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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
I want my computer back!!!
Listening to Natasha Bedingfeild's "Pocketful Of Sunshine" Damn it!!!I so hate my computer now!!! Why? First of all, it keep restart by itself. How? I also dont know how! It's like the whole screen suddenly blackout. Then it restart by itself. Argh~ It's so frustrating! My computer had been once reformat to made sure it wasnt virus attacking. But now! I just wanna open my computer inside and see what's happening! Second, the internet line is so USELESS!!! The line wasnt stable at all! Today can online, tomorrow cant. At this moment, you can download things. The next minute, you arent allow to download things! It's annoying!!! Last of all, my chinese input software arent functioning!!! Stupid stuff!!! Stupid software!!! I've been using this chinese software for damn 3 years. And now you arent functioning!!! Argh~ Life's sucks when i cant use chinese words. Especially i've got a chinese project to be done. And deadline is getting near!!! I want eveything back to normal. Just like it was!!! It's so upsetting! And tiring too... I want my computer back!!!
听着小虎队的《红蜻蜓》 很久没有写写关于自己的心情了。最近上网的连接线好像有点问题。 一下可以,一下不可以。 算了,这样也好。 防止我又沉迷与网络世界,而引起父母的不满意。 * 刚从学校回到家。 躺在房间的地上。 脑海不停地闪过很多画面。 是什么画面,我又不能很明确地举列。 因为实在太多了。 要我说嘛~ 可能最清楚的就是和姐妹们一起的日子。 4年。 我从来没有想过我们的友谊还能经得起考验。 呵呵~ 人啊~ 就是酱的。 身边一定要有朋友。 不然就仿佛觉得人生就是酱白来一趟。 * 学校生活营快到了。 老师擅自改了日期。 我也气够了。 不想再去争论。 因为直觉告诉我,是没用的。 唉~ 难道我们就永远比不上form5的? 难道因为他们是我们的senior,所以事事都要让他们? 难道他们考试,连我们的活动也要取消? 真的有够好笑。 明年我们要毕业了。 偶尔让让我们,会损失吗? 呵呵~ 我知道。 他们是senior,我们是junior。 小的要听大的话。 酱,你可以给我一点时间,然后听听我的意见吗?
Tag by Stef
Listening to Justin Timberlake's "Senorita" Ok. Stef had been tagged me like a loooooooooooong time ago. Yet till now i'm replying her. Haha~ Sorry stef. * You can only type one word. 1. Yourself: -Crazy -Young 2. Your hair: -Short -Cool 3. Your mother: - Friend - Lovely 4. Your father: - Funny - Good-looking 5. Your favourite item: - Phone - Anime 6. Your dream last night: - Love - Fantasy 7. Your favourite drink: - water - erm~~~ 8. Your dream car: - Evo - Myvi 9. The room you are in: - Chilly - Quiet 10. Your favourite colour: - Green - Red 11. Your fear: - RATS!!! - Myself 12. Who you hung out with last night: - Family - Tv 13. What you want to be in 10 years: - DeeJay - Myself 14. What you're not: - Quiet - Stupid 15. Muffin: - Delicious - Tasty 16. One of your Wish List Item: - Books - T-shirt 17. Time: -Dinner -Late 18. The last thing you did: -Bath -Laughing 19. What are you wearing: -Black -Jeans 20. Your favourie weather: -Cloudy -Autumn 21. Your favourite book: -The Case Of Two Cities -Mutant Message Down Under 22. The last thing you ate: -Meehon -Biscuit 23. Your life: -Crazy -Memorable 24. Your mood: -Cool -Calm 25. Your best friend: -Crazy -Proud 26. What are you thinking about right now: -Blank... -School!!! 27. What are doing at the moment: -Typing -Thinking 28. Your summer: -Play -Ice cream 29. What is on your tv: -Hannah Montana - Top 30 30. What is the weather like: -Dark -Peaceful 31. When was the last you laughed: -fgs -Home * Ok. I dont know who to tag. Erm~ What about you who are reading this post now. Hehe~
听着蔡琴的《读你》 终于都拿完了全部照片。 现在我就快点地写完。 不好意思啦~ * 来到新郎的家了。 总觉得他的家人还蛮热情的。 什么事都做好给我们。 还认不出我是哪一个?! 当然是穿白衣。。。还有黑裤的啦~ 哈哈~ 呼~ 我真的不是很喜欢拿那个包包咯~ 和整个打扮都不相配。 不过为了收红包,我就只好豁出去咯~ 当时还在想着要不要脱鞋。 不过最后还是脱了鞋子。 毕竟我不习惯在家里面穿鞋子。 无论是自己家还别人家。 拜完了以后,开始敬茶仪式。 不好意思啦~ 我不敢放太多。 因为我没跟他们拿允许说我要放上网。 不过要看完的话,我还在做着cd。 可能我会借你噢~ * 晚上我们要到晚宴去了。 出发! (嘻嘻~我又打扮地像男装。不能怪我嘛~我本来都很喜欢啊~) ![]() ![]() ![]() 拍了超多照片。 而且我还有点醉呢~(Shh。。。不可以告诉我的父母。哈哈~) 超厉害唱歌的。 突然很懒惰写。 没关系啦~ 我偶尔不要罗嗦也是好事来的。 哈哈哈哈哈哈~ * 怎样都好,仪式也圆满地完成了。 最后祝福他们:白头谐老,早生贵子,夫妻永远都要恩恩爱爱!
At my grandma's
Listening to Christina Aguilera's "Beautiful" Sorry guys, my line got a bit problem. That's why i cant update my blog yesterday. * We woke up at 6am. (It's like only slept for 4hours+. Very tired.) Beacuse, the stylist scared that she couldnt find the way to our house, so she had to wake up early. Damn, the whole make-up and hair styling process only took half and hour. I was so tired. But i couldnt get to sleep. Duh~ My make-up will be destoy! Didnt shoot any picture of us making up. Because it's still early and the cameramen and women were still sleeping. Around 8am, we started to dressed up the bride. Here's some pictures of us. Approximately 10am, the groom had finally arrive! Later, we gotta put up some challenge. We had planned all these challenge at the party. Oh ya, must introduce the "Ji Mui Tuan". Created at the party. Lead by one of my cousin. His voice was the loudest to be heard. And loads of joke made by him. Love ya, bro~ All the challenge was successfully done, we opened the door. It was so crowded inside the room yet happy. We even "asked" them to kiss. Advise: Under 18 are not allowed to watch without your parent's around. Haha~ After getting out from the room, we went around to the car. (Hey, dont ask me. I just follow whatever ther were doing.) (Oh ya, the flower was real. I mean the water was dripping when i hold it. Luckily i was holding kinda far away to avoid my shirt get wet.) Sorry. But there's more picture to be upload. It's just the groom's house picture havent load it into my computer. Sorry. |