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六月 2007
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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
听着张学友的《在你身边》 厚~真的在怀疑自己到底哪里做错东西! 为什么Pn Wxxx一直好像在找我的麻烦? 先是耳环,再来现在是指甲。 我到底哪里得罪了你! 我又没有做错东西! 只能说你现在很幸运。 我现在正在学着忍脾气。 不然,我的三字经早就压死你了! 厚~ (深呼吸~吸~呼~) * ![]() 至今还是很难相信Mj酱就离开了我们。 心情还真有点难恢复。 现在每天都在追新闻。 一幅报导要看上两三回。 仿佛在催眠我自己。 真的还很难过。 他。。。永远都留在我心中。
Just The Two Of Us by Will Smith
Listening to Justin Timberlake's "What Goes Around Comes Around" (Now dad this is a very sensitive subject) From the first time the doctor placed you in my arms I knew I'd meet death before I'd let you meet harm Although questions arose in my mind, would I be man enough? Against wrong, choose right and be standin up From the hospital that first night Took a hour just ta get the carseat in right People drivin all fast, got me kinda upset Got you home safe, placed you in your basonette That night I don't think one wink I slept As I slipped out my bed, to your crib I crept Touched your head gently, felt my heart melt Cause I know I loved you more than life itself Then to my knees, and I begged the Lord please Let me be a good daddy, all he needs Love, knowledge, discipline too I pledge my life to you Chorus: Just the two of us, we can make it if we try Just the two of us, (Just the two of us) Smith Will Just the two of us, building castles in the sky Just the two of us, you and I Verse 2: Will Smith Five years old, bringin comedy Everytime I look at you I think man, a little me Just like me Wait an see gonna be tall Makes me laugh cause you got your dads ears an all Sometimes I wonder, what you gonna be A General, a Doctor, maybe a MC Haha, I wanna kiss you all the time But I will test that butt when you cut outta line, trudat Uh-uh-uh why you do dat? I try to be a tough dad, but you be makin me laugh Crazy joy, when I see the eyes of my baby boy I pledge to you, I will always do Everything I can Show you how to be a man Dignity, integrity, honor an An I don't mind if you lose, long as you came with it An you can cry, ain't no shame it it It didn't work out with me an your mom But yo, push come to shove You was conceived in love So if the world attacks, and you slide off track Remember one fact, I got your back Chorus Verse 3: Will Smith It's a full-time job to be a good dad You got so much more stuff than I had I gotta study just to keep with the changin times 101 Dalmations on your CD-ROM See me-I'm Tryin to pretend I know On my PC where that CD go But yo, ain't nuthin promised, one day I'll be gone Feel the strife, but trust life does go wrong But just in case It's my place To impart One day some girl's gonna break your heart And ooh ain't no pain like from the opposite sex Gonna hurt bad, but don't take it out on the next, son Throughout life people will make you mad Disrespect you and treat you bad Let God deal with the things they do Cause hate in your heart will consume you too Always tell the truth, say your prayers Hold doors, pull out chairs, easy on the swears You're living proof that dreams do come true I love you and I'm here for you Chorus to fade (This is a good song dad, how much am I gettin paid for this?) * ![]() When i walk down the car, my heart start to ache. At first, i thought it was just the weather. I arrive to my class. Then Zit came to me and said, "MJ had passed away." My reaction was, "No way. You must be kidding. It might one of the dj's joke." Derick came and said, "Hey, MJ had passed away." This time, i shout out, "WTF? How could it happened?OMG!" I mean, until now, i still cant believe that he's gone. Buddha~ he was the one who teach me what is dancing. His music, his song will always bring a lot of people to their feet. Even though his failure-whitening-and-failure-nose, i'd still enjoy listening to his songs. I will always play his song over and over again. And i didnt get tired of it! I will miss him. Miss all the entertainment that once he brought to us. He will always be my number one idol. Right now, i'm mourning by listening to his song in my player. Michael Jackson, may you rest in peace. We will always remember your glory days. Thanks for everything that you brought to us. We appreciate it very much. Thank you!!!
听着周杰伦的《我不配》 气死我了!!!死Pn. Wxxx,你最好不要给我看到你带耳环! 也最好不要让你的女儿穿耳环! 妈的! 没收我的耳环! 还说什么:“人家都是带一对一对的,为什么你要带到3个?” 你知道,当你说这句话时,我差点笑出来。 既然你要我带一对,那就是说没收一个就好了。 还误会我穿了两对耳环! 天啊~ 我看你老到眼睛花花了。 你真的令我想笑又生气! * 最近H1N1满天飞。 真的有点怕怕。 今天听到我们的前任班主任发烧了。 而且她还从澳洲回来而已。 天啊~ 菩萨保佑,上帝保佑,阿拉保佑,千万不可让她得病。 我还想要上课的! 不要啊~
A Real Man
Listening to Michael Buble's "Everything" We human being are such a weird creature.We can lose everything with one words. Trust, love, caring, a place to lie on... Without taking action seriously to our words, cost us more. I really dont understand what is wrong with their mind. It's like they can bear everything to be gone away. But when things happen, they start to fear. They'll die seeking for it. I want to know what happen. Why cant you see this when you did? How strong can you afford this? What motivates you in future? When is that moment when i can see you as a real man? Who is the person that you hurt most? Please wake up from this dream. Think deeply and wisely with your choices. You've gotta be strong and confidence with your every action. I want to see you as a real man again. I hate the way you are right now. Please... ![]()
听着Beyond的《海阔天空》 开学就快要一个礼拜了。每天还是酱过日子。 在学校,老师除了派考卷,不然就是聊天而已。 没有教书。 没有功课。 有时真的在怀疑自己今年是否在面临spm? 唉~ * ![]() 我真的该放手去让中四来带场面。 每每看到他们没得反应,又忍不住插手。 呵呵~ 可能还必须训练自己的毅力。 我是可以在旁边帮。 但不要插手! * 总之,这整个礼拜都好像恢复了之前的懒样。 唉~ 要快点醒来了!
