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六月 2007
七月 2007 八月 2007 九月 2007 十月 2007 十一月 2007 十二月 2007 一月 2008 二月 2008 三月 2008 四月 2008 五月 2008 六月 2008 七月 2008 八月 2008 九月 2008 十月 2008 十一月 2008 十二月 2008 一月 2009 二月 2009 三月 2009 四月 2009 五月 2009 六月 2009 七月 2009 八月 2009 九月 2009 十月 2009 十一月 2009 十二月 2009 一月 2010 二月 2010 三月 2010 四月 2010 五月 2010 六月 2010 七月 2010 八月 2010 九月 2010 十月 2010 十一月 2010 十二月 2010 一月 2011 二月 2011 三月 2011 四月 2011 五月 2011 六月 2011 七月 2011 八月 2011 九月 2011 十月 2011 十一月 2011 十二月 2011 一月 2012 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Nothing much...
Listening to Santana feat. Steven Tyler's "Just Feel Better" School life is nothing much to be commented.Same old day. Same old routine. Same old things happen. Oh ya! School principal changed again. Ya~ Dont give that face. It's the order from the ministry. Erm~ We still havent saw her face yet. She's from BU4. Heard rumors said that she's racist. Man~ Now i'm starting to worry about chinese society. Hope we can survive through this hard challenge. * Nothing much actually. But i know one thing for sure for my birthday present now. I want FULL "TWILIGHT" SERIES. Or so they said, "Twilight Saga". Man~ I'm so addicted to it. I cant get my mind and eyes away from it. Try to hold back myself. But i did finish it. Haiz~ Now only wait till next month to buy. Hope this time i purchase it online from mphonline.com. * Nothing much. That's all. Peace out.
听着粱静茹的《Cest' La Vie》 人,就是因为因缘而认识。有时候,当两个人在一起有一段时间。 当中的火花越擦越亮,两人的感情就会更深一层地发展。 但,如果火花开始微弱,两人也会随着离去。 本来可以安静地、安详地离开,因为彼此曾经在乎彼此,不想要承认即将离去,所以内心的自尊也开始发作,两人便吵起架来。 真的很感叹缘分这个东西。 就在酱短短地2个星期。 我陆续和之前在我生命留下一些残味地男生。 老实说,当我和他们聊天时,心中一直在佩服缘分的安排。 我当然很开心啦~ 能和两位朋友聊天。 因为彼此曾经了解彼此,所以都没什么觉得特别。 现在,他们都处在一根很甜蜜且开心的情况。 两人都找到了他们的另一半灵魂。 我的内心一直都很祝福他们。 常常开玩笑地说:“不要告诉你的girl girl哦~不然你清明节就要来拜我。” 呵呵~ 身边的姐妹也陆陆续续找到了。 每天看着她们幸福地微笑,心里不由自主地也笑起来了。 刚刚才发现,原来我都是包围在幸福的环境里。 为何我还要这么执着在于那个缘分。 有就有,没有就没有。 有的时候,就必须要了解自己能牺牲什么,能得到什么来展现笑容。 没有的时候,更加要努力地开心,因为什么都不必想。 呵呵~ 好俗吧~ 怎样都好,我都希望能看到大家的笑容。 没有面具地笑容。 没有委屈地笑容。 只有很自然且真诚地笑容。
I'm going to faint
Listening to Jennifer Hudson's "If This Isnt Love" I PASSED! I passed my undang test! Haha~ Well, i did promise myself to pass before mum comes back from India. And i did. Just i promise myself to get 43/50. But i got 42/50. Trying to be optimistic wit it. But now, who cares? I PASSED! Next lesson, the 6 hours of bengkel! Hope i will stay alive. Hehe~ * Mummy came back yesterday. Woke up early around 5.50pm. Dad drove us to KLIA. Mum was a bit late. So, we waited at the petrol station. Daddy wants to save money. Hehe~ Saw mummy immediately. Her hand was so beautiful. Erm~ Will try to upload those photos she took in India. It was magnificent. * ![]() I think i've suffer from "Twilight Disease" Haha~ It's been quite a long time since "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown could actually lock my eyes and mind that tightly. I was in with it. I'm so excited with the story as it goes. Every single words guide through the whole story. Makes me wanna read again and again and again till i get tired of it. (Come to think of it, i'd never get tired of all my book collection:)) The magic inspires me to dream again. Release me from this spm tension. I love this feelings. Now, only waiting for yeen to bring my second book. Gosh~ My heart is tremendously beating fast whenever i thought of this book. Please, dont save me from this. * One more thing, our class teacher, Pn Wan Amalia, had read through my blog and the others as well. Haha~ Cant imagine it. Anyway, teacher if you are seeing this, please do leave a message in my chatbox. Hehe~ Have a nice day!
