Just me and my life.
六月 2007
七月 2007 八月 2007 九月 2007 十月 2007 十一月 2007 十二月 2007 一月 2008 二月 2008 三月 2008 四月 2008 五月 2008 六月 2008 七月 2008 八月 2008 九月 2008 十月 2008 十一月 2008 十二月 2008 一月 2009 二月 2009 三月 2009 四月 2009 五月 2009 六月 2009 七月 2009 八月 2009 九月 2009 十月 2009 十一月 2009 十二月 2009 一月 2010 二月 2010 三月 2010 四月 2010 五月 2010 六月 2010 七月 2010 八月 2010 九月 2010 十月 2010 十一月 2010 十二月 2010 一月 2011 二月 2011 三月 2011 四月 2011 五月 2011 六月 2011 七月 2011 八月 2011 九月 2011 十月 2011 十一月 2011 十二月 2011 一月 2012 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Few tiny update
Listening to Enigma's "Age Of Loneliness" Woa~I've been abandoned baby blog for almost a week. Do excuse me. I was really burying myself into exam mood. * 27/10/2009 Daddy's Birthday!!! Well, we didnt really celebrate with him. I mean, no birthday cake, no present. Totally nothing. But the next day, we had fun at 1u. We went for "Sushi Zanmai" Ate "Gelatissimo" ice cream. We really did enjoy ourselves. All i can say is. Dad, thanks for everything. Thank you so much for your love to us. You are the best daddy in the world. You love us more than we love you. You gave us so much. Thanks for being the pillar in this family. I dont think we'll ever survive without you. Thank you so much!!! Love you forever!!! * Many people are disappearing from school now. Most of them rather stay at home than study in school. I couldnt blame. School really being bored. I mean, teacher had been doing nothing but entering our class only. This week, school had prepare some last minute course for us. I attend, ok. Cause i dont think i manage to force myself. So going to school is like, giving myself a chance to fight with the others. You might think it's not cool. Who cares? At least i study at last. Graduation ceremony is due to next week. A tea party held by Chinese Society is due to next week too. Many separation ceremony will be holding for us. Guess time really flies. Time to say goodbye to those youthful yet innocent years. Time to face another world. Nah~ Leave those at the last day of SPM paper. ^^
有读书了 >.>
听着柯以敏的《太傻》 最近都在开始温习功课了。是啦~ 我是慢了很多。 之前懒惰加上很多事发生了,导致自己一直在给借口。 所以,现在就真的在弥补。 不要在给自己压力。 要努力哦~ 大家要加油了!!! * 现在考试还没考就一直在安排考试后要搞什么东东。 哈哈~ 所以才老是被老妈讲。 不过,也因为有这些计划,我有了起劲要读书。 嗯~ 还是真的没什么光荣的事啦~ 至少我还会要读书啊~ 算了,不要解释了。 不然越描越黑。-_-||| * 我要看Michael Jackson啦~ 可是都一直定不到票!!! 有谁可以大发慈悲心。 捐一张还是卖给我。 我真的好想看哦~
Happy Day ^^
Listening to Papa Roach's "Last Resort" Happy Belated Birthday to you, Kuan!!!Well, she held a birthday party at her house last Saturday. It was kinda fun. Actually, i would really like to said, it's a gathering for all of us. Everyone came to her party. Loads of chit chats and gambling happened at her house. But we really do enjoy ourselves. Needless to say, we really do forget about SPM for awhile. Didnt get much photo. I'll try ask around if who had it. You there, if you have a photo from her birthday party, please do contact me. Thank you. ^^ * Sunday. Went out with cousin and bro and sis. Well, we planned it purposely. As it was Mum and Dad's Wedding Anniversary!!!! Happy 