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六月 2007
七月 2007 八月 2007 九月 2007 十月 2007 十一月 2007 十二月 2007 一月 2008 二月 2008 三月 2008 四月 2008 五月 2008 六月 2008 七月 2008 八月 2008 九月 2008 十月 2008 十一月 2008 十二月 2008 一月 2009 二月 2009 三月 2009 四月 2009 五月 2009 六月 2009 七月 2009 八月 2009 九月 2009 十月 2009 十一月 2009 十二月 2009 一月 2010 二月 2010 三月 2010 四月 2010 五月 2010 六月 2010 七月 2010 八月 2010 九月 2010 十月 2010 十一月 2010 十二月 2010 一月 2011 二月 2011 三月 2011 四月 2011 五月 2011 六月 2011 七月 2011 八月 2011 九月 2011 十月 2011 十一月 2011 十二月 2011 一月 2012 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Back from Kuantan ^^
Just came back from Kuantan. Crazy trip. True. Many first time happening there. And i wont going to tell it out here. Haha~ As for the picture, you guys can check it out from Facebook. Sorry. =p * My shoulders are deeply in pain. And i desperately need analgesic. I got sunburn from Kuantan. After having fun from Bukit Gambang Water Resort. Didnt know the sun was so cruel. As i only apply sun block on my cheek but not on my shoulder and chest. As the result, my skin was burning when we end our fun. And now, it's pink in colour. I cant wear any t-shirt but only singlet. It feels like stretching and pain! Nobody can touch it. I myself also have difficulty in sleeping, moving my arms. Haiz~ Feel like crying but i didnt allow myself to do so. Wish this nightmare can end early. Or at least reduce the pain level to a level i can sleep soundly... * Hopefully the "Kita" assignment can be done in time. I just dont want my insomnia getting serious. Gosh~ Never really felt this stress before. And i wonder why... Still, I hope we will do our best!!! Gambateh!!!
来这里玩玩,也顺便探望我的表姐。 这里真的发展很快。 有Giant, Berjaya Megamall, Carrefour还有很多超大型百货公司。 这里天气也蛮酷热的。 带了夹头发的来。 不过还是很热。 呼~~~ 星期日才回。 明天可以见到Ah Jane了。^^ 开心开心。 * 不知道为什么最近就是一直提不起精神来。 什么事都无力。 也不是很想放心计进去。 我不知道原因,也不想去探讨。 因为我怕心会脆。。。 很想他。。。 已经很久没有他的消息了。。。 我在这边也一直胡乱瞎猜。。。 我很没用吧。。。
Incomplete by Backstreet Boys
Empty spaces fill me up with holes Distant faces with no place left to go Without you within me I can’t find no rest Where I’m going is anybody’s guess I’ve tried to go on like I never knew you I’m awake but my world is half asleep I pray for this heart to be unbroken But without you all I’m going to be is incomplete music Voices tell me I should carry on But I am swimming in an ocean all alone Baby, my baby It’s written on your face You still wonder if we made a big mistake I’ve tried to go on like I never knew you I’m awake but my world is half asleep I pray for this heart to be unbroken But without you all I’m going to be is incomplete I don’t mean to drag it on, but I can’t seem to let you go I don’t wanna make you face this world alone I wanna let you go (alone) I’ve tried to go on like I never knew you I’m awake but my world is half asleep I pray for this heart to be unbroken But without you all I’m going to be is incomplete Incomplete * Oh my~ Next week. Deadlines are just next week. Argh~ Let's see what have i finished... Communication English - two essay. DONE! Advertising Principle - Bad ad and Code thingy. Half DONE! Creative Thinking - creative advertisement. DONE! Computer Graphic - scence with illustrator. DONE! Mass Communication - "Kita" musical. Just started... Ya. I think that's all. Please hopefully everything will be alright. * Is it just me or whatever? I know i'm a girl who thinks a lot. And yes, i can be thinking lots of things. From bad to good. Trust me, sometimes i also dont know where the hell i got all those thoughts. I know he's busy with his work. And we've not been chatting almost three weeks. (Well, sometimes only at msn. But not more than ten sentences...) And my thoughts had conquer me once again. Those dirty and hurtful thought are haunting me again. I just wish i can chop off my head. Stop all these nonsense. I just need him...
