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六月 2007
七月 2007 八月 2007 九月 2007 十月 2007 十一月 2007 十二月 2007 一月 2008 二月 2008 三月 2008 四月 2008 五月 2008 六月 2008 七月 2008 八月 2008 九月 2008 十月 2008 十一月 2008 十二月 2008 一月 2009 二月 2009 三月 2009 四月 2009 五月 2009 六月 2009 七月 2009 八月 2009 九月 2009 十月 2009 十一月 2009 十二月 2009 一月 2010 二月 2010 三月 2010 四月 2010 五月 2010 六月 2010 七月 2010 八月 2010 九月 2010 十月 2010 十一月 2010 十二月 2010 一月 2011 二月 2011 三月 2011 四月 2011 五月 2011 六月 2011 七月 2011 八月 2011 九月 2011 十月 2011 十一月 2011 十二月 2011 一月 2012 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Boring but fun
Listening to Maroon 5's "This Love" Went to school today. Because of the speech i need to use for tomorrow.Kinda boring at first. Well, you see, our scholl was helding this sukan tara. And i was forced to join. I mean, it's like you compete with your classmate. Then, will choose the best to join the Hari Sukan. I know, it's boring. But i need that speech!!! Luckily i got the speech and started to practice with Chen. She's a good speech talker if she didnt keep look at the paper. So as a experienced person, i try to teach her some skills. She's a good learner. Nothing much about it. Oh ya! How can i not mention. Three guys singing in front of me!!! Yipee!!! I mean, how can you find three guys that nothing to do and start to humming then they start to duet then they made a band. It's so cool. I told the others, "I must made a lot of goods. That's why i got a chance to experienced this." Wohoo~~ It was like a concert, man. And damn, i was enjoying myself. Even i sing with them. Haha~ I love my life!
听着吴奇隆的《祝你一路顺风》 首先,要跟以下的人说声谢谢。 我姑姑们,我的家人,Ah Foon,阿平,佳俊,扬捷,小君,慧婷还有我的姐妹们,还有很多很多人。(不好意思,我很懒惰写你们的名字。嘻~不好意思,不好意思) 谢谢你们的生日祝福。 不管是真心还是给面子我,我都会接受。毕竟一年一次,就不要计较酱多。 * 我没开派对。不过,和家人在家,安安静静地过。 (这是ice cream cake。上面写着“Sweet 16 AhBee)(Ahbee是我的乳名。) * 23/3/2008的我,正式16岁了。 外表的我,还是那副掉儿郎当的样子。 内心却有点成长了。 今年的我,可以去考undang了。 可是,我还是打算和姐妹们一起考。 16岁。 人家所谓的sweet 16。 到底会不会sweet呢? 还是期待。。。 有件事我可以保证的是: 我。还。是。我。一。生。都。会。一。直。癫。下。去。的。我!
Listening to Spice Girls's "Oxygen" (Wait let me get a pack of tissue first. Cause the following contents will bring up many sweet memories.)Hehe~ Guess what? My birthday is due this Sun (23/3). But my sisters give a suprise today. Cant believe that yesterday they (well, it was actually stef, yy n amelea) baked a cake with three-times-failure-cream. Today they bought it to school. And gosh~ it was so SUPRISED!!! I mean i dont really like to celebrate my birthday in school. As if you want the whole school to know today is YOUR birthday. Show off man. Anyway, i was at 4Mahir. And i was yelling that i was hungry. Need to rush to canteen. So when we were ready to canteen, Amelea was like, "Wait. There's something!" Then they took out the cake. Buddha~ Almost burst my tears out. Luckily mananged to control it. It was a chocolate sponge cake with some cream written "Hapi Bday". I cant helped but to shock. It's just unexpected. The whole class who didnt really know what happened also cheer up the whole atmosphere. (Sweat right? But they are still greatest class ever!) 16 candles was lit up. Waiting for me to make a wish and blow the cake. There~ i'm 16 years old in another 2 days. Haha~ Sweet 16. Gosh~ Still cant believed it. Haha~ * You know, the memory of us together suddenly rushed up to my mind. I was nearly to cry out. Of course, i'm the strongest girls in my sisterhood. 4 years of friendship is nothing to be compared. My birthday siginified we are another year older. Our friendship, of course, grew stronger than another year. (Man, i really need to control my tears now. Not to let it fall. T_* ) OUR SISTERHOOD [] WILL ROCK FOREVER!!! P/s: Thanks girls for the suprised. I really appreciate it. I guess it's going to be a memorable gifts. Hope our sisterhood really rock forever till death do us apart. P/p/s: Specially thanks to Stef. Although you are sick, you still came to school just to celebrate my early birthday with me. Recover soon, dear.
