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六月 2007
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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
正在听着曹格的《爱爱》 啊~~~ 下个礼拜(4/2/2008)就是上台表演的时候了。 可是我们还是来不及练习。 讨厌啦~这么酱的叻~ * 不过今天我们也有那ko-ku的时间来快点练习,要不然真的不知道要怎样面带笑容地上台。(=.= 要酱的样子上台咩?) 今天大约能够把整只舞蹈排好了。可是来不及拍video。照片就有啦~(虽然少了一点) * 只拍到酱两张我们跳舞而已。 不过,像我们酱的年轻人当然很喜欢拍照的啦~ 也有摆了几个pose。
除此之外,大家有没有发现stef的扇子有问题?当然有啦~ 下面这张照片就能让大家知道了。 * 现在希望我们当天能表演成功!!!
If by Rudyard Kipling
Listen to Eminem "Lose Yourself" If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all man doubt you But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about don't deal in lies, Or being hated don't give way to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise. If you can dream-and not make dreams your master; If you can think- and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two imposters just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to, borken, And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools; If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss; If you force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!" If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings- nor lose the common touch; If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you; If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And- which is more- you'll be a Man, my son! I love this poem since the first time teacher teaches us. Lots of moral values and lots of positive stuff can be learnt from here. Especially for guys. Guys must read this poem to upgrade lah~ then be a gentlemen that mention up there. And trust me, i'll love you! Haha~
在听着戴佩妮的《防空洞》 我发现我最近的食欲变得好小。小到我自己也吓倒。 平时的我,是最贪吃的。而且绝不留一粒饭在盘里面。可是最近,不要说贪吃,连盘里的饭都吃不完。 朋友都开玩笑地说我有了。屁啦~我是绝对不会做对不起我自己的事情。 连什么原因造成我酱的样子,我也很懒惰地去找。 不过放心,我还是很健康,不会太瘦,也不会太肥。 不用大家的担心。 而且,我相信,这只是一个过渡期,过后我就会恢复正常的饮食份量的。 * 我很讨厌sivik老师!!! 教书有不会教书的样子。 还每天说:“你们不要以为我新来的老师就欺负我。我是不会上你们的当的。”差不多每次有上她的课,她一定会酱讲的。烦死人了~ 今天也是,唉~ 过她的节,简直是在地狱里面游荡。 我讨厌她啦~
Road Run
Listening to Five For Fighting "Superman" Phew~This year school marathon had officially done!!! HURRAY!!! This the 5th time our school had held. And boy, 5 more year and it's the 10th time. Really cant believe. * Well, every year i didnt really run. I mean i'm just only walk.(Hey, walking is also an exercise, ok?) This year too. But i'm all sweating!!! Haha~ Anyway, me and waiyi walked and we chat a lot. From both of us to our love-ship. Then to our family. Lots and lots we've talked about. It's just so great that we got a chance like that. * Lastly, and of course, like usual, we had a ceremony. Waja(green house) got 1st; Saga(red house. ME!ME!) got 2nd; Rusa(Yellow house) got 3rd; and Wira(blue house) got last.
在听着杨乃文的《女爵》 老师每次临时临刻才告诉我们,需要我们上台表演。而且还是要传统舞蹈。 这次听说老师找到了专业老师,可是却不要给我们去。说,因为只有我们五个人,最好不要打扰老师。 什么嘛~4/2/2008就要我们上台表演!你说你们是在上两个礼拜蔡决定要学生演出。告诉我们时,时间只剩两个星期。要我们在两个星期之内的时间,自己编舞,自己着时间练习。我们都在忙着补习,没时间练习,老师却告诉我们:“我可以帮你们在pjk的时间还有ko-ku的时间给你们练习。”所以我们总共有八个小时的时间来编舞,练习。还好,我们华语学会有适合的服装和道具。不然我们自己又要准备。 * 昨天我们完全没有灵感,所以编不到舞步。今天(23/1/2008)是公共假期,我们就打算回惠然老家练习。 幸好大家的时间都能配合到。我们就酱在惠然的老家练习。 惠然的老家是apartment,那边有个礼堂可以给我们用。我们就在那边练习。 所以这张呢~楚君很专心的在练习彩带。(被偷拍了也不知道噢~ =P) 不用大家的担心,他们一定行的。 为什么我酱讲呢?因为啊~这次她们的角色比较重要。可算是我们舞蹈中,最重要的角色。我们两个跳彩带的呢~只是在配合他们的舞步。 * 因为我们还没正式的演出,而且还是很需要一些地方要更进,所以我没有做video shooting。也许我会尝试我们在正式上台演出,叫人帮我们做video shooting。敬请大家的期待。 * 最后,我们练了大概将近三个小时。我们就拍照啦~ 接下来这张是我最喜欢的一张。我真的打算偷拍的,因为她们的pose太美了,而刚好宇嫣对到我的镜头。 我们最后走路去mcdonald。因为太累了,所以没拍照。 没关系,至少我们今天有成绩。 4/2/2008,我们来了!!!
