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六月 2007
七月 2007 八月 2007 九月 2007 十月 2007 十一月 2007 十二月 2007 一月 2008 二月 2008 三月 2008 四月 2008 五月 2008 六月 2008 七月 2008 八月 2008 九月 2008 十月 2008 十一月 2008 十二月 2008 一月 2009 二月 2009 三月 2009 四月 2009 五月 2009 六月 2009 七月 2009 八月 2009 九月 2009 十月 2009 十一月 2009 十二月 2009 一月 2010 二月 2010 三月 2010 四月 2010 五月 2010 六月 2010 七月 2010 八月 2010 九月 2010 十月 2010 十一月 2010 十二月 2010 一月 2011 二月 2011 三月 2011 四月 2011 五月 2011 六月 2011 七月 2011 八月 2011 九月 2011 十月 2011 十一月 2011 十二月 2011 一月 2012 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
2pm flight...
And finally he's gone.
2pm flight. Woke up early morning. Just to meet him for the last time. When arrive at KLIA, I cant still believe that he'll be at Taiwan for the next two years. I kept tell myself, it's going to be fine, just dont cry. And i really do didnt cry. Well, although there's really some moment i really felt like crying. >< I sneaked my letter into his bag. Hope he sees it. I used almost one month to write that letter. At starting, it was tough. I kept imagine he's at Taiwan. But now, reality struck me. He's really at Taiwan now. Guess now, we can only communicate through Skype or msn. Thanks to technology this days. Or else i really dont know what my mind will go through again. Lastly, my dear, wish you all the best. Do take care of yourself. Dont let anyone bully you. Tell me if anyone does and i'll straight punch that fella. Remember to discover Taiwan, so that i can save up my money to hire a guide. Haha~ My dear, thanks for the memories. I'll keep it in my heart forever. I'll miss you. ^^
最近大家因为新年的关系而变得烂赌哦~ 每天5点半,就准时开桌。 哈哈~ 今天更早。 5点就开始催了。 说什么,今天是最后一天了,要玩就玩得尽兴。 还好,我的心没有痒痒。 不然真的会跟着去赌。 * 最近也比较好了很多。 至少没有像新年前那么忙了。 每天也可以早放工了。 工作分量也比较轻松了。 可是,有得就有失。 这个月的工资就赚少了。T.T 每天早回。 没有加班。 而且现在吃午餐都要算自己了。 唉~ 哈哈~ * 他要飞了。 就在这个星期六。 心真的很不舍。 有时还会希望他能留下来。 不过我不能这么自私啦~ 毕竟这个关系到他的前途。 2点的班机。 12点就要到机场了。 我就会从这里出发到机场。 应该早上9点半就出发了。 会搭火车到那儿。 未来的路,真的迷茫。 我也不敢下决定我们是否会变心。 还是我们会更加坚固。 我只是衷心祈祷他能顺利完成他的学业。 其他的事,就让命运和时间来安排了。 ![]()
Nothing Compares To You by Sinead O' Connor
Since you took your love away I go out every night and sleep all day Since you took your love away Since you been gone I can do whatever I want I can see whomever I choose I can eat my dinner in a fancy restaurant But nothing ... I said nothing can take away these blues, 'Cause nothing compares ... Nothing compares to you It's been so lonely without you here Like a bird without a song Nothing can stop these lonely tears from falling Tell me baby where did I go wrong? I could put my arms around every boy I see But they'd only remind me of you went to the doctor guess what he told me Guess what he told me? He said, girl, you better have fun No matter what you do But he's a fool ... 'Cause nothing compares ... Nothing compares to you ... All the flowers that you planted, mama In the back yard All died when you went away I know that living with you baby was sometimes hard But I'm willing to give it another try 'Cause nothing compares ... Nothing compares to you * Finally, a day to online again. Haha~ My Chinese New Year went quite smooth this year. Despite the frustrating weather, i'd still get to make myself not that bored. Well, although didnt go anywhere but stay ta home. This year i really get the chance to go and meet him at his hometown, Bahau, Negeri Sembilan. Quite small town. There's like one or two shopping centre. A cinema. A bowling centre. A bus station. And lots of shop lots. But we still had fun being together. Cant believe time just fly so fast. Wish i can turn back the time. ^^ * Start work since Monday. And of course i got extra angpau. Wont tell how much i get. Just wanna say thank you to all of you. And of course gambling will be continue until this Sunday. Which means, everyday after 5.30pm, everyone will get ready their $$. Haha~ I dont gamble of course. I mean i dont have the ability to gamble with them yet. They play with hundreds. How the hell am i going to gamble with them? I dont want to lose all my savings. Which i'm planning to further my study with it. >< * Gosh~ I really do miss everyone. Ever since graduation, we dont really hang out together. Kinda sad to think of it. But everyone is busy with their schedule. Kinda hard to gather together. Will try my best to meet up with everyone. * Lastly, who can give me an exact date of when will we get our SPM result? I've heard many dates. But none of them seems reliable. Man~