听着安室奈美惠的《Funky Town》 星期日时,在《星洲周刊》看到这个笑话。 * 9大类型学生 1. 圣人型(垃圾桶型) 学名:“模范学生”,俗名“好学生,浑名“书呆子”(其他别号无数,不及备载...) 特征:上课笔记,照单全录,之乎者也,决不遗漏。 功能:考前总笔记出处 座右铭:“一笔走遍天下” 出没地方:80%以上出现在一至三排,讲桌前面。 理想职业:适荒者 2. 标准型 学名:“专业学生” 特征:上课浑浑噩噩,下课快快乐乐 功能:保持班级人数,维护师长尊严 座右铭:“有笔记就抄,有考试就考” 出没地方:幅员辽阔 理想职业:公务员 3. 一心N用型 学名:“地下学生” 特征:状似用功,实藏玄机,举头有老师,低头别洞天 功能:磨炼老师的耐心 座右铭:“一寸光阴一寸金” 出没地方:依段高明分布,原则以技术高者为前 理想职业:编辑人员 4. 老僧如定型 学名:“标本学生” 特征:下棋高手,钓鱼能人,魔音贯耳,不动其心 功能:维护教室安宁(打呼者除外) 座右铭:“以不变应万变” 出没地方:分布广泛,90%为间歇性发作 理想职业:灵媒 学名:“超能力学生” 特征:神游太虚,来去自如,偶尔傻笑,自得其乐 功能:寻找中... 座右铭:“无入而不自得” 出没地方:呈点状分布,82%散布中间 理想职业:精神病院住户 6. 穿梭自如型 学名:“业余学生” 特征:有终身在同班中,不识其人真面目 功能:消耗剩余之公假单 座右铭:“来无影,去无踪,神龙见首不见尾” 出没地方:(有他的座位吗?) 理想职业:间谍 7. 稳如泰山型 学名:“霸王学生” 功能:加速老师的血液循环 座右铭:“只要我喜欢,有什么不可以” 出没地方:最后一排 理想职业:山寨寨主 8. 无耻乱问型 学名:“问题学生”,又名“爱迪生” 特征:懂也问,不懂也问 功能:训练师长口才 座右铭:“知之为不知,不知为不知,是知也” 出没地方:人数稀少,多具惯常性发作倾向 理想职业:立法委员 9. 自言自语型 学名:“自闭学生” 特征:絮语繁杂,叨叨不休(严重者手舞足蹈,不能自己) 功能:增加上课情绪 座右铭:“老师说,我也说,老师不说,我继续说” 10. 族繁不及备载... 新品种继续征求中
Damn stupid!!!
Listening to Duffy's "Mercy" One thing that i always hate about my school is :They always said there are no good class and bad class in our school, so there's not need to differenciate. But when it comes to exam time, the teachers will start, "You guys (which i'm in second class) are in the good class. Please show some potential result than the other class." WHAT?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought you said there were no good class OR bad class. Then what's up when you guys are either marking our papers or giving us back the paper. It's all a lie!!! Gosh~ Can't believe i really ACTUALLY believe it. Luckily when i was form2, i started to misbelieve you guys. It's just so ridiculous!!! Result with flying colours doesn't mean EVERYTHING. It's only some red-pen-writing-numbers on a paper. You can't write it on our faces or our life. Ok, ya, i admit we made mistake too. Doesn't mean you can turn your words back. It's really unfair!!! Come to think of it, i still got 1 year left to graduate. Wish me luck for not bursting myself in front of those teacher.