Like A Boy by Ciara
My new idol--Ciara She's the girl. And man, i love her power.
背叛 曹格
雨不停落下来 花怎麽都不开 尽管我细心灌溉 你说不爱就不爱 我一个人欣赏 悲哀 爱只剩下无奈 我 一直不愿再去猜 钢琴上黑键之间 永远都夹着空白 缺了一块 就不精采 紧紧相依的心如何say goodbye 你比我清楚还要我说明白 爱太深会让人疯狂的勇敢 我用背叛 自己完成你的期盼 把手放开不问一句 say goodbye 当作最后一次对你的溺爱 冷冷清清淡淡今后都不管 只要你能愉快 心有一句感慨 我 还能够跟谁对白 在你关上门之前 替我再回头看看 那些片段还在不在 紧紧相依的心如何say goodbye 你比我清楚还要我说明白 爱太深会让人疯狂的勇敢 我用背叛自己 完成你的期盼 把手放开不问一句 say goodbye 当作最后一次对你的溺爱 冷冷清清淡淡今后都不管 只要你能愉快 紧紧相依的心如何say goodbye 你比我清楚还要我说明白 爱太深会让人疯狂的勇敢 我用背叛自己 完成你的期盼 把手放开不问一句 say goodbye 当作最后一次对你的溺爱 冷冷清清淡淡今后都不管 只要你能 愉快
Listening to High School Musical's "All For One" Ok.Fine. I admit. I hate and love my form4 life. I just cant describe it. Let's just say. I love my form4 life because i earn lots of lots of chance to stay close with my friends. And i can study the same subject with them. Too bad is, i hate my new school AND life schedule. Everything change!!! Monday and Tuesday, my school ends at 3.10pm. ONLY FOR PURE SCIENCE CLASS STUDENT!!! Wednesday and Thursday, ko-ku starts from 2.45pm till 4.15pm for Wednesday, 4.45pm for Thursday. Friday, school ends at 1.50pm as our chinese class cant fit in our normal day schedule. So, only left time for after school which is end at 12.30pm. So tiring and damn frustrating!!! Now, i start tuition. Friday and Saturday. Well, at least my tuition need no to worry. * Everything was changing. I just cant catch up. And i feel that i've left behind. Too damn emo now. And all of a sudden, i fell in love with gothic. If u dunno what gothic is, i'll tell u. It's somekind related to emo stuff. And it's all dark and scary and sad and lots of negative stuff. * I wish things could change a little bit better. I cant take it anymore. I felt tired everyday. I cant really wake up every 6.00am to go to school. I start to lose concentrate in class. I felt grateful whenever i saw my bed. I'm lazy to move my body. I dont want to do anything. * Guess, my mood fits for my blog's song. And i really want to feel better than anything. ![]()
在听着李俊杰的《Hatiku Kekal Padamu 你到底爱谁》 很久没有来update关于我的学校生涯了。* 开学至今,我的心态也改变了很多。 从不喜欢,很抗拒进pure science class;到现在,慢慢适应,多多少少能理解。当然还是有些科目,我还不能百分百地接受。 * 先从add math来讲吧~ 自认讨厌数学,数学差劲的我,现在就是尽量的吸收老师教的东西。 刚开始买参考书时,完全都不知道整本书在讲什么。 可是现在上课了,慢慢能抓到,能理解。虽然还是会遇到难题,我都会发问。 我就是尽量让自己抓到它的整个formulae。 * 接下来就是physcis。 之前那个华人老师换去马来老师。 值得一提是,虽然我们觉得现在这个马来老师的声音是杂音(有机会录下来给你们听听看),至少好过之前那个华人老师。 为什么酱讲呢? 因为那个华人老师不会用马来语或英语来解释。每次我们华人同学发问时,她都走到我们的旁边,然后小小声的用华语跟我们解释。-_- 然后她会一直写错字。我们好心提醒她,她就(一)不理,(二)不好意思地擦掉,但背后跑去校长那边大小报告说,我们让她很难堪。 什么嘛?!明明就你写错字,还要赖在我们身上。 老师,你不是姓赖的!!! * 过后就有chemistry。 说到这个老师,真让我们全班同学又气又好笑。 她写在白板上的note,简直是像大学教授给的note一样。 字体乱了就算了。那个note还是东一边,西一边。要好像玩拼图才能完整地抄整个note。 还记得上她的第一堂课时,我们有很多不明白的地方都向他发问。 怎知她所给得答案更加难明白。从此以后,我们上她的课时,我们的班是特别静的。 但这个老师很可爱的。她每天都笑眯眯的。从来没有看过她骂学生,还是心情不好的。 * 我这篇埋怨老师多过称赞老师。 可是,无论怎样,我都还是会尊敬、感谢这些老师。 如果没有你们,我想,我还是不能接受自己在pure science class。 谢谢你们!!!
