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六月 2007
七月 2007 八月 2007 九月 2007 十月 2007 十一月 2007 十二月 2007 一月 2008 二月 2008 三月 2008 四月 2008 五月 2008 六月 2008 七月 2008 八月 2008 九月 2008 十月 2008 十一月 2008 十二月 2008 一月 2009 二月 2009 三月 2009 四月 2009 五月 2009 六月 2009 七月 2009 八月 2009 九月 2009 十月 2009 十一月 2009 十二月 2009 一月 2010 二月 2010 三月 2010 四月 2010 五月 2010 六月 2010 七月 2010 八月 2010 九月 2010 十月 2010 十一月 2010 十二月 2010 一月 2011 二月 2011 三月 2011 四月 2011 五月 2011 六月 2011 七月 2011 八月 2011 九月 2011 十月 2011 十一月 2011 十二月 2011 一月 2012 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
四天就是我们全国中三的考生们最重要的日子 大家拼了三年 就是为了那天 那一整个星期 pmr 1/10~5/10 大家都尽力 大家都想快点考完 然后去庆祝一番 父母也许比我们还要紧张 尤其那些爱面子 爱比较的 每天都在孩子面前说 我养了你那么多年 应该考好成绩来报答我们 真有点他妈的 是你考还是你孩子考 说到好像他的成绩会改变你的未来 最讨厌那种父母 不过一考完 我们会和朋友一班好好休息 然后再疯狂 疯狂后 准备中四 再来中五 spm 所以 各位考生们 我们好好加油 让那些瞧不起我们的衰人看看 我们是能的 Gambateh~
Sorry for late updating my blog. Well, kinda busy with PMR (Dude, it's next week), my blogskin (any one can help me with this<<<) and MOONCAKE! Of course i dont mean eat. You see, my mum run a business. She sold JELLY MOONCAKE! Yummy~ It's almost become a family business. I still considerly if i should continue or not. Anyway, i have shot some picture. Because i was a bit boring at that time. :P * This is our mooncake factory! See how neat and nice they are? Ok, guess what is this???........................ Well, can you guess???....................... It egg! Made by jelly. Really! And dont you ever dare to thought about those were something disgusting. I'll choked you to death. Haha~ Let me introduce. (Ehm ehm) Pink/ light red-- red bean; chocolate/ brown-- cendol; green-- swet corn; blue-- yam. * Thanks to all those customer who bought our mooncake. We really do appreciate you guys for buying and support our mooncake for all this year. My mum had start her business since 5 years ago. We do have some old customer and new customer every year. We really appreciate it. Have nice year. ^-^
Pasar Ramadhan
都说这个月是斋戒月,所以到处都有pasar ramadhan。 我妈因为忙着做月饼,所以不得空煮晚餐给我们三姐妹弟。所以妈就给我们钱去买我们的晚餐。 每个的档口食物都令人垂涎三尺。真的很好吃噢~而且价钱也蛮公道。(现在什么都起价了,当然要酱讲啦~要不然又起价) *
哈哈~我连我吃完了也拍下来。 当然啦~酱才能证明我是有吃的。而且是自己吃完的噢~老妈只是喝了一口的汤。
The Place I Loved
Peace, sad, happy, anger, happiness, sorrow, smile... All i can found from my house. I was like being destinied to live here and get everything to the right place. Although war happens, i'd still love here. Although i wanna get out from my house, i'd still live here till now. Never ask me why i had choose to live. Just ask me why i had myself to live in here. Might be the love that touched me Might be the comfort i seek for many, many, many life. Might be i just love here. Might be i want to rest here for my life. Might be i'm the one who deserved to be here. Might be... ... Too many unknown reason yet wish not to find out.
张学友 “在你身边” 许俾文&Orange “勾勾手手” Sean Kingston "Beautiful Girls" SHE “听袁维仁弹吉它” 陶吉吉 “爱很简单” 还有我的最爱 王力宏 “我们的歌” 超爱王力宏!!! 怪不到啦~ 我是他的粉丝。虽然不是头号,也不会疯狂的追他到天涯海角,但他永远都是第一! 爱死你了,力宏!