Oh my gosh~
Listening to Pink's "Sober" Went back to hometown last Friday.(Woohoo~ i was the driver. ^^) Quite short in time when go back. I mean we gotta get back here before 4pm, Saturday. But that doesnt mean i didnt get to see baby! Just like the father. Looks black and beautiful. Baby girl, wish you will grow beautiful and stay healthy. ^^ * We've been getting closer. And i like the way we are going now. It's as if trying to get back to those old days. But more improvement this time. I couldnt help myself. I started to craving for his voice. His fingers. His smile. His touch. His kindness. His gentleness. I just cant help myself. Am i really got myself in trouble? Am i ready for this shot again? Am i steady enough to take the risk again? Guess the time will tell... * First day of school since holiday. Kinda bored to death. But lucky me. I've got a bunch of sista whose we chat the whole day. Haha~ Got my smile and laugh back fully. Cant imagine how my life would if it werent for them. Teachers all are giving excuse of not giving back our papers. Haiz~ Every time the same reason. When will they change? Gotta make a promise to myself now. Spm is getting nearer. Not to mention, trial! Come on, get yourself up and let's rock 'n' roll!!!
教大家做沙拉 ^^
听这刘德华的《男人哭吧不是罪》 好的。今天就教大家怎样做一个很美味的沙拉。 首先,需要准备以下的材料。
好,接下来,先把豆腐和凉粉切碎。 不过如果你喜欢wasabi,还可以加进去。 哈哈~ 有任何疑问还是分享,都欢迎你留言哦~ ^^ * 通了电话。 两人打成协定。 乘两人见面前的这段时间,我们好好考虑是不是要复合。 见面时,就给个答案。 心,还是在犹豫着。。。 到底,我的答案会是什么。 讲真的,我也不知道。 顺其自然吧~ 可是,内心的某个地方还是很挂念他。 很想复合,又怕再次分离。 很想复合,又怕他是在耍我。 很想复合,又怕他只是在逗我开心。 很想复合,又怕我不能相信他。。。 太多的顾虑。 我还能继续考虑吗? 太多的疑问。 我还有资格给答案吗? 还真的是要,顺其自然。。。
I'm home~~~
Listening to Katy Perry's "Waking Up In Vegas" Woa~Just came back from school camp. It was amazing. Bravo! Will update about it after i get all the photos. But still, i'd like to say a few words to my dearest campers. Thank you so much for making it happen. This is my last year with you guys. And still, we enjoy making loads of precious memories. I really love it! Thank you guys! ^^ * Went out with him. (Of course i bring along a friend.) It's been quite a while since we last met. He was just the same as usual. Just he's more fit this time. ^^ I really cant help it. Guess what i said to my friend was true. "I still had the same feeling to him. I just cant help it that he's the one who let go." I really do still have feelings to him. I really miss those old times when we were together. Sometimes i wonder if it was just a joke. That he'll call me and say, everything was just a big mess up joke. But it didnt happen. Still, i was having my fun time with him. I cant stop blaming how fast the time flies. Hope there's another chance we can get out together. (Sorry and thanks a lot to my friends. You've been help me a lot. I just cant stop thanking you. Thanks for making my day. ^^)
听着吴宗宪的《是不是这样的夜晚你才会这样的想起我》 今年的我,并没什么投入下去。 认为junior们会打理。 没想到。。。 算了。 身为senior的我,也有责任被怪。 今年的营员比去年还要少。 可能我们放在刚好公共假期的日期,大家都有节目。 没关系吧~ 我们去年还不是办到蛮成功的。 今年就不要这样的丧气。 我们还是可以的! 我永远都相信你们! 大家,加油了! ^^
Haha~ Just now i almost commit suicide. Haha~ Luckily my mind keep telling me, that i still have dreams to be achieve. That's why i stop my action. Haha~ Silly me. How could in this world i almost kill myself. Haha~ I'm tired. I'm totally worn out now. But i'm not giving up. Wait till i get my driving license. Then i'm free. I can go wherever i want in whenever. I dont have to see your damn face! Haha~ Dont ask me who the hell i'm angry with. I wont tell you. Unless something bad had happened on me. Haha~
听着张宇的《雨一直下》 我真的很不了解我家人的想法。从小到大,我差不多每一天都在问我自己:“我真的是这个家的女儿吗?” 每次都没有答案。。。 和我妈翻脸的次数,比弟弟妹妹和妈翻脸的次数多。 和弟弟妹妹很容易吵架,可是每次都是我中招。 在外面,很多朋友都认为我跟我家人是很亲的。 可是,他们不知道,每次翻脸,都是我在自责、自训! 在外表,我给人的印象是我真的跟家人很好相处。 可是,有谁知道,其实,我对我家人又爱又恨! 爱到灵魂,也恨至心灵! 不要问我什么问题。 也不要你的安慰。 我真的有时很想离家出走算了。 不要待在这里算了。 为什么我还留下? 因为我永远都深信,我的答案总有一天会被找到的。 所以我才留下来。 我没有勇气自杀。 也没有勇气杀人。 这些念头,我都曾起过。 可是我没下手。 因为我还年轻。 我还有我的梦想去追。 还有一些答案去寻觅。 我真的不需要同情。 我才扮一个坚强的女人, 我真的不需要安慰。 我才愿意借耳朵给朋友。 我真的不需要悲伤。 我才每天疯疯颠颠过日子。 不过放心吧~ 我还是会带着笑容的。。。 |