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六月 2007
七月 2007 八月 2007 九月 2007 十月 2007 十一月 2007 十二月 2007 一月 2008 二月 2008 三月 2008 四月 2008 五月 2008 六月 2008 七月 2008 八月 2008 九月 2008 十月 2008 十一月 2008 十二月 2008 一月 2009 二月 2009 三月 2009 四月 2009 五月 2009 六月 2009 七月 2009 八月 2009 九月 2009 十月 2009 十一月 2009 十二月 2009 一月 2010 二月 2010 三月 2010 四月 2010 五月 2010 六月 2010 七月 2010 八月 2010 九月 2010 十月 2010 十一月 2010 十二月 2010 一月 2011 二月 2011 三月 2011 四月 2011 五月 2011 六月 2011 七月 2011 八月 2011 九月 2011 十月 2011 十一月 2011 十二月 2011 一月 2012 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
27/12/2007 充满历史性的一天。
全马中三的pmr考生们都在今天拿成绩。当然也包括我在内。 * 一大早起床就是因为太紧张了。可是我不是紧张整张纸的成绩。而是紧张数学科。 因为父母都不在,所以得劳烦我的姑姑载我去我朋友,宇嫣,的家等。 后来到学校时,他xx老师还要我们穿整齐的校服才可以拿成绩。 赶着回宇嫣家换。不过我没有校服,所以只好借宇嫣的新校服。 去到学校时,发现一些学生没穿校服还不是可以拿成绩。 不过我们也没理那么多,只是冲着进学校赶快拿成绩,然后去庆祝。 最后,我们来到了老师前面拿。 因为我们三个,我,宇嫣和stef一起来的。Stef拿先。Stef拿八个a。宇嫣7个。而我只是4个。 可是。。。可是。。。 我的数学拿A!!!天啊~我当场真的飘泪下来。没想到我的数学会拿A!!! 然后我们就去庆祝一番!!! 去走了The Curve, Ikano, Cineleisure。 真的好久我们都没有酱出街了。 宇嫣还说,1号是她的生日,也顺便庆祝我们的假期会完了,也庆祝2008年的到来,(我们真的超会庆祝东西。嘻~)所以我们再出街。 真的好想我们姐妹再一次的出街。 毕竟我们还有两年的时间在一起。 永远爱我的姐妹们!!!
Merry christmas!!!
* Ok, so i said before i'll be working for every weekend. But things gotta change. Because of my school work, i gotta only work for only whenever lady boss need in emergency or during holiday. I'm still a student. And schoolwork is my responbility. I cant just abadon them. IT'S MY RESPONBILTY. So, i'm back again to hip hop class!!! (Hello~ Ah ben~ Hello~ my hip hop classmates. I'M BACK) And of course, i'm back to dxy!!! (See, it's just only a short temporarily good bye. haha~) Anyway, it's just great that everything was back to where it was. * 5 days to go. Go for what? Duh~ I'm going to finish my first time job!!! Happy me~ Cant believe time flies so fast. 2 months~ And it just go fly away like that. Must wake up from my princess dream and face the reality. 2 months had gone like that and it's time to ready for school. An important year to make choice for my future. (Or let's just say, a choice for my future plan.) A mistake can ruin my future plan So what's my plan? First, go to sastera class. Then study all the language class i can. (Man, i really like language =]). Go to universiti, take media class. If everything was quite smooth, i will going to be a radio dj. Haha~ I'm a girl with dream And just like Zita Law said, "It's mine. It's my dream. No matter how silly it looks." Wish me all the best.
相信每个pmr考生们都十分,非常,超级期待这个日期的到临。 pmr成绩酱在那个时候放榜。虽然我的表面是很ok,没问题的。可是内心却有点期待。我并不特别想理会其他的科目,可是数学的成绩,我一直都很在意。 为什么?因为数学是我最最最最最x10000000000000的科目。可是为什么还在意?我不想被我的华语老师看不起。她每次看到我,都跟我说:“华人的数学一向来都比别人厉害。所以你不能丢面子。”真的气炸我了!!! 所以我不能让老师瞧不起我。 老师,你看着吧~ * 今天老板问我,要不要开学时,星期六和日去帮忙?(当然会付我薪水) 我不知要怎样回答,所以说要回家和家人讨论。 当老板一酱问我时,我头脑很直接性的说:“快答应!快答应!” 但我没说出来。可能我怕我会做错选择吧~ 想想,我答应了,就要牺牲hip hop班。(再见了,ah ben 老师。再见了,dance studio。可是我永远都是hip hop 的粉丝) 也可能要牺牲一些时间和青年团一起。(才刚承认你们是我的第二个家庭,就要分开了T_T) 最后,我还是决定跟老板说,ok,我会帮。 也许我想要多一点钱买书。 想要多一点钱来付自己的补习费。 想要多一点钱来存起来。 无论是好是坏,我已做了决定。 我会加油的!
you guys gotta check it out...
i think i've fall in love in him...