我也还在寻找着答案。 心,不知为何,却没有动摇过。 也许,我信任他。 我投注了百分百的心,我坚信他是不会的。 老爸的话,只是在提醒我,有这个可能性而已。 老妈的话,只是要我小心,凡事都要理性。 我,自己,的心,却告诉我,一切顺其自然。 不要把自己搞得无法自拔的地步。 是啊~ 我该是时候任由自己的心来做决定。 不该时常为了我的两老而常常拿不定主意。 我该时候为了自己的需求而任性。 他,可能会如言。可能不会。 不过这段时间,我都会信任他。 由他来告诉我,我的投注会给我带来好运。 我会赢这场赌注的! * 在家乡就酱度过了新年。 嗯~ 今年去了很多家拜年。 也收到了蛮多红包。 闷还是有点啦~ 毕竟我在这里又没有朋友,电话线每天都有问题,向传封简讯都有点辛苦。 唉~ 不过幸亏这次家乡有了Wifi,可以自由上网了。 不然,我觉得自己在参加生存比赛。 呵呵~ * 初五可以去马口了。 ^^ 万岁!万岁! 谢谢老爸和老妈。 我会自己照顾自己的啦~ ^^
Happy CNY n V's Day ^^
Hehe~ Another 4 hours and it's a brand new year according to Chinese calender. Well, here i am now. At my hometown, Teluk Intan, Perak. Last year, we lost one of our fanily member. Which he stays at the highest rank in our family. We respect, love, honour, learn everything from him. He's our dearest grandpa. This year, we celebrate Chinese New Year withour him. It felt kinda weird when i first step in this house. I felt something was lost. And i just didnt know what was it. Until i walk pass by the corridor. I saw a picture of him hanging on it. Then only do i realize, he's not going to be with us forever. Guess those images of that night still cant shake it off from my head. My sixth sense had already told me, but i didnt buy it. I thought i was overreacted. Now, all i had, is just a picture of him, hanging on the corridor. * But still, days still had to pass. Right now, gotta pask up my mood, and start enjoy this new year mood. Woa~ First time ever. After i graduated from school, and havent start my next journey yet, I'M CELEBRATING NEW YEAR. Hahaha~ Do excuse me, I forgot to take my medicine today. ^^ Anyway, my work going to start at 22 of February. That leaves me a whole week of holiday. Hmm~ Still havent quite plan yet. But i know there's one thing i need. I want to go to Bahau on the 18th. And i wish to stay till 21st. Not because of anything, but he said he got plans. And i felt the urge to join. Hope daddy will approve. Please~~~~ * Lastly, to all my beloved. This year we celebrate Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day together. Hope there's none of you get frustrated of who should you pick to celebrate with. Hehe~ Anyway, Happy Chinese New Year and V's Day to all of you. ![]() ![]()
现在我病了。 全身没力,喉咙痛,头痛。 所以就请了病假。 连续两天都没有去上班了。 可是我的心里一直在盘算着这个月又赚少了钱。 这个星期都一直早回。 现在有请了两天病假。 没有好好休息,反而一直在算钱。 怪不得会被骂。 =p 唉~ 就尽量一直控制自己不要想这么多。 不然到时真的还没病好。。。 * ![]() 我的宝贝力宏是主角之一叻~ 哈哈~ 有谁想陪我看? =)
Happy Chinese New Year =)
Oh my gosh~
Have not update my blog since like A MONTH ago!!! Damn~ Must be pretty busy. Haiz~ Everyday work overtime till late night 11pm. Now finally i got my payback. I got sore throat for not sleeping enough hour. But there's sure a reason for me to not to sleep. Especially for the past week. * He came to my house and stay for a week. Cant believe time just pass by so fast. Those memory with him at my house still cant fade away. I just miss him too much. *^.^* * Oh ya~ Change my hairstyle now. I've dye it. Something like red wine colour. And you know what? According to a magazine, my luck colour for this year, is RED colour! Haha~ What a coincidence. You can only see it under sunlight. ^^ Whatever~ I just my hair now ^^ * Man~ Time really do pass so fast. It's getting near Chinese New Year time. I just cant get the mood to shop. I dont know. I just dont feel like. Maybe i got enough of clothes. Maybe i just dont want to shop alone. Maybe i want to save money up to further my study. Anyway, i just want to say "Happy Chinese New Year" =) |