51 KG!!!
I'M 51 KG!!! OMG!!! Cant believe it!!! Well, my mum said she was much heavier than me when she's in my age. But 51! I wish someone can give me some secret. Please~~~ * Ok, i know i'm 51 kg. But hey, now's Bulan Ramadhan. That means, there will be Ramadhan Pasar. Means, FOOD!!! Ok, just now i was complaining my weight. And now food? Hehe~ But, hey, who doesnt love to eat? I'm just a girl who loves to eat. Then never give a damn to her weight until she step up on the body weight. Then she'll scream, and said," No more eating." 5 mintues later, she'll completely forget what she said 5 mintues ago. Yup, that's me. (How i love myself so much. Hehe~) * What i like the most is the POPIAH! Gosh, they're so delicious. And some spicy. I wonder how i fall in love with them. Clueless @_@ Anyway, i just love them. Delicious. Love it when they are hot. (My favourite--- POPIAH!!!)
一想到就觉得很开心。会不由自主的傻笑。不过,这就是我。纯纯真真的我。 所以,各位pmr考生们,再忍多两个星期,到时我们要怎样庆祝,要怎样玩,要怎样癫,都没有人会要我们因为考试而读书!万岁!(不好意思,本人有点妄想症) * 最近很多人都因为intensif而不来学校。 奇怪,只是一个intensif,为什么不要来学校?而且在学校,老师有讨论,有给时间我们做,还可以一起讨论。就只剩两个星期而已,为什么不要做最后的冲刺?怪怪的。 算啦~ 我只要有出席,然后有趣做,再讨论就可以了。 反正我就是那种在家里读不到,要在有朋友的情况才可以。 加油~
Haha~ months of hard work finally paid off!!! I did it!!! My math had improve!!! Although still cannot make sure if i had failed or not as teacher havent finish marking, i already know my paper 1 score. Damn! I got 28!!! Whoa~ Not only math but kh too... Last time i got 53. But now, 66!!! Dont wake me up in this dream. Cause i havent been so happy since exam week. * "ai wo" camp. I managed to get 16 people to join. Hey, but it's still cool. At first they were like, "What the heck? Camp? NO INTEREST!" But then i started to talk and talk and talk, they like, "Ok, let me think about it. But can photocopy a form for me?" Sure thing of course. I like to have friends around during the camp. Because i wont feel lonely. I able to to do work as they support me. I can also feel the strength to push me to go on. I always enjoy those feels. It's like you are not the only one who wants this camp to success. Not the one that work so hard but no one appreciate it. That's why i like to go to camp.
“我是鬼!” 他说,苍白的脸上一片木然。 “噢,我知道!”我谈谈的答到,轻轻的和他握了握手,他的手冰冷彻骨,却又好像没有任何实质的东西。 “请坐!” 我指了指凳子。 “你不害怕?” 他很奇怪。 “那你有什么害怕的”我笑了,“你不过是我们都将走到的一种形式罢了,正如我不会害怕老人,我也同样不会害怕你。你从地狱来?” “地狱?”他愣了一下,“你真的相信那帮人杜撰出来的地狱,有着刀山火海,牛头马面,阎王小鬼的那种?” “难道不是么” 我很好奇的问。 “我来自一个很遥远的地方,那里没有纠争,没有痛苦,我们就在那里永生着” 他似乎有点憧憬了,“其实,倒有点类似于你想象的天堂。” “你死之前一定是个好人。”我笑了“这倒不是,在那里不分什么好人坏人,你死了,也就失去了你全部的感情,你即不会再有行善的念头,也不会再有作恶的举动。你只需要享受富足的永生就是了” 他回答依旧是谈谈的。 “没有做恶倒是不错,估计你们那里也没什么善可以行了。说老实话,我倒从来没想过什么永生,正因为人能够意识到生命的短暂,才会加倍珍惜这有限的时光,正因为人有繁衍后代的举动,才会对于自己的亲戚朋友多了一份爱,进而对于这个世界多了珍惜和关爱。才会紧抓时间去让自己的生命燃烧。” 我直起了身子说道。“你难道不关怀你的朋友么?” “朋友?我没有朋友”他苍白的脸上掠过一丝慌乱,“做鬼是不能有感情的,你只需要平静的过你自己的生活就是了” “那样的日子并不值得骄傲,虽然你们可以心得事成,虽然你们可以无拘无束,虽然你们可以永生,但是缺乏了感情才是最大的不自由,当你们面对着富足甚至都不晓得感激或是激动的时候,真的是一种悲哀。如果你真的满足,又何必来找我呢?” 我不由提高了嗓音。 他抓了抓头发“是呀,我为什么要过来?我为什么不能跟他们一样?难道是我临走的时候偷偷藏在眼睛里的那一滴眼泪给弄的?” 他小声的呢喃着。 “这样吧!”他忽然抬起头来,你跟我一起去看看那个地方,也许跟你说的不一样呢!” “好呀!” 我很爽快的答应了。“有什么限制么?” 我问道。 “你必须把你的心留下来,别的没有了!” “为什么?” 他一把拿起了我的心,“你看!”他把手抖了抖,从里面源源不断的滚出一堆东西来。 “哟,我的心里面竟然好友那么多东西!”我仔细看了看,有分红的爱情,谈兰色的忧郁,火红的热情,灰色的沮丧,黑色的悲伤,白色的慈悲。。。五颜六色的摆了一个屋子。 “你看到了什么?”他扭过头来,“就是这些东西,这都是严禁带到那个世界,绝对禁止!” “我明白了,原来你们只是获得了肉体上的永生,却不能把这些精神上的东西同样的延续下去,所以就采取了这样掩耳盗铃的办法,以为隔绝起来就可以万事大吉。您请便吧,我只知道,没有了爱人,没有了亲人和朋友,没有了对于这个世界的关爱和感激,所谓的永生还有什么意义。也许我这一生跟你们比起来会很短暂,也许我会有这样那样的烦恼以及痛苦,也许我在物质上没有你那么富足,但是我的生命却很真实,对于这一切我很满足,也许再过几十年,我对这些都厌倦,我会去找你。但现在真的很遗憾!” 他张了张嘴,想说些什么,这时远方传来一声鸡叫,他便风一样的走了。 “唉,还是要我自己收拾。”我弯了腰,把他抖落的东西一件件的检起来,每一件都在月光下面熠熠生辉,从来没有想到,我自己竟然拥有那么多的财富,想到这里,我忽然觉得很满足。