Just Feel Better by Santana feat. Steven Tyler
She said I feel stranded And I can't tell anymore If I'm coming or I'm going It's not how I planned it I've got a key to the door But it just won't open And I know, I know, I know Part of me says let it go That life happens for a reason I don't, I don't, I don't Because it never worked before But this time, this time I'm gonna try anything to just feel better Tell me what to do You know I can't see through the haze around me And I do anything to just feel better And I can't find my way Girl I need a change And I do anything to just feel better Any little thing that just feel better She said I need you to hold me I'm a little far from the shore And I'm afraid of sinking You're the only one who knows me And who doesn't ignore That my soul is weeping I know, I know, I know Part of me says let it go Everything must have a season Round and round it goes And every day's the one before But this time, this time I'm gonna try anything that just feels better Tell me what to do You know I can't see through the haze around me And I do anything to just feel better I can't find my way God I need a change And I'd do anything to just feel better Any little thing that just feel better I'm tired of holding on To all the things I ought to leave behind, yeah It's really getting old, and I think I need a little help this time! Yeah [Guitar solo] I'm gonna try anything to just feel better Tell me what to do You know I can't see through the haze around me And I do anything to just feel better And I can't find my way God I need a change And I do anything to just feel better Any little thing that just feel better
在听着卜学亮的《子曰》 今天翻月历来。发现,新年之前,我们读一个礼拜,就休息。然后又读一个礼拜,就新年了。 在小时候,总非常期待新年的到临。那个时候是因为觉得又放假,又可以拿到红包。还回家乡和我的亲戚们见面。 现在长大了,之前的心情和期待,已没有那样的兴奋了。 反而很想要赶快回来我的家。回家乡吃个团圆饭,然后和亲戚聊聊天,就一直祈祷赶快回家。拿红包也拿到不想拿了。这种态度应该是小学六年级毕业,无形中就形成了。 不知道是什么导致我有这样的态度。可是,唯一我知道的是,我回家乡已经不知道要在那边干嘛了。 我的意思是说,在那边,我什么事都不能做。只是看看电视机,然后吃东西,过后就是无所事事,最后就睡觉。 当然,偶尔还有晚宴要出席。可是,通常那些晚宴都非常吵。如果遇到一些长辈的朋友,还有“给”他们看看,然后就是会介绍他的家庭。总而言之,整个场面都吵到很想逃离现场。 * 今年,我也有一样的态度。很想要快点回家。不想要待在那边很久。 可惜,我还有我的父母要听从。我不能违背他们的“命令”。
i love the ending part. It's just so sweet and i couldnt describe my inner heart feelings. Love them!!!
现在在听着陶晶莹和张雨生合唱的《我期待》 开学的第四天。正确来说,我们上课的第二天。 当初我下定决心,转变了一下概念和心情,我决定不换班。继续留在pure science班。 虽然现在的心还是不能平伏,但至少我已经能慢慢地接受。 我还不能给予最好的保证大声说:“我不会让大家失望的!” 我必须要改变。改变自己的读书方式,改变自己的观念,改变自己的想法态度。必须改变很多很多。 * 至今我们只是上了physics, bm, eng。其余的,不是老师有事不能进班,就是老师没来。真的不懂自己要怎样准备。 唉~ 只是想请问,哪里有得补习? * 25/1/2008 我们学校要进行merentas desa。 看来,新的一年,第一个活动,就酱展开了。 SAGA队!我们要加油噢~今年不能输给waja队!大家,我们拼了吧~
Pure science class!!!
