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六月 2007
七月 2007 八月 2007 九月 2007 十月 2007 十一月 2007 十二月 2007 一月 2008 二月 2008 三月 2008 四月 2008 五月 2008 六月 2008 七月 2008 八月 2008 九月 2008 十月 2008 十一月 2008 十二月 2008 一月 2009 二月 2009 三月 2009 四月 2009 五月 2009 六月 2009 七月 2009 八月 2009 九月 2009 十月 2009 十一月 2009 十二月 2009 一月 2010 二月 2010 三月 2010 四月 2010 五月 2010 六月 2010 七月 2010 八月 2010 九月 2010 十月 2010 十一月 2010 十二月 2010 一月 2011 二月 2011 三月 2011 四月 2011 五月 2011 六月 2011 七月 2011 八月 2011 九月 2011 十月 2011 十一月 2011 十二月 2011 一月 2012 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Oh my!
This uploading picture is really getting my nerves. I really dont know whether i should continue or not. Haiz~ Someone help? * Anyway, today is the last day of 2009. That means, 2010 is coming in any time. Haha~ Ok. Let me try to summarize my whole 2009. 2009. It was kinda scary when the day schools open. Cause it means that i'm going to facing SPM. Everyone's future is depending on this certificate. One failure, and it will be a disaster. For me, of course. I didnt really have a great start in the beginning. I became more silent and depressed. I really dont know what's bothering me. I cant speak nor breathe easily. I gotta convince and talk to myself frequently. Just to calm myself down. Then, things start to change when i met him back. It's like he's the oxygen. And i got a chance to breathe easily and steady now. We get together. And we cherish each moment whenever we met or talking through phones. Oh ya! I got my driving license. And i drove around. Even though there's some rules in my house, i'd still enjoying myself on the road. I can almost forgot myself whenever i'm driving. I mean i can focus on the road instead on my mind. I wont be able to think much about lots of nasty and bad things that haunted me. After that, there's come the war we've all been waiting -- SPM. It passed away so quickly that i almost couldnt believe. 9 subjects in almost one month. And i manage to survive. Although there's some challenging moments, i still cant wait to yell freedom. Of course, after SPM, that only left we are leaving. 5 years of friendship i made, suddenly it seems like yesterday we only met. I really do appreciate every moment i spent with my friends. As though we were meant to meet each other. We gossiped, we laughed, we cried, we hugged, we kissed, we had fun, we went out. It was very precious moment to me. I really cant imagine my life without them. I always love them! Seeing back 2009, I really cannot believe that a year has passed. And now, i must fully prepared for the future that awaits for me. It can be challenging and tough. And i hope that i'm prepared enough. I wish i can share all my laughter, my wish, my memories, my hopes, my energy to everyone so close to me. I want to hug you guys again and say,"Thank you!" 2009. I will close another chapter of my life. And welcome another new chapter of my life. For now, 2009 will remain as a memory i will never ever regret. =) Happy 2010!
真的不好意思。 消失了一阵子。 因为真的还有蛮多活动的。 至于柬埔寨之旅,下次有时间再写。 (都是那个原因。搞得我上传一张照片都要10几分钟。。。) * 最近都很不错啦~ 还过得好好的。 没什么大不了。 之前在烦工作的事,也解决了。 不过就是要牺牲一两样东西。 而且还有点心痛地牺牲。 现在毕业了。 反而更不知所措。 外表看起来好像我有了计划,其实是不知该如何实行。 要到台湾。 我现在连行动都还没行动。 都不知我是否能到台湾去。 整个人又担心又不知所措。 人啊~ 就是酱。 想要一样东西时,你却不懂得去争取。 可能要等到错过了,你才发现,原来自己酱笨。 不懂得珍惜和争取。 希望我不会如此。 希望我能尽快找到方法。 好完成我一直以来的心愿。 愿佛陀保佑。
Cambodia trip 2
Oh my gosh!
I really dont know whether it's my line connection problem or blogspot problem, i just cant really upload a photo/picture in a quick time like it used to. I mean it took about 10minutes to upload a photo/picture. Alright, let's not waste time. Second day in Cambodia is on the way. ^^ * The second day, we gotta wake up early morning like hell. The plan was to wake up at 3.45am. But due to some misunderstanding and time problem, i set the alarm 3.45am.(Malaysia's time) Which means it's only 2.45am at Cambodia. And we all woke up at 2.45am. Haiz~ Haha~ Then, it's a 5 hours trip from Phnom Phen to Siem Reap. Where we are going to visit Angkor Wat. We ate the local food. Which is not bad in taste. Just a little bit too sweet. Bought our ticket and off we go. Wont be saying that much now. Just enjoy the following pictures. ^^ There's my second day in Cambodia. I'll write more about the third day. Next time of course. *cursing stupid upload photo/picture so slow*
柬埔寨之旅 1
4天3夜的行程就酱结束了。 当时还真的有不舍。 心里一直觉得还是觉得没有走完整个柬埔寨。 希望还有下次可以再去。 接下来的,就让照片来发言。^^ 而且我超严重需要去剪头发。>< 没错。我吃了两次早餐。 不过他们的Nasi Lemak还蛮美味的。^^ 不久,大概两个小时酱吧,我们抵达了柬埔寨。 我因为晕机的关系,第一时间冲进厕所呕。 唉~ 第一次坐飞机就遇到酱的事。。。 拿了行李,就走到外面。 看到了要来接我们的司机。 他还真的很热情。 虽然他们的英语水准是差不多我们小学的程度,不过我当时深信应该是个愉快的旅程。 整个城市都繁忙。 而且他们的交通超一流的。 尤其在十字路口。 简直乱成一团,可是他们很有利让和耐性。 真的很佩服他们。 其中我们的房间的厕所是没有门的。 就是一个浴缸,洗脸盆和马桶。 我,妹妹的姑姑睡一间。在楼上的。 爸妈和老弟一间。在楼下的。 安顿一切了后,我们去吃午餐。 也就是我在柬埔寨的第一餐。 我们的首站是Silver Pagoda. 本来是要参观Royal Palace的。 不过它没开。 要等到隔日才能开给人参观。所以我们只好先参观Silver Pagoda了。 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 博物馆嘛~ 就是不能拍照,所以就没能拍到咯~ 晚餐我们自己走路到旅馆外面找。 发现,他们柬埔寨没有自己的特色菜肴。 都是一些什么中餐,西餐,日本餐等。 要当地人介绍他们的特色菜肴时,都是一些靠近泰国和越南的菜色。 然后就回旅馆了。 因为隔天早上4点就要起床了。 那个等下次再写。^^ |