胖了! 真的是胖了! 啊~~~~~~~ 酱从安顺回来一趟,就胖了。 哎哟~~~ 尤其肚腩。。。 好像有点大了。 要节制自己了啦~ 李依琳,你要变肥婆了! * 今天在班上癫了一整天。 很久没酱了。 幸亏遇到这班朋友。 每天都会闹笑话。 今天真的闹癫了。 肚子现在还隐隐作痛。 可能笑太多了。 也好啦~ 减少了我的压力。 也把我最近的坏心情给暂时转移注意力。 真的很欢喜。 谢谢你们啦~ ^^ * 唉~ 我真的很笨。 昨天错过了和他聊天的机会。 真的不是很爽啦~ 最近他要开始忙期末考试了。 我当然就尽量不要去打扰他咯~ 也只能把自己埋在功课和疯癫的日子里。 可是心里还是很想他。。。
I'm freaking hot!!!
I think i'm going to melt in any second now. Feels like drinking a can of beer. Or maybe go to buy a scoop of Baskin Robins. Or maybe just wearing bra and undies. >< Argh~ It's just so feeaking hot! And yeah, you'll probably asking why wouldnt i just turn on the air condition? To be honest, i am lazy. Haha~ True. I am lazy to touch the button and just seat there doing nothing. I rather drive out to buy a scoop of Baskin Robin. At least i gotta go out. Haha~ * Been staring at my assignment for a few times. And i still got no idea to write. Haiz~ I'm such a failure. I just dont know why. I just dont know how to write this whole thingy. Cant blame the weather nor my family. It's just plain me, being lazy. Ya. Just like i'm being lazy to turn on the air condition. Haiz~ Help? Anyone?
Being lazy and just sat on the sofa enjoying my beer and tv. * I'm glad i survive without him. I mean without skyping with him for two weeks now. And it's going to be three weeks. Haha~ Ya. Nothing proud of it. But i do hope i didnt act any strange during the period of time. If i did, please accept my apology. You know, it's just me being me. Dear, dont worry anything about me. Focus on your work now. I believe you will done a great job. You will impress every one of us. I just miss you... ^^
到底现在是要怎样的? 要病又不能病酱。 很辛苦叻~ 很讨厌这种滋味叻~ 好像死期要到了,可是又不能死酱。 >< 现在喉咙要干涩的。 鼻子痒痒的。 嘴巴又破皮了。 声音也开始要变性感了。 唉~ 可是就是一直病不到。 想吃药,又觉得该让它病发好了。 可是就是情况一直不允许。 哎哟~ * Computer Graphic已经慢慢上手了。 可能是开始跟到老师,还是因为上课时有一班朋友一起癫。 而且老师给的功课也差不多要做完了。 现在只是做一些修改过程而已。 Advertising Principles还是不懂要怎样讲。 说它闷,又不会,至少我们每次上课时都有影片可以看。 不懂啦~ 就慢慢喜欢它吧~ Mass Comm还是一样。 讲师蛮风趣。 只是讲师给的功课。。。 还是真的希望能呈现出来就可以了。 Creative Thinking的课程也是不能说很闷。 讲师就是一直在讲讲讲讲。 不过偶尔也会给些IQ题来玩。 来考考我们的creative. Communication English就是好像上英文课。 不过每天上课之前都玩游戏。 讲师好厉害。 就是把上课的道理套用在游戏里面,让我们更了解接下来课程要讲些什么,而且也很快就能明白了。 Presentation Skill。。。 没有话讲啦~ 因为才上两次课,我们就开始presentation了。 不过也蛮好玩的。 就是酱咯~ 差不多开学一个月后的心得。 希望未来能应付会来的难题和挑战。 * 有想念他吗? 每天24/7都在想。 有替他加油吗? 心理无时无刻都在加油打气。 有替他祈福吗? 每天早上,和临睡前都会。 真的很想念他。。。
Ok. Attended my father's cousin's son wedding. Cant say much about it. Cause i didnt take the picture of the newly wed. Haha~ Instead there were us and us and us only. Haha~ Made loads of funny joke. And most of all, we made the noise the much. I just like to say sorry if i we had interupt the program that's going on. (It's just karoake session for all those old people who enjoy to be on stage very much.) So, some few pictures of us. ^^ So the others you can find on Facebook. xD * You know what? Today for the first time, Daddy is doing house chore! Well done, Daddy! Hope there'll be another time seeing you doing house chores. Haha~ * Oh my god! Advertising Principle's assignment!!! Individual assignment had not yet done, yet there'll be a group assignment to be given! Geez, when will i start doing thay assignment? I need to start now! Or else things will get worst!