18th Wedding Anniversary!!! We did to left them some private space. Heard that they went to Ulu Yam. Then all the way to Genting. Haha~ Dad even got a free World Card. Thought it might be an anniversary present by Genting World. As for us, we went to watch "Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatball".We watch it in 3D version. Well, we kinda angry with the price ticket at first. But we enjoy the whole movie! It's a nice story. You people should watch it. Especially you should bring along your dad. It will going to be a best way to express your love to your dad. Among all, I love Steve the best!He's one of Flint invention. "Monkey Thought Translator" You guys really should watch it. ^^
听着莫文蔚的《如果没有你》 昨天是妹妹的生日。虽然是没什么大型地庆祝啦~ 不过妈还是煮了她最喜欢的菜肴。 还切了蛋糕。 嗯~ 就想说。 妹,今年15岁了。 明年你要考PMR了。 也许明年我未能陪你渡过。 不过我还真的很希望你能每天开心地过日子。 偶尔照顾下卫生也很好的。 不要再让我们当心你了。 该是时候,有些事要自己负责来完成了。 大姐我会永远支持你的。^^ 爱你哦~ * 昨天也在班举办了班派对。 没什么拍到照。 因为最后忙着打扫课室。 期间也一直在吃东西而已。 尤其炸鸡! 好像差不多每个人都在炸鸡来酱。-_-||| 不过还真的很开心啦~ 很久没和大家一起癫了。 最近都被考试给压得紧紧。 难的放松,真的很开心。 而且这也许是我们最后一次的聚餐了。 很珍惜每一刻。 其他的话就等毕业典礼再讲啦~ * 最近也迷上了看《情迷贝多芬》这是韩国的一部以交响乐团为背景的连续剧。 真的超好看。 最初女主角加入了一个交响乐团。 在准备在演出时,却被人骗了一大笔钱。 后来,无奈之下,又不想让自己的梦想流走,决定打算到处招聘人。 结果找来了全部都是业余的。 恰好她有支付了指挥钱。 就在指挥到临时,才发现这个指挥的要求都很高。 就酱展开了一连串的戏剧。 当中最喜欢的角色莫过于姜指挥。 他的为人很严厉,嘴巴毒得要死。 其中最经典的对白是:“你们在别人眼里也许是人,也许是狗,可是你们在我眼里只是一•团•狗•粪!” 可是,又是酱的人格,每个主角都不敢怠慢。 每个都尽力地去完成、讨好他。 尤其女主角,缕美。 真的好期待它的结局。 如果想看的话,现在都有得看。 8tv,每个星期一至五,晚上8.30就可以看了。^^
Dirty Diana by Michael Jackson
Listening to Baby Face & Dee's Ree's "Fire" So Take Your Weight Off Of Me I Know Your Every Move So Won't You Just Let Me Be I've Been Here Times Before But I Was Too Blind To See That You Seduce Every Man This Time You Won’t Seduce Me She's Saying That's Ok Hey Baby Do What You Please I Have The Stuff That You Want I Am The Thing That You Need She Looked Me Deep In The Eyes She's Touchin Me So To Start She Says There's No Turnin Back She Trapped Me In Her Heart Dirty Diana Nah Dirty Diana Nah Dirty Diana No Dirty Diana Let Me Be She Likes The Boys In The Band She Knows When They Come To Town Every Musicians Fan After The Curtain Comes Down She Waits At Backstage Doors For Those Who Have Prestige Who Promise Fortune And Fame A Life Thats So Carefree She's Saying That's Ok Hey Baby Do What You Want I'll Be Your Night Lovin Thing I'll Be The Freak You Can Taunt And I Don't Care What You Say I Want To Go Too Far I'll Be Your Everything If You Make Me A Star Dirty Diana Nah Dirty Diana Nah Dirty Diana No Dirty Diana Dirty Diana Nah Dirty Diana Nah Dirty Diana No Dirty Diana Diana Diana Dirty Diana It's Dia Aa Aa Come On She Said I Have To Go Home 'Cause I'm Real Tired You See But I Hate Sleepin' Alone Why Don't You Come With Me I Said My Baby's At Home She's Probably Worried Tonight I Didn't Call On The Phone To Say That I'm Alright Diana Walked Up To Me * Went back to hometown since Thursday. Well, too many cant-tell stuff happened. But one thing for sure: I'm almost despair with the situation. Cant really tell why. But that's how my heart told me. Money. A