听着刘若英和黄立行的《分开旅行》 孤独的我 站在这里 等着时间的倒数 还有不到4天 就要开学了 开学 意味着 和朋友重逢 老师的教训 学业的压力 课外活动的竞争 校园内的黑白绯闻 突然 因为那一个念头 我背叛了他 我想起了另一个的他 不知另一个他的spm的成绩是好是坏 我也开始累了 好想在睡多一次觉 来补充我对另一个他的遗憾 可是 我知道 我的心会很内疚 因为 他 会很敏感 又想到 我们快要中学毕业了 这 是不是说 我们有增加了智慧 还是说 前面的路途 更加遥远 我不想再去想 可脑袋也开始背叛了我 看 我都不是一位很好的主人 恋自己的身体 都不能 控制 笑吧 因为 我还有一班超好的 朋友 * 写到酱emo的文章,连我自己也吓到。 因为认识我的人,都知道我是个阳光女孩。 也许,在阳光在背后,都来临着狂风暴雨。 * 我进不到土豆!!! 我看不到戏!!! T.T T.T T.T 救命啊~
11/3/2008 fun at 1u
Listening to Mika's "Love Today" Went to 1u with my best sisters yesterday. We did what we want. Well, although i didnt get to buy my shorts because there's some miscalculation with my budget. Anyway, we went there just for fun. We went to "Neway". One advice from me: NEVER TRY TO EAT THOSE FOODS. I cant tell you how disgust they were. Salty, too hot, looks funny... Ok. Let stef, the poser master, to teach you how to pose when you are singing. Then me n sk went to pierced earring. I pierced one. Sk pierced two. After that, we went to "Dreamland". We went to had our "Big Head Photo". Sorry for not letting you guys see the picture that we took. Cause i didnt have a scaner to scan it. Anyway, you guys can looking forward at our sisters blog. Guess what we ate? SUSHIGROOVE!!! The food damn delicious. But i dont really like the bowl they served. It's so big and DEEP. Yes, deep. You had to dig in to eat. Oh ya! Either stef or yy took a pic of amelea. Of course, how can we not cam-whore when we sisters are together. * 熊玉生看不到白小重开就走了 希山保证承诺不变,很快解决 查卡利亚凌晨心脏病发逝世! Both of them died at the almost same day. The lesson i learned: Never do bad things when you are still alive. What goes around, comes around.
听着张宇的《四百龙银》 昨天是大选。晚上是大选公布成绩。 今天大家都在所关于大选事情。 不是说我没有关注。也不是说我没有什么有兴趣。 只是说,国阵虽然还是赢了。可是却输掉五个州属。Selangor, Kedah, Penang, Perak n Kelantan。 怎样都好,只想说,现在你们国阵能嚣张到什么时候。我们现在人民的心声多多少少能在国会里面听到。 所欲,新选的州议会和国议会,希望你们能为人民服务。不要在乱给承诺,然后吃掉我们的血汗钱。 * Yay! 现在超期待11/3的到来。 因为我要去唱k了!!! 喉咙现在好了。 只是伤风还没完全恢复。 没关系。好友明天的时间。 我会好好保养的。 加油~
Jewel Of Tibet
Listening to Paul Young's "Everytime You Go Away" BRAVO!!! \^o^/ I LOVE IT!!! \^O^/ Yesterday went to watch "Jewel Of Tibet". Well, it's a musical stage. And damn, i love the show so muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch. I really so shed tears when the opening. The songs, the dancing, the story, they really touched. It was held on Istana Budaya. From 1/3~15/3. The whole show was almost 190 mintues. That's almost 3 hours!!! And ya. We watched until midnight as we show started at 8.30pm. But if you are watching Sunday, the show starts at 3.30pm. You guys really should go and see. I dont know how to describe. I only know my heart was crying. Mostly the songs had touched me. I just wish i can meet the music composer. And thanks her all those sweet and touched songs. I guess i was the one who goes there just only too listen those songs. But who cares? I enjoy myself 100% deeply. Jewel Of Tibet (Click here for more information.) Oh ya, did i mention? My favourite idol, Yang Wei Han was starring too. So did a dj from Ai Fm. And a guy from Superstar, Winson. Gosh~ I'm falling in love. And i wanna buy that cd!!!
