的我被编入辅导组。 一直以来,我最怕编入这一组。 因为很怕冷场。 也很怕没人配合我,一起癫。 所以当我第一时间接到电话说我是小队辅时,我第一个念头是:“逃避!” 我知道是很不好的念头,所以我就强逼自己在半天的时间内,改变自己的心态。 当天(6/12),第一次和我的组员交流,果然冷场! 啊~ 我当时好想哭,要求换组。 不过,我又一边说服自己一边和组员交流。 不过我的组员还是很冷。。。 我还怕我自己无法在放入感情。 记得,每晚,临睡前,我都提醒我自己:今天又过了一天,明天要加油,组员冷是你的责任!你必须去承担这个责任来带high他们。 还好,十站过后,他们有很明显地改变。 大家开始有点会给予反应。 在讨论才华横溢时,大家也会给予合作和配合。 在最后一天台上呈现时,我好想落泪感谢他们的转变。 呵呵~ 好爱哭哦~ 没办法啦~ 我一直很抗拒这个岗位,没想到却被我的组员们感化我。 可是,在下次,如果又被编入这个岗位时,我不敢保证我自己还会不会抗拒。 最后,我必须90度鞠躬,感谢我的组员们,感谢每一位工委们,感谢我自己的说服力。 这次的爱我,我又成长了许多。 我学会了,原来每个岗位都有它一定的好处。 也学会了,感谢自己来让自己有空间成长。 你们给予的感动的心跳,我都牢牢记在我心里。 你们的动力和热情,是我这辈子永远都无法抛弃的。 也用这个图片,我其中组员的心得报告,来终结今年的我,参与今年的爱我。
Tea Camp
Listening to Britney Spears's "Womanizer" Ok. Like i promise. I'll now post some pictures from my tea camp. * Erm~ First day, no pictures. But we do had lots of fun. I mean, knowing new friends. Learn how to cook a nice cup of tea. Had a competition. And it's only the first day. Second day, we went by KTM. Then change our transport to LRT at KL Central. Oh ya! We did not stay overnight at there. So, it was like a three day camp. Anyway, we learned much more things. From the station game to the history of tea. Then had a chance to see the finalists. Of course, there were some time management problem. We were supposed to go back by 7pm. But the judges took over some time, in the end, we had to went back by 8pm. Worst of all, we'd still had some competition need to be discuss with. But i had to go back early. Leaving my teammates to discuss.
You should see how we run like mad. Haha~ The third day, last day. The day start with some tranposrt problem at LRT. I mean we were chased down by the train. Causing us almost late. Luckily we took taxi and safely arrive. Third day is having a design and drama competition.
Man~ I still love my group's design. It's a concept of student study till late night. Then, we had a drama competition. This drama competition is the one that i loved the most among all the camp. You will know why when all this photos revealed. Haha~ 楽しみなさい~ There's too much pictures. But i'll let it be here. Haha~ * Just wanna say thank you to all my teammates. You guys really rock me. Even though i was sick, we still managed to present the best of us. Hope we can meet again. :p
听着倪子的《Superman》 呵呵~好快哦~ 今天距离圣诞节还有24天。 怎样都好,我又忽略我的宝贝了。 呵呵~ * 从上个星期一开始我就生病。 当时还在以为会很快恢复的。 这样就能赶得及去生活营。 哪知,到了星期四,都还没恢复。 唉~ 最后唯有星期五抱病到生活营去。 整个鼻子都好难过。 可是也很佩服自己的坚持力。 我竟然可以熬三天。 お祝い お祝い! 更多关于这个生活营,等我整理好照片就可以写了。 * 总之,还是要跟嫣她们说声,不好意思。 因为我现在生病了,不能去Sunway癫。 好像也因为酱,她们又要被逼取消。 唉~ 还有还有! 最重要的! 我要去学驾车啦~ 谁可以介绍我哪里的中心最便宜? 頼まれる~ |