听着张玉华的《雪花飘》 斗气在频频上升。明天我一定要加油! 目标:43/50 无论如何,都一定要在老妈子回来之前pass! 不容许自己在让自己失望! 加油! * 今天学校要我们开始填写spm的报名表格。 嗯~ 已经打算了。 我不要拿bio。 因为。。。 没有信心。 加上,我很讨厌背东西。 至少chem和phy还有数学题可以做。 所以,我总共拿了9科。 要开始温习了。 至今,已经慢慢地把去年的phy科搞懂了。 Chem还是得把那些ion formula给记在脑海里。 Add math开始有点又爱又恨。 Modern math也是一样。 Sejarah还是很讨厌去年的Islam东东。 Moral被逼拿的。 剩下的语言科,应该勉强说,还可以。 哈哈~ 哎哟~ 人,开心就好! 各位,要加油哦!
Dont cry dont cry
Listening to Abba's "S.O.S." Ok.I had failed my undang test. 39/50 Why? I was starve to death. My mind went blank after i typed my IC number. My stomach keep telling me to eat something. But i ignore it. In the end, FAILED! Haiz~ Wish that i can pass this second time. Buddha, help me. * Today is mummy's birthday! For the first time, we didnt get to celebrate her birthday at here. Because she's still at India. Enjoying her trip. Hehe~ Ma, bring more photo come back! Hehe~ Thank you for your everything that you've done to us. I know, sometimes we had arguement. But that makes us more understand each other and will support each other. I know i've been a bad girl since i dont know when. But you still love me. I love you too, ma. You know, most of my friends are very envy of me because of having you. You teach me more than i can ever learn. I shared it with my friends. They love it. Hehe~ Anyhow, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, MA!
听着卓文萱和小鬼的《爱的主旋律》 情人节快乐!!!哈哈~ 小女我在这里恭祝大家情人节快乐! 有情人终成眷属! 没情人的,还是要开开心心地过日子。 谁知,哪天你会比任何更幸福! * 妈今天要去印度了。 最近比平时更唠叨。 因为她第一次出国。 也第一次把我们这三个小瓜留在家里。 所以,就一直在唠叨。 可能因为酱,我的心竟然出奇地平静。 不会觉得老妈的唠叨很唠叨。 哈哈~ 不会想念我妈啦~ 不过担心她多一点。 希望她不要走散。 呼~ 妈,我们不在你身边,你自己要注意看路牌还是记得你曾经走过的路。 不要迷路哦~ * 明天要去考umdang了。 要加油加油!!! Gambateh!!!
La Isla Bonita by Madonna
Listening to My Chemical Romance's "Teenagers" Last night I dreamt of San PedroJust like I’d never gone, I knew the song A young girl with eyes like the desert It all seems like yesterday, not far away Tropical the island breeze All of nature, wild and free This is where I long to be La isla bonita And when the samba played The sun would set so high Ring through my ears and sting my eyes You Spanish lullaby Music I fell in love with San Pedro Warm wind carried on the sea, he called to me Te dijo te amo I prayed that the days would last They went so fast Tropical the island breeze All of nature, wild and free This is where I long to be La isla bonita And when the samba played The sun would set so high Ring through my ears and sting my eyes You Spanish lullaby Music I want to be where the sun warms the sky When it’s time for siesta you can watch them go by Beautiful faces, no cares in this world Where a girl loves a boy And a boy loves a girl Music Last night I dreamt of San Pedro It all seems like yesterday, not far away Tropical the island breeze All of nature, wild and free This is where I long to be La isla bonita And when the samba played The sun would set so high Ring through my ears and sting my eyes You Spanish lullaby Tropical the island breeze All of nature, wild and free This is where I long to be La isla bonita And when the samba played The sun would set so high Ring through my ears and sting my eyes You Spanish lullaby Tropical the island breeze All of nature, wild and free This is where I long to be La isla bonita And when the samba played The sun would set so high Ring through my ears and sting my eyes You Spanish lullaby * Last Sunday, my cousin brought my whole family to Jaya One. Why? Cause we are going to lounge!!! And i was drinking alcohol. No kidding, man. "Brussels Beer Cafe"