Gosh~ 2 months without him. Starting, i still cant believe. I really cant. Somethimes i even i want to sms him and ask him, am i dreaming or not. But reality wakes me up. Man, it's so hard at that time.
Now, i'm a new girl. A new, big girl. You might giggle. You might said i'm still stupid. I DON'T CARE!!! This is me. And there's nothing you can change me. Honestly, i think i've grown up since the minutes he asked if we can only just be friend. Come to think of it, i made a right decision. Letting him go, is just like letting myself grow up. A ticket to grow up. There are still many friends didn't know that we had broke up. I didn't mean to hide from them. It's just, i don't know how to tell them. They always wish us whenever they meet us. But now, i really don't know how to say until they ask me. Well, when you strike the bell, it'll echo. I guess, some of them might got the news. 2 months. Really. I just fell like relief from something. Something that had been putting weights in my heart. Last time, i was afraid to sleep as he'll show up in my dream. Now, i'm not afraid anymore. In fact, i had ask him to "go away" from my dream, my life. Haha~ feels like i'm the winner. Friends that got the news, they asked the first question,"What if he wants you back?" I answered with a confident voice i ever had,"He's not a dog. He's a human. Even if he wants to come back, i'll never accept him. I can't always keep my feelings like that towards him. It's unfair to the other." My answer sometimes scared them. But most of them know what i am talking. So they just said, good luck. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry guys, i cant make it to da hui shi. Work here. And JJ also might not going as he grandpa had passed away this morning. Really sorry. I wish i was there to see you guys performance, you guys cheering, you guys happy faces, you guys celebrate the ninth anniversary of our BLIA. Sorry, when i start work, i knew i had to do sacrifice. And i made my choice. Sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry.
找来了纸和笔来发泄。乱画一通,拼命撕烂。但,唯一不能做的事情是大喊一声。唉~在做工嘛~我这样乱画,都引起我同事我的注意力。 今天酱闷一整天,工作频频出错。老板娘最后才来,原以为会好点,但,还是一样有出错。 真的想拨开我的胸口看看,是什么东西导致它一直闷闷。而且还害我频频出错。 * 还记得,我跟大家说过,有间video想请我。 还好,也很庆幸我没到那儿上班。 事情是酱的。他们都以卖翻版带为主。(只有日本卡通片是真版,但还是有点怀疑)。 那,这个星期呢~他们都没有开店。而且周围附近的人也不知道发生了什么事。 一直到今天,其中一个工作人员,ah cat,突然来找我。 他一开口就跟我说:“依琳,你不要想念我噢~我是来跟你讲bye bye的。” 我当场愣着,便问他发生什么事。 后来他跟我说,他和另一个工作人员,被警察抓了。今天才放他们。为了和平整件事,管理人要他们关店。所以他们今天是来收拾东西,然后把钥匙交回给管理人。 当我听完,第一个反应是,还好我没到那儿做工。 虽然以后我要买日本卡通片,都要回去The Curve买,但我还是要庆幸自己没在自己的人生中做了一件让自己后悔的事。 怎样都好,我还是会祝福他们的。 要加油噢~
2 good, happy things to be share!!!
Ok. I've got two good, happy news (or things) to share with everyone. * First of all, FINALLY i got a chance to go to Pavillion. A new open shopping complex. One advice, when you are going to shop there, please make sure your wallet, bank account got enough money. Because, one shirt cost you up to rm50. Yup, rm50! It's not quite cheap as you thought you can buy one in 1u. (There, me and my cousin, Jia Lin) And, gosh, the christmas decoration took my breath away. Anyway, i wanted to go to Pavillion is because i want to eat ICE-CREAM!!! Baskin Robin we ate. Of course we didnt eat normal cone or cup ice-cream. Instead we ate DIP!!! a.k.a Fudged Lastly, we went cam-whoring inside the toilet. Another good things i like to share is... I GOT MY 1ST PAYDAY!!! Haha~ I've got my 1st salary. Cheers everyone!!! Haha~ Some picture to enjoy. Ssshhh... Secret......
虽然薪水还没拿(有点发愁没钱了),但我还是忍了。 唉~小公司就是酱的啦~哪有准时发薪水给你。所以我只好等了又等。 * 突然很想念大学园。明天就是大家要表现的机会啦~明天的千人宴,大家要加油噢~没办法到现场替大家加油的我,会默默地祝福大家,也会随时给你大电话噢~(不过要看店的情况先。嘻~) 真的,你们真的是我的第二个家。虽然我到现在才承认,希望大家不要介意。 好想念你们噢~ * 还有什么要说呢~ 现在好像只是在等薪水而已(嘿嘿~)。 那,好吧~就等薪水去了~ =) |