My inner heart
I think i have change a lot this few days.
I was a happy girl. But i become very moody, tired, almost giving up on everything. Haha~ it's so weird. I cant explain what happened. Whenever i give out a reason, it feel like it's not a reason at all. It's like i'm getting more and more... useless. I'll never know why i had this feeling. Especially today. During exam, suddenly, it's like it hit me hard, i feel i'm useless. No matter how hard i try, i still cant success. Stupid me. Like i said, dont ask me why. I was kinda depressed that i almost yell out in the exam hall. Of course i will only do that in my dream. My heart was loaded with lots fo stuff. Stuff that i'm facing from the early of the this year. Guess 2007 arent my year at all. I had a rough start. I almost kill myself with my own pressure. It's so hard to breathe. Not to mention, so hard to focused. My only wish now, PMR ends earlier and let me sleep.
What A Wonderful World
我爸在前几天send了一封email来给我。 刚开始被它题目给吸引了。后来打开来看。 天啊~那些全部都是由一双手做出来的。真的很有创意,而且也很美。简直就像是神在表演。 能表演得这样如神,一定时常都在训练,而且他的信心也有。要不然要怎样在大庭广众之下表演。 我时常都欣赏这些艺人。他们的勇气,信心,才华,耐心等都时常吸引了我。
Sunday's my life
I just love going e le yuan. Although sometimes it's a bit boring, i'd still love going. Not to mention, i'm one of the comittee at there. That might be a reason why i love going to zhong xin.
It's like a big family at there. A family that combine everyone from everywhere. * Today i had my breakfast-- ROTI PLANTA. But one thing about it. It's oily and it's so hard to chew. (My god, i feel my teeth is crying for pain T.T) So i just ate half of it. The other half i let my doggie, Teddy to finish it. As he only eat, eat, eat in his life. (The curry that left a few. Arent they a bit cute?) After breakfast, like usual, calling my dad to hurry up. We always did that. Because WE ARE GOING TO LATE!!! On the way, we listen to Roxette. They were like the coolest band that ever exist. Especially the classic song (i mean for me), "Joyride". We watch movie today,"Marathon Kid". It's based on a true story, Korean movie. Very touching. I almost cry in the end. It's about this boy who had suffer from a diease. His mother was so frustrated. One day, her mum found out that he felt happy whenever his running. So his mother try her best to get a coach to teach him. The coach was sentenced by the law because of DUI to teach the special kids. The headmaster made a permission to let the coach train him. At first, the coach was very lazy, angry and disappointed. He didnt give a damn to him. But then, one day he found out that this boy had a strong memory. He can memorized every single word. From his mother's word to the coach's word and to television progamme. At that time, the coach put on his serious coat to teach him. But still, lazy. Once, coach ask him to run 100 times of the field. And he did. Coach felt that he had left behind from everything he had done. From that moment, he bigin to train him with full heart. Final, the boy got a record. Running 49.125 km in 2 hours and 57 minutes. And he's the first handicapped boy to break this record.