Haha~ Love the name very much. Anyway, it was a new experience for me to go in a lounge. I mean, people were starring at us (especially to my bro), and i heard someone asking, "Are kids allowed to come in?" Well, the waiters didnt take action. The manager was serving us as well. Plus, our parent is beside us. So, i guess it was no big deal at all. Haha~ I know, it's written there "BEERS". But who cares? I like to drink beer very much. ![]() ![]() ![]() Our orders had arrive. Notice how big the mug is. Cant finish it up with one person. Especially when you order 5 mugs of it. And the name of the beer is written on the mug. So you can know them easily. And the waiter doesnt need that much time to explain to you. Haha~ Among all, i love "Hoegarden" the best. Dont ask me why, i just love it. Hehe~ And we went back around 10pm. No one is drunk. And everybody is happy. Including me=)
听着草蜢的《宝贝,对不起》 嘿嘿~有机会可以写关于上个礼拜的聚会。 不好意思啦~ 我的懒虫又开始侵犯我。 嘿嘿~ * 上个星期日去参加了小六的聚会。 这次的主办人是涵。 嗯~ 就希望她下次搞活动时,不要把自己也给弄乱。 嘿嘿~ 好啦~ 撇开一些不怎么愉快的事,我们就来谈开心的事。 嗯~ 其实去的时候,整颗心还是很砰砰地在跳。 可能是太开心能再次和大家见面。 所以,就不由自主地紧张起来。 哈哈~ 看到大家,有变都变,没变的,还是一样那样。 哈哈~ 一看到大家,我又整个开始“服务”大家。 可能我就是这样啦~ 很想要用这种方法来冷静我的心下来。 嗯~ 就聊了很多,都来不及拍照。 哈哈~ 这张桌子去八八,然后又到另外一张去八八。 总之,就是一直忙不停。 没什么吃到。 反而喝了很多水。 哈哈~ 总结来说,就是觉得很感恩和感激涵。 因为她要我帮忙联络人。 鼓起勇气,拿起电话,一一拨电给每位曾经给我留下很多味道回忆的朋友。 然后等到约定的时间,和大家叙旧叙旧。 我终于体会了我老妈时常说的,能和老朋友见面,真爽! 果然! 真爽! 期待下次的聚会。 别忘了我哦~
Fifth day of CNY
Listening to The Killers's "Human" Finally got those pictures from yan.Thank you very much. Hehe~ * Ok. At the fifth day of CNY, went to friend's house. Of course go get angpau lah~ Then watch them gamble while i stay behind. Cause i've lost a lot to my cousin. So... Hehe~ Oh ya! Went to one people's house, drink one packet of drink. Imagine me going to about 7 people house. That means 7 packet of drink in just like 3,4 hours. Man, my stomach was full of water. Haha~ No kdding. * Then almost 4pm, went back home. Fetch yan, stef and ck home too. Why? Cause we were going to Dong Zen later night. Woo-hoo~ Take bath. Eat a litlle snacks. Wait for my cousin. And off we go!!! So, i'll let the pictures talk for a while. Hehe~
听着张震岳的《爱我别走》 基本上,今年的新年假期过得特别闷。没错! 闷! 唉~ 除夕前一天回安顺,霹雳。 真的超闷。 一整天在家,无聊没事做。 关在房间里面。 不是睡觉,就是读书。 红包还是照拿啦~ 有点比往年来得多。 呵呵~ * 今年也是第一次不是在外婆家过。 而在三姨家过。 还是比较回外家。 因为我那边的亲戚都很热情。 每次回去都闹很多笑话,叙旧叙旧往事。 今年赌博到凌晨2点。 还输给桩家,四舅。 气死的是,他根本都没有动到他的本钱。 唉~ 哈哈~ * 后来初四就回来了。 因为接下来的三天都连续出门。 除了睡觉和冲凉时间,其他时间都在外面。 哈哈~ 还是得感谢我妈妈一直在充当我的司机。 谢谢你。 还是要快点去考车牌啦~ 嘻嘻~
Oh My God!
Listening to Alanis Morrisette's "Underneath" Woa~I was totally like a party queen for the past three days. Going out for non-stop. Haha~ Luckily i didnt fall sick. Glad that my stamina support me. * Well try to update more about my three day programme. Hehe~ Just dont look away:) |