Kita assignment had not yet done any progression. And i really do wish we can get our head in it. Not saying what, but this is our first group assignment, and i wish to be done nice. Or at least it's presentable. >< * He's doing well in Taiwan now. Or at least he starts busy now. Didnt really chat with him now. But at least i know that he's safe and sound. That's enough for me. And that will satisfy me for the whole day. I just wish i can be with him...
时间:下午1点54分。 天气:我快要溶化了。 心情:虽然有点烦躁,不过音乐已慢慢起了作用。开始恢复正常了。 为什么会在此地点:晚上有喜酒要出席。我老爸的堂哥娶媳妇了。 哎呀~ 总之,现在就是在发霉着。 无所事事。 想要开始做功课,却发现不知该怎样开头。 要等到星期一,去找讲师。 这里的天气又热到要命。 穿了短袖,短裤,头发还绑了上来,都还是觉得随时会溶化。 真希望能去吃冰淇淋还是红豆冰也不错。 >< * 晚上打算穿他送我的小礼服。 不懂会不会穿得难看。 毕竟我还是第一次穿酱的礼服。 现在想都会有点害羞。 呵呵~ 也希望我没有肥肉还是什么难看的肉会漏出来。 哈哈~ 讲到我很肥酱。。。=p 不过,真希望他就在我身边。 能亲眼看到我穿这件小礼服。 至少有他在我身边,我总有点安全感。 亲爱的,好想你哦~ 知道你在忙,也不能及时给你加油打气什么的。 只能在这里发霉。。。 呵呵~ 你要照顾你自己哦~ 不要生病了。 (p/s:为什么这篇好像在疯言疯语多一点?天气太热了。脑袋都有点坏坏了><)
Things are getting crazier at college.
Everyday we will be cursing the damn ktm. Then we'll start nagging inside traffic jam. Reach class, we'll start fooling around. Break time, we'll making lots of noises. After class, we'll just hanging around. Then we'll start nagging again inside traffic jam. There. My one whole day with my college mates. Haha~ Kinda crazy right? But still, i appreciate every moment with them. Cause you'll never know what's going to happen in the next second. * Though assignments had given down, i still not quite yet touch any of it. Haiz~ All the due dates are by June and i'm just fooling around. Alright, well, there's some i've been progressing. Just havent type it and print it out. Hope i done better. Hope i did what the lecture wants. Cause this is my first time and i dont want to cause any embarrassing things. Hehe~ * My mood was kinda down this feel day. If using Nikki's word, i'm EMO. Haiz~ And i dont really want to know the reason. I mean i think i know the reason, but i dont want to hear it. Suffering from mood swing. And it aint that good. I feel like cutting apart my chest and let it bleed. Let all those blood flood and maybe there'll be enough space to be happy... ![]()
借你一辈子 曹格
(借你一辈子 借你我剩下的日子 答应过你的那些事 请你让我去证实 用你左手的无名指) 借你我肩膀 借你温暖 借你美好的时光 借你胸膛 借你疯狂 借你放肆的飞翔 想不想永远留着这些 不用问永远到底有多长 我知道生命太短 所以不要有遗憾 如果你你和我一样 时间像个陀螺般的旋转 差点把我们的爱打乱 我不要再这样 我(真的)不要再流浪 我只能这么想 这一次我看见了生命的答案 就藏在你身上 让我完整的一半 最甜蜜的负担 借你一辈子 借你我剩下的日子 答应过你的那些事 请你(让我)去证实 对天使发誓 借我一辈子 借我你所有的日子 写下两个人的故事 用你左手的无名指 我们都曾经在爱里迷失方向 以为独自生活 就不会受伤 不受伤 no no no no 我曾经把你错过 我不要把你错过 我认定你 一定会是我最美的结果 给你一辈子 给你我剩下的日子 答应过你的那些事 请你(让我)去证实 对天使发誓 给我一辈子 给我你所有的日子 写下两个人的故事 * 惨了惨了。 毛病又发作了。 整天都想着玩。 书又没有好好念。 每天都只想着sem break时要去哪里玩。 这样下去,我会不会又没心读书? 然后又再次考到很差的成绩? 然后又让大家失望了? 哎哟~ 我不要啦~ 李依琳!振作点!你难道要浪费你爸妈辛苦赚来的钱吗? 你不是说过要成功吗? 振作点!!! * 是我多心了吗? 为什么我就是一只都不能好好地跟我的组员合作? 为什么我的组就是时常那么惹人厌? 要我们一大早去学校,结果什么都没有讨论到? 我们主意,却时常被打断;没有给主意时,又说我们不合群。 最近开始担心我们的报告呈现会好吗? 至少有个样吗? 至少讲师不会那么讨厌我们。。。 有时很想大声讲出来。 可是一想到我还有两年半,我们就不能忍让吗? 唉~~~ 原来我就是那么地软弱无知。 有时我真的很该骂。 甚至该被乎巴掌,巴醒我的脑袋。 唉~~~