Ok,还有三个星期的时间就是pmr了。可是我觉得自己最近很懒。不想读书,也不想听到有人叫我读书。总觉得很烦。 ![]() 不过,我有在学校做练习题,和朋友讨论问题。只不过没在家温习而已。 我个人认为,在学校,大家一起努力,有朋友帮你,有朋友鼓励你。而且在学校,如果你懒惰的话,你是鹤立鸡群了。别人在读书,你在睡觉。 最近学校都在做intensif。与其说是intensif, 不如说是考试。我们只能在做完以后讨论。在做的过程,不能讨论,不能吵闹,不能走过位。。。就超像在考试。 虽然有点讨厌啦~可是也算是在温故知新啦~很多人因为说像在考试,所以都不来学校。往好的方面想,我们做了去年的预考的考卷,也看的出来我们有点笨。Form1 的题目也不会做,form2的勉强可以,form3的不用讲。 无论如何,不要再讲我没有读书!要不然,我生气的噢~
They are only 7 and 5!!!
Like i said before, hip hop is my life.
Yeah~ everyone agree with that. And they said that i can bring out the feel of hip hop. (Told by my friends. Dunno whether it's true or not.) One of my best friend send me this video clip. I was like whoa~shut up!!! You wont believe that they are only age 7 and 5. It's so unbelievable!!! The movement were so beautiful. They danced so smooth that it's like they were born to be dance like that. Really!!! I almost give up because of them. But of course i wont do that. Like i said, HIP HOP IS MY LIFE. HIP HOP FOREVER!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9t0R981_v8
感觉有点快又慢。我不知道其他人的心情是如何,可是,现在的我,已多多少少被感染了一点。开始紧张,开始做练习题。虽然会有点嫌迟,但我觉得嫌迟,好过没做任何行动。 最近我发现,我每做一件事,都没有理由。所以,我总是说:“别问我为什么,我也不知道”。好像我都是顺其自然的去完成,去圆满它。至今,我也许做了超过上千样东西,但,都是毫无理由。一样的,别问我为什么。
It's just me and you...
It's so weird that i dont feel anxious about pmr. But i feel more like reading other book than school. Maybe i just wanna see how does it feel like to being a naughty girl who doesnt do revision.
On the other hand, i feel more comfortable than any other time. I can read whatever book i want, do whatever i want. Relax and never thought any other stuff than i am. Well, he starts to work today. And i really wished he could put more concentration on his spm more than his family stuff. Not that i said he's a bad boy, he just need more time working on it. He always thought of not going to university when he got spm result. He thought that his mom cant afford it. I try to encourage him and it did work out. Although he still in a bit of struggle, i could sense that his changing his mind. Work for maybe 1 or 2 years, than find a suitable and affordable university. Now all i can do is stay by his side and be a good girl.
一从放学就赶去中心集合,然后再坐师兄们的车去东禅。在那边,我们等了进宝教士整整一个小时多,都还美安单。真的有点累,还站着睡着了好几次。可是,看到来自各地的朋友,也很开心可以再次的重逢。我和她们聊了很多。 虽然我们大学园是负责膳食组,(我最喜欢的一组)要早早起身准备食物给大家,可是我们都是以欢喜心,感恩心,心甘情愿地完成我们的任务。这次我们要在三个小时内,包2000人份的便当。包到手都发抖,而且还要戴着手套,口罩,类似像shower cape来完成任务。本来只有我们几个人而已,后来来自各地方的义工开始到东禅来报到,也来帮了我们,所以我们能在十点之前把2000人份的便当给包好。厉害吧? 他也有来东禅。不过他是来帮忙供僧的。看到他穿得蛮帅,心也不由自主地开心。 后来,我们要帮忙派结缘品给大众。当时场面乱得像在打仗。可是我们也是完成了任务。而且还有得边吃边派,所以我们的晚餐也酱吃饱了。 总而言之,我们很开心的在24小时之内,把我们的任务给完成。e乐园的同学也很开心,也看得出来他们很想再来帮忙。我也发觉自己越来越爱上他了。现在是等着爱我青年的到来。 各位,辛苦啦~ |