Today's the second day of school.
And for all the form 4 students in my school means, today is the day that we'll know which class we should enter. * Well, i cant describe my mood now. Confusion, i guess. As you guys know, my target is to get into sastera class. And............ ................... ................... The teacher let me go to PURE science class. I almost cry when teacher announced my name. I want to go to sastera class. But my result wont allowed. I mean, if you want to get in sastera class with the perdangangan. Your kh must be at least get a "B". But i got "C" in kh. And so there goes away my dream class. And came the class that i never expect. After a hard thought and self questioning, i'm still a bit lost. I cant make decision that fast. I cant tell myself that i'm going to study in pure science class. I just cant. * Now, sitting in front of my computer, listening to songs. I guess i got an answer. And it's going to be a risk. A risk that i might kill myself if i cant handle it well. I'M GOING TO STUDY IN PURE SCIENCE CLASS!!! That's the risk i'm taking now. I cant really trust myself now. But i rather give a shot and let me to prove to myself that i'm not making a mistake. I just dont want to let myself down. So, my shot had given and it's time to action. All the best is what i can tell myself now.
一大早六点起身还有点不惯。还需要一点时间来适应。 * 中四的生涯就酱开始了。 回到学校时,突然发现我校的第一批学生要毕业了。 时间过得真的超快,那种心情仿佛就像昨天我们是中一的junior,而现在我们是中四了,变成senior了。再过一年,就轮到我们毕业了。 有点不能相信,但这是事实,我必须面对的事实。 * 唉~ 讲到今年的班,我到现在还在犹豫着。 今年我们的学校总共有5班。 分别有2班pure sci,1班sub-sci,1班sastera,1班arts。 我是打算进sastera的。(而且还是十分超级非常肯定那种)可是当老师宣布各班会都的科目时,发现,5班当中,有4班一定要读add math。 而我选的sastera就是其中一班。 相信大家都知道我的数学是烂到无话可说,(虽然pmr幸运拿到a)而且我还是超讨厌数学的。要我读add math还是有点不能接受。 可以说我是怕,也可以说我是不想要。 但校方都这样规定了,还真的想反抗呢~ 我有不能读science的。 单单chemistry就够给我哭三天三夜。更别说其他的physic和biology。 真的有点不知所措。 T.T * 可是我还是得做选择啊~ 不然我的前途就毁了~~~ 所以。。。 我。。。 决定。。。 。。。。。。。 。。。。。。。 。。。。。。。 还是读回sastera好一点。 就把add math当作知识般的对待。 与其放弃我要的科目,倒不如换个心态来接受。 我热爱学习,那就当作我是在学着一个新的知识。 我怕我会倒。可是我相信我会站起来的。 因为我还要给那些跌倒的人扶一把,所以我会加油的~ 一切都会好的!!!
Happy 2008!!!
HAPPY 2008!!!
Gosh~ There goes another year. And another had arrive. * Ok, let's talk about my final day of working. I was kinda touched. I mean everyone keep asking me, if i'm coming back to work again. Well, i really like every of you guys at there. But, i'm not a girl that can stays quietly in a place. I might going back for just like emergency need. Anyway, just wanna thanks to some people that gives me lots lots lots of care. First, to Soh Boon and Ida for teaching me lots of things that i was clumsy of. Sorry that sometimes i get into trouble and i made mistakes. Secondly to Kak Sal. (She sells bag. Nice looking bag.) You are like a big sister to everyone. Remember the first day i start to work. You asked me lots of question and i just answered it like a robot. Haha~ Thirdly, to Kak Ni. (She's working for Sumo's. You know the one which sells food.) Erm~ because you always give me extra kaya balls. Although you call me ah moi, i'd still like to see how to bake waffles and kaya balls. Oh ya, thanks for your compliment too. Appreciate it. Then, to the jeans shop. You guys made me happy whenever i my mood is down. Especially boss. Keep calling me "Lin Mei, Lin Mei", But you still managed to make me happy. Lastly, to my beloved lady boss. You treat me very well. You taught me more than anything else. I'm happy that i'm working with you. No regret. And no painful memory. Thanks a lot. Thank you everyone single of you. You guys ROCK!!! * It's going to be shool re-open. Gotta prepared everything and faced my new challenge. All the best!!! |