Oh Gosh~~~
Oh gosh~
My leg damn pain now. Two days continously walk and walk and walk. Some more at the same location. Times Square to Plaza Low Yat to Plaza Sungai Wang then to Mid Valley. Muscle pain now. >< But was having fun. Especially with Nikki and Ruling. Made loads of joke and fun. Argh~ Too tired to upload photos. Maybe next time... * Oh gosh~ Ok. Things started out like this. At first i wasnt so nervous about tomorrow's presentation. But just now when i checked my mail, i received a mail from lecturer. I was pick for tomorrow's presentation. And that struck my heart. Suddenly i'm nervous till now. I mean, oh my god, i feel like unprepared.... Haiz~ Guess i'll just have to face the worst... * You know, sometimes i wish he wasnt there. I hate this distance so much. I really really do hate it. But what to do? It's his future, man. I cant be the one who stop him. It's totally unfair for both of us. Haiz~ I hate this feeling... Heart ache again... * Oh ya! Happy Mother's Day to all mamma out there. I love you, Mummy!
真的要开始忙了。 功课一个接一个来。 而且每个的截止日期都在六月。 唉~ 真的要会分配时间了。 还有! 下个星期一的简报都不懂要怎样讲。 我的题目是驾车啦~ 可是一直想不到要点来讲。 还有visual ad。。。 哎哟~ 佛陀啊~你要帮帮我了。 开启我的智慧来,帮我完成这次的简报。 >< * 真的要开始存钱了。 不能再乱花费了。 该花的就一定要花。 不该花的就真的不该花。 存钱来做么? 当然是去台湾啦~ 去玩! 去放眼望世界。 去体验不一样的经验。 去增加多点的知识。 依琳,你是可以的!!!! 加油!!!! 从现在开始要懂得分配轻重了。 要懂得省钱了。 开始做存钱表格了。 开始实行行动。 不可以让三分钟态度发作了。 我要去台湾!!! * 亲爱的,你要原谅我哦~ 也许从现在开始我会忙了。 不过放心啦~ 我还是会很想你的。 我会好好照顾我自己的。 我会加油努力的。 你就放心好了。 你也要加油哦~ ^^
Today class was short but fun.
Wont get in much detail. Haha~ But thing is, when i was on my way going back home, it rain! And it rain like it never rain before. The raindrops were cruel. Cant see the front view very clearly. Had to on light. Cant drive speedly. There were floods all the way. Gosh~ And i am driving manual. Need to control my speed very well. Need to look at the front with alert. Haiz~ That's why i dont really like driving in the rain. Hope there'll be no next time. Haha~ * You know what? I start to love my college. And of course my college mate. You know, we chit chat a lot. We gather a lot. We gossip a lot. In short, i just love you guys so much. I do hope our date this Saturday will turn into reality. I also want to do shopping now. Haha~ * He's getting busy. But i know he'll do his best. And me here. Haha~ Things just get on track. My sixth sense is telling me things will be getting rough and tough. But dear, i'll be fine. Even though sometimes we wont be chatting, you know i still miss you. I really do wish time will turn faster. Haha~ But i trust you. You'll be back...
唉~ 再过一个月,2010年就过了大半年。 好快哦~ 感觉上好像整个四月我都好像在游荡。 哈哈~ * 说起来,四月,我开始了我人生的另一个里程碑。 开始上课了。 嗯~ 现在都开始进入状态了。 而且也感应到要开始忙了。 尤其我们学校和一个舞台剧一起合作。 我们就要协助。 呵呵~ 心里隐隐在痒。 当然是想参与啊~ 管他有没有算分数,有份参与去玩都可以过一下瘾。 ^^ 明天的presentation要讲关于1Malaysia。 看到题目就很显。 都明知是拿来摆形象而已,还要酱臭脸皮。 不过为了搞好学业,我会加油的啦~ 我会开始学习爱上这个题目。 * 心里除了想念他,还是想念他。 真的很想两年就酱快点过。 让我见见他,抱抱他也好。 让我在面前撒娇,讲废话也好。 就是想念他。。。 |