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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Hui ying ri's mood
Sorry for not update. Kinda tired.
* 24/11 Hui Ying Ri Woa~ Since i start to work, i havent been back to zhong xin. Feels like going back home. Great~ Now dxy is my second safest home i ever had. But i still love them no matter what happen. I almost cry when i heard i had a chance to going back to dxy. Dont ask me why, i just being a small girl. Well, i was very happy to see everyone again. Miss them a lot. So many things i want to tell them. So many stuff i want to share with them. So many smiles and happiness i can feel from them. So many delightful feelings i want to keep them forever. Maybe lots of people still dont understand why waste our youth in those kinda place. I'll give them this answer, "You know, people like us do lots of stuff and we feel lots of feeling that you might never got a chance. We cry together, we smile together, we work as one, we never leave anyone back. We are one. And that is a thing i learn from there." Guess they still cant understand until i introduce some of them into our big family. * I break a record. Hugging the most people in a day. I might not everyday hugging people. But, damn, those feelings still haunt me. And i loved it. We said good words when we were hugging. We shared tears when we were hugging. We Give them encouraging word. Hugging in our chinese traditional is not very open. But who cares. I mean, can you hug someone in the next mintues, seconds? Can you hug someone when you are busy? In another word, When is the last time you hug someone? I still cant forget the moment. They are still haunting me. I dont give a damn. I wish they will haunt me like that forever. Really. Forever. * Unfortunately, i cant stay longer with them. And i wont be participanting in Da Hui Shi. But my wishes will follow you guys. Good luck and have a nice day. =)
期待我人生中第一份薪水。 期待自己去做工,然后得到那种喜悦感。 期待能自己打算用自己的第一份薪水去买一本真真属于我的书。 期待能和朋友一起用掉自己本身的第一份薪水。 期待自己能好好规划自己的第一份薪水。 太多太多期待了。 期待到我自己也会控制不了自己。 不过,心想,这是我的“第一次”,当然会期待啦~所以我会珍惜这种感觉。这种非笔形容的感觉。 * 讲到和朋友用掉自己的第一份薪水,就想到又要牺牲钢琴班。 本来打算停钢琴班的。不知为什么自己又去。 现在有点伤脑筋,よいいかにべきであるか(该如何是好)
third week XD
Man, 3 weeks since i worked. 時間は本当に飛ぶ (Time sure flies)
* Well, there's this new open video shop. I went there to see what type of movie they sold. And i found out, i no need to go so far away to The Curve to buy anime as this shop did sell. (Yipee~) Anyway, i went in and you know, i get crazy when i saw movies, i started to talk and talk about those movies. Then, a cuztomer came in and asked which movie is the best. Before the worker had reacts, i started to talk and introduce those movie i loved and thought the best. Guess what? The customer actually bought it and he said he'll thank me if the movie is really nice. The worker was shocked and happy, that they keep asking me to work at there. I mean, hey, it's only ONE customer i served and i worked at another place. Not the the video shop. I only said, leave a space for me. Maybe next year i'll work there. T0day i went to that shop again. The told me, " You still remember the guy you introduce him a movie. Well, he actually did came back and want to thank you. He really loved that movie. Told you to work here." Haha~ Happy me~ *
说真的,我不是因为星期六、日要上班而讨厌这两天。我讨厌是因为我看到很多没有fashion taste 的人出来走街。
他们以为穿件黑衣,紧身裤,然后带大大个黑眼镜,在穿上boot,更衰样,把头发梳立起来。天啊~ 难道他们没有发觉,这是多么的难看,而且还令人作呕。我看到了,超想把我的眼镜挖出来,不要让他们受伤。 真的,真的很难看。 也许是我太高尚,看不惯他们这种打扮。但,还好,每次都没有走进店来,要不然,我会拿剪刀剪他们的衣服! * 再来,今天拍了相片。 有机会,贴上来,和大家分享分享一下。
1 week. i've learn so much.
Wau~ 1 week. 1 week i've been working.
Man, time does fly. * Anyway, i've beginning to look for shoes without their help. I can clean up the whole shop without them "commanding" me. I learn how to be polite in front of costumer. I learn that how we should appreciate every minutes during work. I learn that people will give reaction when you do not satisfied them. I learn that responbility is very important. Most of it, i learn that whenever you feel down, there always people beside your family will care about you. * I might still a little rough, but 私は試みを私の最もよい有する(i've try my best). Not only in the way i served, also in the way i do everything.
自己从来都没有想过。不过,现在回想,第一天做工的时候,我是那么的无知,那么的不知所措。现在,慢慢掌握整个场面,也开始知道所有鞋子的排位。 虽然有时还是要问前辈们,但,至少我问的比较少了。可能她们还是不放心,还要看着我。我都无所谓。 * 说到星期二,本来是有钢琴班的。可是做工了,特别的累,不想去。 我想跟老师说,我不能去表演了。残念(这个是日语,“对不起”的意思) 不是说我懒惰还是什么,而是觉得,自己做工了以后,觉得什么都是以工作为主。唉~ 怪不得我老爸那么担心我。 我真的不知道自己是从哪儿培养这种心态的。
I went to work :P
Sorry for not updating....
Went work from Thursday.... Man, damn tired but happy. * I try to take picture when i'm work. But i cant now. Cause it's the so-called "chech stock season". Hey, i've learn a lot of stuff that you might dont know. Especially those article number. So many, until i cant really remember those shoes places. Give me chances and time. I promise i will make it better. 私は約束する(i promise.) Anyway, i was really having fun. Looking at everyone expression when they knew those new arrival cannot have discount, when they knew that our stock in coming, when they keep asking for discount...etc. Really fun and i want to post their expression up here. But... Hehe~ you know... * Lastly, i will make sure i'll update as i can. Cause these few days really tired. Until i step into house straightly went to bed. Promise. |