powerful word. Yet something that can makes everything went to a wrong direction. Power. An invincible cut. Yet it can makes someone to kneel before you. Rumors. A dirty way to hurt someone. Yet it can brought up lots of unexpected reason. Family. A warm place to calm our soul. Yet also a place to kill someone. Love. A skill to communicate with the one. Yet it can turn to something that looks so ugly. Laughter. A way to express happy. Yet you can fake one. * Today is last day of PMR. Of course, congratulation to all of you!!! Reminder : SPM is just one month away. Dont be a lazy worm anymore. Gotta start kick up now. Gambateh~~~
听着神木与瞳的《为你而活》 嗯~先说说那天4号发生的事。 我们家的1177发生了车祸。 原因是因为老爸慌神了,发生了什么事也不时很清楚。 当时我们一家人到Ikano Power Centre要去逛街。 我们泊在Starbucks的前面。 我们泊好了后,老爸转头发现前面还有点位置,便上车要前进。 怎知,老爸一时弄错东西(其实是慌神了),而向前冲。 撞了前面那辆Benz。 众所周知,Benz简直就像砖块那样硬。 所以我们的车头就凹了进去。两个车灯都烈了。 车牌也掉到剩下ALE 1177。 Benz很理所当然的没事。 只是有点裂痕而已。 很可笑吧~ 不过后来我们也开玩笑说,幸亏是Benz,不然其他车就被撞到不像样。 忘了说,我们车的Tangki也破了,漏水了,无法驾驶了。 所以我们被迫叫吊车来。 而Benz得车主不知是在逛街没听到播报,等了一个小时,还是没见到人影。 我们最后跟着吊车到警察局报案。 到了警局,那个Benz的主人也联络了我们。 还问我们发生了什么事,为什么会留字条给他。 我们解释了以后,他竟然说他什么都不要。 他不要报案,也不要我们赔偿。 因为他是外坡人,不想惹事。 然后就掉头走了。 该说他奇怪,还是他好心肠? 我不知道。 不过很多人都跟我说,那辆Benz一定是偷来的,不然他会什么都不要。 总之,我们就在警局待了一段时间。 期间,还因为我们案发的地点不在那个警局的管辖区域,而闹了一段时间。 最后,我们就坐那个吊车的车回。 * 整个事件会发生,都是因为老爸心烦。 烦什么? 之前不是有说过吗? 老爸跟公公的感情是很好的。 老爸很伤心,很难过。 一直过不了心理那关。 所以才会造成这件事的发生。 有时我真的要感谢这件事的发生。 因为过后,老爸好起来了。 至少,他会开始埋怨东西。^^ 不会在闷闷不乐了。 老爸,无论发生什么事,你都一定要告诉我们。 不能在憋在心里头了。 不然又会再有第二件了。 加油! 我们永远爱你!Y(^^)Y * 最后,附上一张我们在警局看到的一个事件。 顺便提醒大家,不要再驾快车了。 不然你酱会连累大家,也成为受害者。
Entire week
Listening to Michael Jackson's "PYT (Pretty Young Thing)" Let's see, what did i did for the whole week?Erm~ Monday, went to school by driving myself. Daddy, mummy, sis and bro went back to hometown to do pray grandpa. As for me, the stupid chinese paper was postponed due to Hari Raya, i had no choice but to go to school. But at least i drove myself. ^^ Tuesday, almost doing nothing. Oh ya! Help mummy out with her jelly mooncake. The order keep coming in like mad. Wednesday, went for Chemistry tuition. My last time with teacher. It was kinda sad. As teacher had been taught me since form3 math. She knew me very well. That's why she even thanked me for supporting her through those hard times. Thursday, went for Physics tuition. Refresh myself. As i almost forget everything. Man~ Friday, same again. Physics tuition. Brought exam paper to discuss. Realize i've been careless for some questions. I really should change this weakness. It had been haunting me since primary school. At night, went to friend's house for celebration of mooncake festival. We talked almost through the night. Saturday, morning Add Math tuition. Almost forget the time. Went back home late. Scolded by mum. ^^ Evening, piano class. Really need to put effort. No more excuse to skip practice. Had loads of fun talking with teacher. Night, went to temple. Kinda miss everyone, everything around. There, my whole entire week. * Lastly, wish every PMR candidate out there. Do your best!!! Full support from me!!! >< |