听着王力宏的《女朋友》 今天好多了。鼻子可以呼吸了。虽然怪怪的的声音还是从我这边发出来。 天气也凉爽了许多。心情也好了点。(虽然自认帅可是很皮的班长在我的后面一直搞搞阵。) * 突然脑海想到昨天我和阿平的sms。 阿平:“怎样?有没有把握?你酱厉害。一定行的啦~” 我:“还好啦~只是我都以平常心来对待。没什么问题的呱~” 阿平:“这样就好。还记不记得我说,假如你考到很好的成绩,我会送你礼物?” 我:“不好意思,本小姐记性差。而且现在病了又考试。我只记得跟你买jeans裤还是衣服就会有折扣。” 阿平:“原来你是拜金小姐。算了~亏我平时对你酱好。” 我:“不好意思啦~我真的忘了。不好意思x100000000” 这个是我第几次忘了别人对我还是我对别人的约定。 可是,我真的忘了。。。 不是记性差,也不是什么,就是忘了。。。
Suffering T.T
Listening to Eminem's "Like Toy Soldiers" Raining days = Cold weather Gosh~ I really can't imagine that i've survive till now. Meaning, if i miss it, i've gotta sit back after holiday. No no, i'm not going to ruin my holiday like that. It's unfair to my life and my soul. (Don't worry, i'll protect you no matter what.) Taken by me:) 2)The model inside the photo didn't even noticed that i'm shooting them.
听着周杰伦的《我的地盘》 昨天,全身痛了一整天。感觉上,人老了许多。 腰酸背疼,全身发冷,又很爱睡。 唉~ 人一病了就是酱的啦~ 我跟我妈一样。 一病了,就会全身关节酸痛。 就连在补习时,一直觉得很辛苦。 * 前几天,上youtube看信乐团的mv。 看到《海阔天空》这首,突然被那个歌词有点打动。 我曾怀疑我 走在沙漠中 从不结果 无论种什么梦 才张开翅膀 风却变沉默习惯伤痛能不能 算收获 庆幸的是我 一直没回头 终于发现 真的是有绿洲 每把汗流了 生命变的厚重 走出沮丧才看见 新宇宙 海阔天空 在勇敢以后 要拿执着 将命运的锁打破 冷漠的人 谢谢你们曾经看轻我 让我不低头 更精采的活 凌晨的窗口 失眠整夜以后 看着黎明 从云里抬起了头 日落是沉潜 日出是成熟 只要是光一定会 灿烂的 海阔天空 在勇敢以后 要拿执着 将命运的锁打破 冷漠的人 谢谢你们曾经看轻我 让我不低头 更精采的 活海阔天空 狂风暴雨以后 转过头 对旧心酸一笑而过 最懂我的人 谢谢一路默默的陪我 让我拥有好故事可以说 看未来 一步步来了
Beaten by the sick virus...
Listening to Mis-teeq "Scandalous" HELP ME!!! Damn, i'm sick now. Sore throat + flu + feeling cold = SICK!!! Argh~ I'm so cold now. And i feel like i'm more happy than emo-ing. Haha~ Serious. Might be i dont like myself to be such a loser. I seldom fell sick. Might be the virus inside my body cant stand it and they just burst out. And that's make me sick. * Monday. First assessment starts. They arranged the first assessment and second assessment together --- love it. They arranged the first assessment and second assessment together --- hate it.Well, it's good to know when is your second assessment going to be held. But, it makes us more tention. Haiz~
I did on Sejarah, Physics and Chemistry. (Sorry for only upload Sejarah. Because the others are a bit messy.) Well, wish me luck. |